Think the Call of Duty franchise has cornered the online gaming market? Think no other title could ever compete with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ? Well, if yes, EA is going all Judas Priest on you by saying quite clearly, "you got another thing comin'."
In a recent PSM3 hands-on preview of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 , they said it was the "best online game" of the generation yet, and even better than the supposedly superior Modern Warfare 2 . As soon as we saw this, we were reminded of EA's claim late last year, that they weren't afraid of CoD and that Bad Company 2 could "easily compete" with MW2. And now, they're reinforcing that claim by adding more fuel to the fire: according to MCVUK , EA product manager Will Graham has upped the ante yet again.
"DICE is at the forefront of defining the multiplayer and online vehicle warfare space and has substantial pedigree in this area following many years of success. We genuinely believe there isn't a developer out there that competes with DICE in this space, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is going cement that. The use of vehicles in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 sets it apart from the competition and no one else in the industry does this better.
This is also something the core are very excited about: DICE's history of delivering a multiplayer experience utilising vehicles is something that sets it apart from anything else in the market. It's also an element that fits with the increasing emphasis on multiplayer for gamers in general."
DICE is a damn good developer. There's no doubt that BC2 will be a damn great game. But how many are about to say EA's production is actually a better online shooter than MW2? Well, one of these games in question isn't even out yet, so perhaps we shouldn't pass judgment and besides, there are people who don't like MW2, believe it or not. It's great to see EA really supporting their products, though; they've come a long way since 2007.
Related Game(s): Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Becoming proud of you EA.
The online multiplayer experiences would still be somewhat different between MW2 and BC2 wouldnt it?
BC2 has vehicles in it, something i cant see MW ever having.
BC single-player was fun enough =D
Well the one difference you'll see is far less hacking and false modding of the original content. MW2 is plagued with one shot kills to the foot and hackers.
EA's really suprised me within the last 2 years. Im very happy with most of their games theyve realeased. Keep them coming
exactly, theyre trying to compete with modern warfare 2 because it doesnt have vehicles, not counting the killstreak rewards. For me, im playing mag all the way.
Believe the hype. Battlefield is back and is about to dominate the online scene. I wasn't a big fan of the first installment but they have done something great with this one. I love the gameplay, the size of the map in the demo, and the physics. This is a much better experience than Modern Warfare 2, and I've been an Infinity Ward junkie for years. Now I'm ready to roll with Dice. 😉
Having played BF2 since 2005 I view DICE the same as I view Valve when it comes to online gaming, the best there is out there.
I hope all you that have down voted me get raped in hell by your ugliest relative.
It's your own fault with your constant suckling of the Valve teats.
Mommy doesn't like me to go thirsty, I like being a good boy.
Valve must've done something in the past decade that I missed.
I mean, other than sit on their fat asses and make fun of the PS3, all the while making one game every five years that makes us go, "hey…is this 1995?"
lol Nice one
I'm setting up a Valve spotlight in my town so in case there is ever any trouble and I need Ben to come to the rescue I can turn it on and he'll be here within minutes. 🙂
I think you mean 1998, not 1995.
Nah, even when it was 1998 I was thinking Valve was still in 1995.
Thanks you guys! I've been having a lousy couple of days and I haven't stopped laughing at this one… 1995! HAHAHAHA
Ben – you're all right!!
Well, let hope it's true, because really we need developers to step up & keep 1-upping all the other competition with each new game they make.
lol Bikersaint nice pic
I put BC against MW back in the day, BC blew it out of the water, least according to me. history repeats itself, this'll be a preorder for me.
That's "Demon Dog's" alter ego, showing off his softer side…all warm & cuddly, don't ya think????.
What the hell is EA smoking??? That BC2 demo was nowhere near as good as MW2. Not even as good as the beta version of MAG. This is all my opinion of course.
but one is a demo and one is a full game.
I also said it wasn't as good as the beta version of MAG.
I actually like it more then MW2 and MAG's beta.
bc2 is not that great. i can't get jiggy with it.
Yeah, its far from great but oh well.
a beta isnt no where the same as a demo….. and id hat to be the first to say this but mag came short on so many aspects i dont feel it was worth the 60 doolars i gave for it i know for a fact that bfbc2 will blow modern warfare 2 away
"i know for a fact that bfbc2 will blow modern warfare 2 away"
lol You know for a FACT? If you say so…
I agree with Otis.
There's nothing BC2 offers that MW2 offers twice as better (unless you count the unfair advantage that the vehicles give people)
IMO MW will always be better than BC for the fact that MW is revolutionary with the killstreaks and camo unlocks and stuff like that and there just isn't anything unique about BC IMO.
