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EA: No Dev For Online Multiplayer Can Compete With DICE

Think the Call of Duty franchise has cornered the online gaming market? Think no other title could ever compete with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ? Well, if yes, EA is going all Judas Priest on you by saying quite clearly, "you got another thing comin'."

In a recent PSM3 hands-on preview of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 , they said it was the "best online game" of the generation yet, and even better than the supposedly superior Modern Warfare 2 . As soon as we saw this, we were reminded of EA's claim late last year, that they weren't afraid of CoD and that Bad Company 2 could "easily compete" with MW2. And now, they're reinforcing that claim by adding more fuel to the fire: according to MCVUK , EA product manager Will Graham has upped the ante yet again.

"DICE is at the forefront of defining the multiplayer and online vehicle warfare space and has substantial pedigree in this area following many years of success. We genuinely believe there isn't a developer out there that competes with DICE in this space, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is going cement that. The use of vehicles in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 sets it apart from the competition and no one else in the industry does this better.

This is also something the core are very excited about: DICE's history of delivering a multiplayer experience utilising vehicles is something that sets it apart from anything else in the market. It's also an element that fits with the increasing emphasis on multiplayer for gamers in general."

DICE is a damn good developer. There's no doubt that BC2 will be a damn great game. But how many are about to say EA's production is actually a better online shooter than MW2? Well, one of these games in question isn't even out yet, so perhaps we shouldn't pass judgment and besides, there are people who don't like MW2, believe it or not. It's great to see EA really supporting their products, though; they've come a long way since 2007.

Related Game(s): Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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14 years ago

@ OtisFeelGood,

I totally agree. The multiplayer demo for Bad Company 2 was actually horrible in my opinion. The framerate is very low compared to MW2, & the graphics are really lacking. Didn't see much towards any type of customization & I think that the fact that EA/DICE has only allowed one review to be made public, they have to be hiding other reviews, & building the hype for this game based on Game Informers review. Just my theory. I know, I know, can't judge based on the demo, the multiplayer is glitch-proof or whatever, the first Bad Company's story mode is longer, but I doubt it'll beat MW2 when it comes to multiplayer. This'll be a pass for me.

14 years ago

They are gonna have to go the MS route and pay some other people to say nice things about it, you can't just talk up your own product and expect people to believe you all the time. I'm FPSed out until Resistance 3 so I don't give much of a rip but hey guys, don't get bogged down in the need to make EVERYTHING a massive multiplayer experience. You still have to squeeze it all onto a DVD9.

14 years ago

Still using that crap notebook, eh?

14 years ago

You talking bout my PC? I was saying they are gonna hafta make this thing fit onto the format for a lesser console.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/18/2010 10:58:36 PM

14 years ago

I understood what you were getting at. Sorry I didn't explain my comments further. You mentioned you were tired of FPS and it made me wonder if you still had thee ole junker.

14 years ago

You know I don't PC game, stop peer pressuring me!

14 years ago

Sorry, I'll take MAG, thank you very much..

14 years ago

That is what I mean… I think MAG stands up heads and shoulders over a lot of shooters… now imagine a MAG version of Killzone…


"i am home"

14 years ago

…also, i had to make a choice… after playing the BC2 demo I quickly decided to invest in GoWIII… I just have to support the Sony 1st party studios… they are the life blood of our beloved machine… and with out them it would be a green and white world… the 3sixty robots would rule… and we don't want that do we now?


"i am home"

14 years ago

I personally want the 360 to continue to exist. Competition leads to competitive pricing and quality.

14 years ago

They need to add blue ray or something. Capcom admitted that they had to cut a bunch of stuff out of Lost Planet 2 because they couldnt fit it on the DVD.

Guess what though?! they are going top be kind enough to sell it separately as DLC. =)

14 years ago

@ jawknee

that's bs i read about capcom givin us the shaft cause the 360 lacked space. we whould not have to suffer cause MS decided not to move forward this generation. just for that remark capcom said about LP2 i'm not even picking that up out of the bargin bin.

14 years ago

Capcom retracted their previous statements and no longer are putting the blame on the limitations of DVD format.

14 years ago

they're probably gettin back lash now for admitting tryin to force feed us that damn DLC. we're not dumb we know dvd9's are not big enough

14 years ago

Let's hope they impress, I dont think they are marketing right though. I'm not a big shot CEO of a gaming company but I don't think mw2 and BFBC2 relate much in the online aspects from what I could tell from the BFBC2 demo, the maps are still way too big IMO it still takes entirely too much to kill people is a 1 shot sniper kill too much to ask? (other than headshots) Also unless you have killstreaks you won't get the adrenaline junkies off of mw2. You know they got to keep the kill/death ratio on the up and up.

