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Uncharted 2 Dominates 2010 AIAS

Thought Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was done winning awards? Not quite yet; it had one last major awards show to dominate.

The results are in and as you can see, Naughty Dog's gem raked in 10 awards at the 13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards, what many consider to be the most prestigious awards ceremony for the industry. Hosted by comedian and gamer Jay Mohr and taking place at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, the evening continued to pay homage to the unbelievable quality of Uncharted 2 . They also awarded David Crane, game designer and Activision co-founder, the first Pioneer Award, and ESA founder Douglas Lowenstein received the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award. Oh, and let's not forget about Mark Cerny, a big name in the industry and responsible for bringing us the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon , who was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Said Joseph Olin, AIAS president:

"The interactive world continues to grow and move forward every day. While we have seen tremendous advances in the community, I believe this is only the beginning. With the help of the tremendously talented men and women here tonight, we will continue to create games that inspire each other to continue pushing the envelope."

As for Uncharted 2 , it took home Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction, Adventure Game of the Year, Outstanding Achievement in Animation, Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering, Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction, Outstanding Achievement in Story – Original, Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition, Outstanding Achievement In Game Play Engineering, Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design, and of course Game of the Year. Batman: Arkham Asylum got some love, too, and there's a disturbing lack of respect for Assassin's Creed II , but other than that, Uncharted 2 basically swept. So what else is new? 😉

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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14 years ago

I'm so glad that Uncharted 2 is getting the recognition that it deserves a great game!!

Gloria, Gloria Perpetua

14 years ago

i love uncharted 2, its really awesome, but i heard assassin's creed has some really nice scenery they should of got an award too

14 years ago

And to think how epic Unchared 3 will be.

14 years ago

I can't think about it, it makes me too sad knowing how long it will be before I can play it.

14 years ago

I'm fine waiting because I know with certainty that Naughty Dog will deliver… man I wish I brought my PS3 abroad with me. Uncharted 2 is such a fun game!

14 years ago

Where you at?

14 years ago

New Zealand

14 years ago

"Uncharted 2" is hands down the best game of 2009 I thought that when I rented it last year and I know it now when I brought it three weeks ago.

The story for me got me hooked, the voice acting was amazing and the graphics only enhance the overall experience.

14 years ago

Booyah! Another notch on Naughty Dog's belt.

14 years ago

Nice job Naughty Dog!!!

14 years ago

Congratulations to Naughty Dog!!!… absolutely deserve these awards hands down. Superlative technical execution, memorable story telling and drama…

After having completed Uncharted 2 I unlocked all the behind the scenes videos to get a feel of their mastery at work. It was very satisfying to see the developers at the top of their game, pushing the hardware and creating and beautiful sumptuous world. I am currently on my second play through 🙂

Now imagine if Naughty Dog and Quantic Dreams teamed, one could only imagine… right?


"i am home"

14 years ago

If you're aiming for the platinum, enjoy Crushing mode, it's a challenge – but doable.

14 years ago

TheHighlander, I don't think I can do "crushing"… I barely got through in "easy" mode. My adage is that I don't want to wrestle and fight with the game… it must be "lite" entertainment in that I don't want to be overly frustrated or find it difficult to progress… I just want to enjoy the experience.

How did you find it? Did you manage to get platinum? I assume it is nigh on impossible!


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/19/2010 1:16:58 PM

14 years ago

Completing on Crushing is hard, but you get used to being both more careful and more aggressive at the same time. The problem with Platinum isn't Crushing mode, it's having to get a certain number of particular types of kill, for example taking out 3 or more people with a single blast. It doesn't sound so bad until you realize you have to do it several times.

I played through on Easy the first time and there are some really difficult sections because the difficulty setting only alters the combat. So setting the game on easy doesn't make sneaking around the museum any easier, nor does it make it any easier to select the right path through a level. All the leaping, jumping and climbing, is just as difficult on Easy as it is on Crushing.

But when I play though again, it will be on Easy, since I will be playing for fun.

14 years ago

I understand not wanting to struggle with the game and maybe end up being pissed at the experience….but crushing is SO worth it. The only truly DIFFICULT part is Lazarevic – and he can really be frustrating.

You really do just have to change HOW you play…can't run around too much. It's much more thought out and methodical.

Great game. I've played it 4 times and I'm still not tired of it.

14 years ago

Sven there is a method for defeating him which is a little bit of an exploit in terms of exploiting the way in which his AI chases you. You can balance how close he gets and keep moving around a specific obstacle and shooting at him and the environment as you go. Ultimately it's easier (and more successful) than running around while he chases you. I got so fed up with him that I googled it in the end – some would call cheating, I would simply say it was that or I would have done damage to my controller.

14 years ago

I felt the same way, though I was finally able to defeat him after about 40+ tries, but those few times I only needed one hit and I died almost brought an early death to my controller.

Coincidently that controller is dead because when me and my little bro were playing Borderlands, he made me laugh so hard that I spit water out all over the controller and myself

14 years ago


The worst thing about PS3 (and PS2/PS1) controllers is the rubberized plastic grip that is on the thumbsticks. That material eventually tears so that even if the controller is otherwise perfectly OK, you are screwed and have to buy another – or get creative with rubber cement…

14 years ago

I'm with you Qubex, I have no interest getting to the point where I am frustrated and get "controller through screen" syndrome. I loved the game on easy and still died a bunch of times, that's just right for me.

