Initially, Disney's Epic Mickey was supposed to be in development for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. But it didn't take long before Warren Spector and Junction Point Studios decided to shift their first title exclusively to the Wii.
This didn't go over too well with those who either don't own a Wii or have no intention of owning one, but it seems that with the impending motion sensing technologies for both the PS3 and 360, there might still be hope. This from Disney's Graham Hopper in speaking to Gamasutra ; Hopper said the game's core concepts are rooted in its "ink and paint mechanic," which is why it fits well with the Wii. But we've got the PS3 motion controller and Natal for the 360 on the horizon, so the situation has changed. "If we started it 6 months ago we would have potentially thought differently about it," he said. Now, it's no surprise to learn that Disney has a very large audience amongst Wii owners, but at the same time, we have to assume a game like Epic Mickey would do very well on the PS3 and 360. And we don't necessarily have to rely on motion sensing, do we? I suppose it'll have to remain in the game, but perhaps they could simply implement some traditional controls…and couldn't they make it a lot prettier, too? Of course they could.
We'll let you know if Disney ever decides to pursue any other platform besides the Wii for this game. In the meantime, guess we'll just have to be satisfied with the likes of Heavy Rain and God of War III . …oh darn.
…and the flood of Wii shovelware ports begins. Thank you very much Arc and Natal.
Not that I think Mickey will (although it might), I think we'll see a flood of Wii ports coming our way. I'm sure developers will start pushing some of their garbage Wii games our way.
Thanks a lot Nintendo Wii. Worst Console ever.
I want to hate you, but I love the Avatar, and everything you type, I read it in Adam West's voice!
I can stroll down any video game aisle in any store, and be bombarded with "shovelware" on the PS3 and XBOX360. "Shovelware" is not a console exclusive. There is a higher percentage of bad games on the Wii, but not by a huge margin, and if you concider how many more Wii units are out there, percentage wise, logically they would have more games that don't cut the mustard. Great games CAN be made for the Wii as evidenced by Nintendo created games. Do not blame a console for shovelware, blame developers and consumers who buy that crap.
You make a good point, there will be a bunch of ports with the motion stuff. Sca-ree.
If it's not a wii port and uses a regular controller i'd buy Epic Mickey for Ps3. Well if I like the graphics and gameplay that is.
Last edited by Blaiyan on 2/19/2010 10:48:46 PM