EA wants to rejuvenate the seriously ailing Medal of Honor franchise and to do that, we'll need a new setting and new gameplay features. Basically, we need a complete overhaul.
And it's very likely that we'll get just that; we really like how EA is tackling this new project (dedicating one entire team to the single-player campaign and another whole team to the multiplayer is one example). For long-time fans of the franchise, though, this "go in a new direction" philosophy has left them a tad skeptical, and they wonder if this new entry will even be recognizable as "Medal of Honor." Well, despite the drastic changes – and hopefully, improvements – we're anticipating, EA says the game will still boast many of the same elements that will be easily recognizable by the fans. According to what executive producer Greg Goodrich told IncGamers , the team is well aware of the dangers of stripping a series of all familiar features. Said Goodrich:
"Nowadays there are certain things that a first-person shooter player expects, and we want to make sure that we're doing something that they're accustomed to, and what we like and what our fans like. There are also things that the Medal of Honor player expects; things that have been in this franchise since its infancy.
Even though we're moving onto a new war, a new enemy, and a new warrior, there are certain things that will remain, independent of what the timeframe is and who the enemy is."
So what sticks around? Well, the "peek and lean" feature, for one. Goodrich says it has "always been in Medal of Honor " although I don't recall being able to do that in the original title… Well, my memory could be off on this one and anyway, it's good to see that this impending overhaul won't entirely strip the franchise of those elements that we've enjoyed in the past. Personally, this is one series that I sincerely hope can make a triumphant return.
I hope they can do a good job on this one. This series is what got me into FPS in the first place.
yes,agreed .I'm glad that there bringing Medal of Honor back.I cant recall the peak and lean feature in the early title too, maybe caz I havent played MOH in a while.
I bought the two original titles on the PS Store. I think I'll give them another shot before this one comes out.
Hard to believe at one point COD was considered a knock off of MOH. Be good to get this stuff back.
"i am home"
Ain't that the truth!
In case anyone's wondering what he's talking about, he's talking about L1 is aim and R1 is shoot.
That, along with the Unreal engine will keep things recognizable.
<<<<Well, the "peek and lean" feature, for one. Goodrich says it has "always been in Medal of Honor" although I don't recall being able to do that in the original title.>>>>
Yes you have total recall & your memory is correct! Not till much later on, did the lean & peak feature show up
That wasn't what he was talking about……
He was talking about the ability to lean or peak out to shoot.
FYI, I just checked all my M.O.H. manuals, MOH, MOH Underground(for the PS1), & MOH Frontline, MOH Rising Sun, & MOH European Assault(for the PS2).
And out of those first five games, only the 5th one, "European Assault" was the first MOH game to come out with the peek/lean out feature.
And, either "Move" or "Lean In"(in "Aim" mode) was both, accessed by using the D-pad.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/19/2010 9:57:22 PM
cool Ive been looking forward to some news on this title and I hope they can make a triumphant return as well.. I use to play this all the time with my friends. Its also good to hear that they are really focusing on the campaign and multi in two separate teams. I love a FPS with a great campaign along with a great multi-player and im sure MOH will deliver.. ever since hearing about this a long while back its the main reason why I skipped out on MW2 and BC2. Plus I hear MW2 is crap online anywayz just full of hacks and one-shot kills screw that, thats what kills a game to me.
Last edited by fuk u on 2/19/2010 12:30:06 PM
Just a friendly FYI……
You should change your username to something a little more appropriate for this site, before the "ban" hammer comes crashing down upon you.
The last MOH was not that great so I would not just pass on other titles in hope this delivers.
oh and FYI, I'd listen to BikerSaint.
I remember way back when Medal of Honor was THE definitive war game. It was such a big deal when it first launched because Steven Spielberg was looking over it. The first game and Underground were both amazing FPS titles. The environment and sounds were incredible. After Spielberg and Dreamworks left the series, though, it slowly began to die. Frontline on the PS2 was pretty fun. Easily the best MoH title on the system. Rising Sun and onward were horrible, though (IMO). Airborne on the PS3 was one of the glitchiest and most plain FPS I've ever played. I'm excited for this re-boot. It's definitley been a long time coming and I'll be one of the first in line to try it out (here's hoping for a demo and not one that's only multiplayer).
Definitely agree with having a SP demo. If they have 2 different teams working on the game then they need to have 2 different demos. Sign me up for the Single Player demo please!!
I thought Rising Sun was sweet! I like the battle ship levels.
yup and yup.
yayy fps… oh yeah.
I have high hopes for this game, I just hope it doesn't get rushed. Keep the controls and the amount it takes to kill similar to CoD, keep the maps a decent size (not BFBC big, more like CoD4), I hope it has a good variety of game types and the matchmaking works better than mw2's. If it sounds like a triple A title like we've come to expect from the MoH franchise it will find its way into my loving arms shortly after release.
Recognizable feature for me would definitely be the green health bar surrounding the compass on the bottom right in the screen.
Judging by that screenshot above.. doesnt look too promising.
i just hope this does not take the tone of another war game, im really sick of those.
maybe have it set as a secret agent team hired as hitman to do the governments dirty work.
just something different, i think we have had enough war games for now.
I think I will need a demo for this one first. I have the entire library (they raped me on the first PS3 version). 2010 is EA's last chance to dazzle me–save Criterion's next game.
I agree I hope MOH can make a triumphet return, loved Rising Sun. Just hope they keep offline multiplayer an option thats what I truly love about this franchise, not that online wouldn't be fun but sometimes I just like player one on one with my friends when they come to visit.