Last edited by Titch1794 on 2/21/2010 1:54:09 PM
We get it EA, you want your game to be mentioned along with MW2 as much as possible. However, it's a little more impressive when someone else other than the game's publisher goes on about how great it is.
Oh, and one more thing…..
That's a lot of crowing about "multiplayer" coming from a publisher that is notorious for shutting down the online features in their games fairly early.
Last edited by Hezzron on 2/18/2010 10:25:15 PM
I'm still playing BF2 online and it's going on 5 years now…
If you're referring to their sports servers shutting down than I think it's only fair you mention that or you're misleading people. I see nothing wrong with shutting down servers for a sports game hardly anyone is playing anymore.
Who are these fools that don't like MW2? Point them out to me! I'm camped and ready to snipe their asses.
As for Dice, they do make great games, but why do their soldier's move so slow? The BC2 demo was a bit jarring after playing a couple hours of MW. As for vehicles, well… I prefer being on foot.
One down. Who's next?
I bid my blade to that list.
Ok… steeeeeady, steeeeeadyyy
Me too, couldn't even finish single player on the first one 🙂
Cant me too.
I hated MW. I went with Vegas and Vegas 2 over that. hoping for another R6. Hopefully in Chicago or L.A.
I'm going to need another clip…
Yeah MW2 is better in my opinion, more game modes, better weaponry, and quite frankly I am not a huge fan of vehicles. Even with practice on Bad Company I STILL cannot fly the damn helicopter worth SHIZZ!!!!! (That may just be me though) 🙂
I took the controls of that chopper in BC only once. My teammates were none too happy about it. Decided to just run around and shoot trees after that handling fail.
That's what's great about it. I can pick up MW2 and destroy within minutes, big whoop. DICE makes games you have to practice and master.
Oh and Valve.
I beg to differ; whilst I will not discount or belittle what DICE has achieved with this excellent title we need to cast our minds around a bit before agreeing whole heartedly with such a statement…
Reason I say this is quite simple… for me Killzone 2 and now Uncharted 2 have been the best online experiences for me to date. I have spent countless hours on Killzone 2 and now I am getting into Uncharted 2 online. I feel their engines are amazing, and more than up to the task of doing similar if developed to do so… given enough time, if the team had included a vehicular component I think these latter titles would be tough to beat…
Now I hear you all saying, "Well, they never did include vehicular components…" That is true my friends, but bare in mind… that Killzone 3 and Uncharted 3 should remedy this… the technology and engines have what it takes, they just need to implement these options that is all… so yes, whilst BC2 does it now, it does not mean that other games or any less good at what they do online, maybe just different… that is how the ol'Wizard sees it…
Oh… and even more importantly… lest us not forget MAG!?!?!?!
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/18/2010 10:10:08 PM
It doesn't drive you nuts that you can't sprint in UC2? It makes me absolutely crazy in the head when I can't move faster than another player.
A sprint would be very much welcomed.
I love the auto run feature in WKC. You simply tap the L1 trigger and you keep running without having to hold a button down.
Alienange… yes, you make a very good point!
"i am home"
ahh, thats why my guy runs around by itself sometimes. thanks man, i thought my controller was crapping out. I beat the game 2 times, i regular and 1 new game+ and still never found it. What pisses me off right now is that guild ranks take forever to level up, especially 7->8
as for Killzone 2 and uncharted 2, i find them amazing and i wouldnt change a thing about them. I dont want vehicles in killzone 2 at all because you'll just end up with halo style gameplay where everyone just goes for the vehicle and drive nonstop. as for uncharted 2 sprint button, i never found a need for it. game is amazing as is.
I have been playing white knight chronicles and MAG lately and tried going back to killzone 2. the games are so different that it takes a while to adjust. once im done with MAG and before i start FF13, imma go back and play uncharted 2 and killzone 2 again.
You're right guild ranks take forever to get to after rank 5 but I honestly just devote myself and some buds to grinding it out against the Fire Troll in the desert quest. It only takes us 3 minutes to complete the quest since we're at such high levels.
Also if you want to lvl up really fast just quest by yourself. Whether you win or lose the quest you keep all your experience, items, and money.
Only 1 thing I didn't like about Killzone 2: it seems there's a bit of delay on my controller action to on-screen reaction. But I like that however pimped you are in your badges, one headshot can still put you out. For MW2 and UC2 I've had several instances of headshots not registering (creeping up somebody from behind then directly aiming for the head. 1 shot!. still alive. 1 shot! alive still. Oh hell… *Guns blazing*)