14 years ago

I have been playing the demo a lot and loving it. I decided to play a few matches of MW2 about two days ago and after 10 matches of camping, dual wielding, and infinite care packages I remembered why I stop playing it.

I'm not saying that it's a bad game but it does have too may problems to overlook. And the horrible servers don't help either(3 out of 5 times host migration doesn't work!!).

I like the fact that B:BC2 is more squad based and concentrates in teamwork, instead of just run,shoot,run,shoot,run,shoot,die or camp,shoot,camp,shoot,killstreak,camp,shoot,killstreak,camp,shoot,nuke.

BTW I'm not an angry gamer that sucks at MW2, I'm not pro material at all, but also not a noob either. I am a good enough player to know when a game has broken multiplayer.

Just wanted to add: EA I don't like the way you are speaking about this game. It reminds of Microsoft talking about how Forza is better than Gan Turismo, it just makes you look bad IMO.

Last edited by iGraves1 on 2/18/2010 11:44:23 PM

14 years ago

There was another patch that was released recently that FINALLY fixed the infinite care package exploit. And I agree about the servers.

14 years ago

whats that like patch 30.0?

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/19/2010 12:52:30 AM

14 years ago

The patch to fix the care package exploit was hacked less than a day after its release.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 2/19/2010 1:21:42 AM

14 years ago


14 years ago

@ LV I remember downloading that patch, then just a few hours later I saw a group of people getting infinite turrets.

Last edited by iGraves1 on 2/19/2010 3:16:11 AM

14 years ago

There was another patch released a couple days ago that fixed the exploit. Haven't seen any issues since.

14 years ago

this is exactly why i hate EA.
they have the WORLDS! biggest mouth, they just do not know when to shut the f**k up.
ok we get it, you are confident, no adiment that battlefield bad company 2 has better MP than MW2.
ok we get it, you dont have to chime on about it for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2 fu***ng years!
EA are lucky i really want to play this because their about 2cm away from talking me out of a sale.
just like dan greenwalt and his fat mouth did with forza 3.

14 years ago

"they just do not know when to shut the f**k up."

uh huh…..

14 years ago

What's wrong with them talking good about their games? I personally cant wait for bfbc 2. I enjoy mw2 also but the first bfbc got me hooked on their online play. So I do think bfbc 2 will have the best overall online play, even better than mw2.

If you dont want to buy it then dont! Plain and simple!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

You need to like…calm down.

14 years ago

whats it matter to you anyway no name? your going to buy it play it and return it in a week for your money back anyways as your so proudly announced to the rest of us who actually pay for our games the right way.

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/19/2010 12:51:50 AM

14 years ago

And everyone knows Activision's Bobby Kotex has the biggest mouth.

14 years ago

Geesh the guy gets a new bodyguard (Roach) and now he's all huffy puffy.

Speaking of Roach where is the guy, he's usually moments away from backing up his internet bud.

14 years ago

im cool as a cucumber.
i just hate it when people brag like a spoilt brat.
they just have to slice the wound open and keep rubbing salt in it, enough it enough, say its better thats fine that move on.
honestly they have been bagging MW2 ever since IW announced that MW2 will not have dedicated servers.
thats how many months? 4?
lets go with 4.
so for 4 straight months all they have been able to say to promote BFBC2 is its better than MW2, or our title will have dedicated servers.
im not a parrot. i dont need reminding every 5 minutes.
the industry has turned into freaking 8 year olds playing the willy waving game.
instead of explaining why you should play my game instead of theirs ill just insult theirs.
im sorry, at which point did politicians become game developers?
i missed that transition.

14 years ago

Are you typing on a Dr Seuss typewriter?

Seriously, you space at random spots and end your sentences all over the place. I'm honestly fascinated by your inability to write anything of coherent value.

14 years ago

no name guy you have a point. they need to just let the game speak for itself and stop running off at the mouth. they can talk till they're blue in the face about how much better their game is but gamers have the final word

14 years ago

lol, Vertigo you stole my thoughts. I was gonna remark on that very thing.

14 years ago

i agree it could dethrone mw2 online easily just cause of two things one the vehicles and another destructible environment.destructible environments was the main reason why i liked bfbc 1. cause whats better than blowing up a wall where a camper hides behind. another its funny and bad ass to blow up a complete building n watch its collapse on your opponent.i cant stop playing the demo i already of course pre order my copy of bfbc2.i will admit though first bfbc did suck online, single player was better.if you played bfbc1 and playing bfbc 2 demo now u can literally see improvements what they did in bfbc2.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 FTW!!!!!!

