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Are We Bored With Real-Time RPG Mechanics Yet?

I believe my first RPG was Hero's Quest on my old Tandy/IBM. Since that time, I really have no idea how many RPGs I've played, but I can tell you I played about 25 of them on the PS1 and PC during my college years (oh, shut up) and although I basically try to play any great game that comes out, I still have a soft spot for the role-playing genre.

Now, one of the reasons I adored the PS1/PC era is because I could strike a really nice balance between real-time and turn-based combat mechanics. This continued into the PS2 era, too. For instance, I could go and play Suikoden III , Legaia 2 , and the old-school Legend of Dragoon on the PS1, and then I could play Kingdom Hearts , Valkyrie Profile and any number of the Forgotten Realms RPGs ( Balurs Gate 2 , Icewindale , etc.), and get very different experiences. And of course, I realize that with the advancement of the industry, most all developers wanted to move past turn-based, which many began to consider antiquated but I've always said offers more in the way of strategy and other valuable elements you can't find in real-time. Despite my personal feelings, I've played plenty of fantastic RPGs that use real-time or real-time/turn-based hybrid battle systems. And I completely understand the need to push forward with new ideas and continually embrace new concepts.

However, has anyone noticed that with the complete lack of turn-based (on consoles, at any rate; I know there are many on portables), the RPGs are starting to feel awfully similar to one another? I think three RPGs sort of leap to mind; the first being Final Fantasy XII , which was the first true departure from turn-based for the franchise, not counting the MMO that was FFXI. After FFXII, I started to notice that a lot of RPGs were using variations of that same system…and now, years later, I play Dragon Age: Origins , which is great…but still basically the exact same mechanic as FFXII and in fact, most other Western RPGs of the past decade. Then we get White Knight Chronicles ths year; I've only played a little of it at a friend's place, but that was enough to see it's basically a carbon copy of everything we've seen before. And what will Final Fantasy XIII and Resonance of Fate be like? Oh, I expect some differences and variations, of course, but hey, it's all starting to blend together.

The last turn-based RPG of the generation – I think – was Lost Odyssey . I loved that damn game. No, I don't want all my RPGs to be turn-based but I think it can have its place in the genre, even today. I refuse to believe I'm the only one who loved LO and I refuse to believe that we've fully stretched the limits of turn-based. I honestly believe we left it behind too quickly; in this rapidly advancing industry of ours, I really don't think we gave it enough time. Think about how much can be done with it! I know developers don't care, anymore. I know we'll likely never see it again. But everyone always tells me that people were getting "bored" with the turn-based RPGs of yesteryear, which is one of the biggest reasons we "advanced" into real-time styles. …okay, but aren't we bored with these "new" mechanics now? Aren't we sick of it? I'd like just one developer to acknowledge that there's still a huge audience for turn-based, and that the genre is once again growing stagnant with all these supposed improvements.

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14 years ago


When someone states their opinion as if it's fact in regards to something they clearly know little about than they've opened themselves up for extreme criticism.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Roach, don't tell me how to do my job.

If someone clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, I'm going to mention it.

14 years ago

I dunno. IMO WKC just failed to deliver =/

14 years ago

How many hours are you into it? I've logged over 50hrs thus far and while I'll admit it's not what I was hoping for 2 years ago it's more than enough to quench my JRPG thirst. The SP is so so but the online questing with friends is addictive IMO.

14 years ago

Resonance of Fate is dramatically different. So much so that I wouldn't even consider it realtime. Have you played the demo on the Japanese PSN? It follows the enemy-moves-as-you-move style of games like Valkyrie Profile 2, but you can just stand there and think and you won't be penalized for it.

14 years ago

I'm really excited about this game because it has that turn-base core. I cannot wait for that game. It looks amazing and the gameplay felt fresh.

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to it as will. I heard the release date is one week after FFXIII. This basically cements the fact that I'll definitely be passing on FFXII for RoF.

14 years ago

What about Last Rebellion? Show it some love too!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Last Rebellion blows, dude.

14 years ago

I liked when fallout 1 and 2 were turn based much better than the one Bethesda made. In my opinion they need to go back to the way it was.

14 years ago

its not the mechanics i get bored with, its the game structure and story that gets boring, btw im new here. iv been followoing this website for years but havent had my own computer til now

14 years ago

Welcome to the site. I'm a little confused with your post. If you don't have a problem with the mechanics than you must be a fan of Turn Based? I suggest you try SuikodenIII it has IMO the best storyline in the series and an interesting way of telling it.

