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EA: No Dev For Online Multiplayer Can Compete With DICE

Think the Call of Duty franchise has cornered the online gaming market? Think no other title could ever compete with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ? Well, if yes, EA is going all Judas Priest on you by saying quite clearly, "you got another thing comin'."

In a recent PSM3 hands-on preview of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 , they said it was the "best online game" of the generation yet, and even better than the supposedly superior Modern Warfare 2 . As soon as we saw this, we were reminded of EA's claim late last year, that they weren't afraid of CoD and that Bad Company 2 could "easily compete" with MW2. And now, they're reinforcing that claim by adding more fuel to the fire: according to MCVUK , EA product manager Will Graham has upped the ante yet again.

"DICE is at the forefront of defining the multiplayer and online vehicle warfare space and has substantial pedigree in this area following many years of success. We genuinely believe there isn't a developer out there that competes with DICE in this space, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is going cement that. The use of vehicles in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 sets it apart from the competition and no one else in the industry does this better.

This is also something the core are very excited about: DICE's history of delivering a multiplayer experience utilising vehicles is something that sets it apart from anything else in the market. It's also an element that fits with the increasing emphasis on multiplayer for gamers in general."

DICE is a damn good developer. There's no doubt that BC2 will be a damn great game. But how many are about to say EA's production is actually a better online shooter than MW2? Well, one of these games in question isn't even out yet, so perhaps we shouldn't pass judgment and besides, there are people who don't like MW2, believe it or not. It's great to see EA really supporting their products, though; they've come a long way since 2007.

Related Game(s): Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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14 years ago

Insert the word console before "fps this gen" and I may just agree with you.

14 years ago

took the words out me mouth vertigo

14 years ago

Um, BBC2 best online?
they're gonna hav a hell of a time shifting all the cod players, especially as the BBC2 hype doesn't compare to the COd hype.

Last edited by Zorigo on 2/19/2010 8:01:17 AM

14 years ago

If players need hype to buy a game, can I opt to not have them on my side, I like to shoot sheep, not wallow with them in their own filth.

14 years ago

… But what's the hype about multiplayer with vehicles? Unreal Tournament has had that since… Well, since last millennium or thereabouts.

14 years ago


just watched that vid of the link you put up.that was funny but true what the guy says lol.too many noobs on that game that think its like cod and don't know what their suppose to do on it.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
14 years ago

Most of you guy in this forum don't seem to have much love for Battlefield series in general.. MW2 was a good game, it's just that Bad Company 2 is a completely different animal. A more complex one at that.

Total co-operation among your squad mates creates a whole different dynamic. You really get addicted to team play, all of you getting on a chopper, dropping down to capture outposts, while the chopper gives cover from above. Or one guy in a big Abrams tank advancing slowly, with one guy on the turret taking out infantry, one engineer fixing the tank as you progress, and one medic healing your squad as you go. As you play, you develop your own strategies on how to best defend or attack, and most people that play on a regular basis, catch on quick. And learning to fly a chopper properly, takes very little time, and once you catch on, oh man. What a rush..

Epic moments abound in Bad Company games. You just have to 'get it' and shed MW2 mentality. It doesn't take much.

Oh and on topic. The EA pr team are flapping their gums about how great BC2 is going to be, because it is going to be great.

14 years ago

Good post! And definitely got me more interested in bc2.

14 years ago

Agree, BF games get the adrenalin pumping like no other, you do get moments that are simply priceless.

In the demo last night I was pinned down in a building by a chopper, 1 driver and 2 gunners. They were ripping people apart around me as idiot team mates ran blindly into the hailstorm of bullets that was coming down, I managed to tag the chopper, revive some guys, then run to another building picking up an rpg on the way and blow that bird out of the sky, was freaking amazing, what a rush.

All the hours that I have put into other shooters this gen came nowhere near the intense action that I had in those few minutes.

14 years ago

@ Limited

In my opinion, I think Killzone 2 is one the best FPS I've played to date….the atomsphere, game modes, and just overall fun factor is second to none…I admit though, MAG has been taking away my Killzone time, but those are two different beasts.

Dont get it twisted though man, I've played many FPS on Ps3, 360, and PC. Haven't had a chance to try the Crysis multiplayer, but Killzone has some of the very best visuals to date and this game has been out for over a year…and for those of you that still play it (Killzone 2) there is no better way to play than without the HUD (permitting game mode.

As you should be able to tell, im not a COD fan. I DID purchase it but I was not impressed. Mag…..Sleeper game..*bows out* lol

14 years ago

I have been playing the BFBC2 demo for a few days, and im absolutely loving it. Especially the vehicular component. And im thinking thats one section of the map. It has great potential, really fun online experience.

14 years ago

I don't quite understand the level of hate animosity that is shown towards the battlefield guys. The people at DICE have been producing very good, on-line multi-player games for years. They don't churn out re-hashed versions of the same game every few months like some.

I have read some of the development and technical papers by DICE and they should quite rightly be making a allot noise about their game. These guys have made a fantastic engine and great game, and actually do something with the genre, taking it forward.

They are way ahead of the other developers with their netcode, this is not a static map the size of a carpark where gravity somehow does not exist! This is a large open space over varying terrain. Almost every object within can be reduced to dust, the ground you walk on deformed and the sound of a tank in the next valley heard echoing as it would around you as if you were really their.

Give credit where credit is due, you ungrateful lot.

14 years ago

Don't lose to inferiority my man. I love MW2 and MAG but still LOVE 1943. That game is going nowhere and matter a fact i think im gonna grab some action now.

Im also going to buy BFBC2 as soon as i can because while i love other games, nothing is like BF.

14 years ago

i couldnt agree more with the first paragraph… i played the demo and all i can say is GOODBYE COD

14 years ago

i couldnt agree more with the first paragraph… i played the demo and all i can say is GOODBYE COD

14 years ago

BC2 is very very promising, I had some fun with the demo but I'll wait for the price to drop because FPS isn't my number one love.

14 years ago

Why is everyone talking about the demo in past tense. " i played" "i had". Its still on till 25th feb, the (killing ppl) continues.

14 years ago

To me the gameplay is different between MW2 and BC2, whereas BC2 is more tactical and really requires you to play with your team. MW2 is more a twitch shooter where every player runs around like they have a hot poker jammed up their posterior.

14 years ago

That depends, i never run around which is also why i don't use marathon as good as it is. I don't run much.

14 years ago

Stop the arguing lol. I have MAG, MW2 and had the BFBC2 Demo til i needed the space. ALL 3 are awesome games and different from each other. I still love MAG and MW2 but STILL play 1943 as i love that games ability to drive a vehicle or pilot a fighter plane.

Obviously EA can't have people piloting F18s or Mig 29s given the speed they fly at without the use of afterburners which would force EA to have massively, too big, flying space. So thats understandable, but flying those fighters in 1943 once in a while is fun and no i am not a fighter whore.

I plan on buying this too soon, but thats because i have only 2 tastes for gaming, shooters, racing and MGS.