14 years ago

crushing is really easy.
well allot easier than other games like killzone 2, or even resistance 2.
killzone 2 on elite now thats a hard game.
well not as hard as DMC4 or ninja gaiden obviously but you have to be a fu**ing freak to go down that ally.

14 years ago

Crushing was definitely easier than Killzone 2 on normal… I am serious I have finished Uncharted 1 on crushing and now doing 2 but I still not able to finish killzone 2… wth…??

14 years ago

Wonder whether there will be a game of the year, award winning, special edition – perhaps even with some bonus content?

14 years ago

I finally picked this up the other day and oh man.. so good. Great multiplayer too aside from some occasional matchmaking nightmares. About to start my next playthrough on hard and so many treasures left to find.

14 years ago

still haven't got this game damn me and the atlantic ocean .lol

14 years ago

You gotta change that somehow!

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

its all well deserved.

14 years ago

I see that Farmville won Social Networking Game of the Year, hahaha..
That's awesome that Little Big Planet dominated last year and now Uncharted 2 dominates. Hopefully we'll see Heavy Rain and God of War 3 sweep them next year.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

My favourite game on the PS3 .

14 years ago

god damn farmville it's enough its spamming facebook but to win an award for that i really hope all the plants and animals in the world of farmville die a horridness death so as to have farmville no more ,mwwwwaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa

14 years ago

That's what I'm talking 'bout!

Greatness deserves praise!
WELL deserved

14 years ago

Naughty dog is awesome they deserve it.

"Who ordered the whoop ass fajitas!?!"

Last edited by Silent_J on 2/19/2010 2:13:51 PM

14 years ago

@ svenMd 6 months to go to be bak in new york .6 more months …. but i'll probably buy it b4 that

14 years ago

I haven't played it yet, cause I'm actually playing Valkyria Cronicles. I'm on chapter 14. Hopefully I'll finish it soon cause my Uncharted 2 copy is getting dusty and I want to play it!

Last edited by hellish_devil on 2/19/2010 2:17:32 PM

14 years ago

Great news, good, naughty dog.

As a side note on PS3 going from strength to strength, anyone heard about Lost Planet 2, a substantial amount of game is going to be cut from the 360 version because of the size limitation's of the DVD. PS3 version to be full and as originally intended. Can I be first to say lol.

14 years ago

Hopefully this is true…! We deserve it. 🙂

14 years ago

The PS3 version will be the same as the 360 version. Capcom said the content was cut from the game even though PS3 disc size would have accommodated.

14 years ago

Glad I don't care about that game.

14 years ago

its another reason not to care

14 years ago

Well, I care about it. It's full storyline coop and the demo was awsome. Hopefully the extra content pops up as (low priced) dlc.

14 years ago

yep i heard imagi but i think its for both versions not sure yet

14 years ago

I also read that it's for both copies of the game, & I also read that the dude from Capcom that made the decision was practically tearing when he had to decide what "major content" of the game to take out.

14 years ago

I played Uncharted 2 first then Uncharted:Drake's Fortune afterwards. Man I really appreciate all the improvements and polishing. The controls that were annoying in the first one, all got so smooth in the sequel.

14 years ago

Yeah, but you have to know that when the first one came out it was one freakin' sweet game. Compared to a lot of other games the game play and controls were accessible and smooth. Uncharted 2 kinda took that and ran with it improving all the areas of weakness that the controls in Uncharted Drake's Fortune had.

It's no wonder the game has won so many awards. If you compare the video game awards given to Uncharted 2 to the kinds of movie awards given, things get interesting. The number of awards and wide acclaim for Uncharted 2 is similar in scope to the kinds of acclaim for movies like Titanic, Ben Hur, Lord of the Rings – Return of the King and even Gone With The Wind.

Considering the success and enduring appeal of these movies and other big winners at the Oscars, Uncharted 2 seems destined to be the kind of game that is talked about throughout this and subsequent generations of game and console.

14 years ago

Few games have deserved ever piece of praise that they get. Uncharted 2 is one of thous games.

By the way, anyone catch the what was basically a Twisted Metal Confirmation? Jaffe walking on stage, people chanted "Twisted Metal!". He goes "Soon, Bitches. Another 8 to 9 months."

14 years ago

where was that ??? i need a new TM so baaad

14 years ago

The pity is that Assassin's Creed II came along at the same time, had Uncharted 2 not been there, I think ACII would have had a great chance of getting similar acclaim.

14 years ago

Yeah Oyashiro, where did you hear that? he did say thought that the new game will have cars but that could be anything including Calling all cars 2 0_o

14 years ago

lol soon bitches! Awesome.

14 years ago

10 awards! That's what you get when Naughty Dog drops bombs all over ODST and L4D2.

14 years ago

To be fair, ODST was running on an old engine and was only 4 hours long. Some would say that L4D2 was funning on a barely upgraded 10 year old engine and was marginally longer than 4 hours…

Honestly, ODLC is a downloadable expansion, and L4D2 is an upgrade, not a sequel. Uncharted 2 was an upgrade, a sequel and a stand along game with it's own story, and of course peerless acting, writing, music, visuals and execution.