14 years ago

I think it's more a symptom of the "this game was very successful, we should copy it" syndrome that's so prevalent these days. Developers look at FFXII and think they should stick close to that formula.

14 years ago

Turn-base are still my favorite type of RPG battle systems. They never felt boring to me and to this day would take a Turn-based RPG over a real-time one. Not saying Real-time is bad, I enjoy both and even hybrids. As many people have compared above, its like chess. You plan strategies and think 5 moves ahead. And the complaint that Turn-based battle systems are slow are never valid. The battles move as fast as you want them too. It really down to the players speed of thinking through and comprehending situations as they occur.

14 years ago

You are not alone, Ben.

I've noticed that turn-based RPGs still thrive today, but have evolved into strategy turn-based. Which isn't bad, but the last few I've played all share a similar trait – poor graphics and/or mediocre story.

I would love to see a AAA turn-based RPG from SE for my PS3. I don't care if it's turn-based or strategy turn-based. As long as it's not real-time.

14 years ago

Just to aid balance to the fps haters on this site, can I just say, not another rpg.

14 years ago

The problem with a lot of real-time RPGs is that they tend to fall into the trap of making the game as pointlessly huge as possible. Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3… All are real-time but instead of using it to make the game better they just make the game bigger and lose focus of any kind of story.

There are games like Fable and Kingdom Hearts that pull off real-time RPG very well because they focus more on the ROLE PLAYING part of the game, not massive environments for no good reason.

Turn-based and Real-time still have their places in the world. Hopefully more games can combine the two like Valkyria Chronicles and help bridge the gap so it doesnt feel like two sub-genres at war with each other.

14 years ago

I am just thankful Turn based RPGS are still rampant on portables I dont mind the real time stuff but as the articles says I dont want turn based rpgs to be phased out.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Ben, whenever you mentioned turn based or Lost Odyssey this gen in particular, it always resonates with me immensely. Lost Odyssey is the best JRPG this gen on 360 ( I doubt FF13 will surpass the addictiveness and the depth of dreams in Lost Odyssey).

In the world of lacking turn based rpgs, especially when they have faded away for a while, turn based games will give new feelings to the gamer. Just like for any old fashioned things (food, movie, clothing etc), if they disappear for a long time, people will start wanting them again and when they come back, they give the new enjoyment as if they are again brand new. This will apply for the turn based game, if they come back to gaming, we will feel it is like no other in this gen, especially in this turn base-less gaming world.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/18/2010 2:02:25 PM

14 years ago

There is one aspect of turn based / real time that hasn't been mentioned I believe: gameplay time. I mean by this the fact that a real time game imposes its rhythm on the player, whereas in a turn based game, the player has control over the game's speed.
In Real Life, we are often slaves to time. Events are forced upon us. When I play, I like to have control over the time I have to act and react. Not being under the pressure of time is what I call relaxing. Having a game force its rhythm on me can be fun but also stressful and I don't always crave that kind of adrenaline.
Fallout 1 and 2 where akin to chess, and I loved that. FFX's system gave me the time to organise my actions. Brilliant. FFXII put me in the seat of a manager. I liked being proud of my gambit set up when my characters reacted to a new foe with appropriate spells (I loved the spells) and attacks. Fallout 3 gave the illusion of turn base, but what it really did was give me time, time to think, time to choose, time to relax.
I agree with Ben, we need more turn based games. It's just a different style of gaming, and it happens to be my idea of fun.

14 years ago

Yeah, I saw some Last Rebellion stuff the other day that completely sucked away at my hope for a decent turn-based RPG for the PS3. I was riding on this game as my last hope but it turns out the damn horse was a mutated zebra spray-painted brown.

14 years ago

I'm getting it and I'll let you know how fun it is in a week.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Glad to see so many people have played and enjoyed Lost Odyssey.

Maybe an underground following will be enough to make 'em do a sequel!

14 years ago

In my dreams.

14 years ago

Debbie Gibson

14 years ago

I would love to see a new Lost Odyssey game. I am pretty sure that is the only game to have made me shed a few tears.

14 years ago

I'm ashamed to say I wasn't able to play it… Am I missing half of my life here?

14 years ago

Thanks LV…I'll be waiting for your review.

Man, I want Lost Odyssey so bad. My brother has the game and it resembles a true turn-based RPG. Another RPG I want is Fable 2. Awesome game with a lot of character customizations, I mean you're pretty much leading another life with this game. Fable 3 is looking promising as well…