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 2/19/2010 1:09:54 AM

14 years ago

i believe its already been dethroned by MAG, but sadly not much people will admit it because its an exclusive game. if MAG was multiplatform, it would kick MW2 and BF:BC2 ass, not to mention the game would be nonexistent since its can only be done with ps3.

14 years ago

MAG is pretty awesome actually, but like LV I have been playing BF2 for years. To be honest, you do not really need to do much to top MW2's MP, I could only stand a few days of it, hell, I kept it around in case my friends wanted to play Spec-Ops and thats it. For FPS I respect KZ2's engine, and the Frostbite engine.

@________(a.k.a Negative Nancy)
Why do you only complain about everything when you decide to post? I mean what is the point? It doesn't matter if you want to buy BC2 or not, maybe you can accept the fact that DICE has crafted an amazing shooter and is damn proud of it. If you do not care to read about how excited they are about BC2, THEN DO NOT READ THE ARTICLE.

14 years ago


14 years ago

ok they have made a fantastic shooter does that mean they have to talk sh*t about infinity ward every day of the week?
i dont see naughty dog talking sh*t to the developers who made lara croft.
i dont see bungie talking sh*t to GG.
i dont see epic talking sh** to insomniac.
just because you made a better game than anyone else does not give you the right to brag about it and talk sh*t about others creations.
for once i would like to hear a developer explain why THEIR game is better, not why the competitions worse.
every single time i hear a developer get asked why should people buy your game instead of game x they will talk sh*t about game x and not mention a thing about their own.
only developer who has not done that is visceral, when they were asked that in reference to GOW they were quite flattered and said only good things about GOW and actually mentioned things that make DI differ to GOW.
thats what a developer should act like, professional, modist, tame.
not like a a$$ who are so full of themselves.
dan greenwalt for example.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Dude, WHAT are you talking about? EA isn't "talking sh**" to anybody. They never even mentioned Infinity Ward or Call of Duty in that source. They just said they think DICE is the best at what they do.

Do you even READ what's written?

14 years ago

yea sure ben they have never, ever talked sh** about either IW or MW2.
rolls eyes.

14 years ago

The Battlefield series has been govong solid online performance for years, the latest bad company is the most fun yet.

To all those MW2 players and other newbie's 'n' nobs, here is a vid that will help a whole lot.

14 years ago

He's looking for free cheese to go with all that whine!

14 years ago

I tried the demo its good, dunno if its better than MW2, still worth picking up if you sleep in money.

14 years ago

Good stuff EA Bad company is WIN in my book the demo is amazing …. and that is only one area lol also MW2 the UI it far to messy to much crap on the screen I like a nice clean screen for my FPS's

14 years ago

What? thats completely unreliable information everyone knows Warhawk is the greatest online shooter ever 😀

14 years ago

I play MAG alot now and the chatter I hear alot over the air on that game is that most people prefer MAG to MW2. Plenty will disagree with that, probably based off just playing on the demo or an hour or two on it's release. You also have vehicles in MAG although it's still not the same as the BF:BC series. My point is that, although MW2 has a massive fanbase, there's a substantial number of people who are sick of MW2 and are looking for another alternative. I honestly believe that BF:BC2 can offer that and in great style.
I personally prefer the first BF:BC to MW2, mainly because of the destructive environments and the use of vehicles.
There'll always be the die hard fans for the CoD MW series and thats cool, I can just see BF:BC2 really giving it a run for it's money.

14 years ago

Totally agreed. I also have a theory that the majority of MW fans only (or mainly) play MW and probably not FPS fans in general. I've always preferred the older PC CODs.

The only thing I hope they add in the release version as a separate sensitivity adjustment for the y-axis.

I found aiming on the move a bit difficult on both PS3 & 360 demos.

Planning on getting both PS3 and PC version of BF:BC2

14 years ago

EA and DICE sure do have a cocky attitude. cant compete??? HA!! Nobody cares for vehicle warfare……….. Killzone 2 blows them out of the water. and is the most addicting FPS I have ever played. Cookie cutter FPS are a penny a dozen. Guerrilla Games is a better developer that most out there. wait til KZ3!! they will blow our minds!

14 years ago

I'm wondering how many FPS you've played. KZ2 is a great game but it doesn't blow other FPS out of the water.

14 years ago

kilzone 2 blows every fps this gen out of the water. just playin it you can tell guerilla put a lot of time into it.