Cross-game chat is a major feature for online functionality that hasn't yet been added to the PS3's repertoire. We keep hearing that it's coming, but it may come with a bit of a twist…
According to Games Thirst citing an article in the latest PTOM issue, cross-game chat may be a feature for which you have to pay. In the article, there are a couple of quotes that might indicate a paid subscription will be necessary to access the feature in question, and the first reads:
"Aside from the 3D goodness, cross-game party chat is the obvious 'next big feature,' even though it might be restricted to paid [PSN] subscribers."
The second reads:
"Sony’s current service is one of the PS3’s best features, so we’d begrudgingly welcome a revamped PSN with extra subscriber functionality, like cross-game-chat and exclusive PSN downloads."
We know a paid subscription option is coming to the PSN, but this is the first we're hearing that cross-game chat may be one of the "premium" features. The question is, what do you think about this? For the record, Sony has no intention of charging to play online; the premium subscription service will simply give you access to other things, like early demos, extra add-on content and other bonuses. But shouldn't cross-game chat be free for all because it relates to online gaming? Granted, Xbox Live is a paid service so we can't say 360 owners get this feature for free but even so, we're willing to bet that most PS3 owners believe cross-game chat should come free of charge.
Ur wit us at the bottom of the world mate, actually we only got vidzone about 3 months ago
I guess I'm a loser gamer. The only friends I have on PSN are friends that I hang out with and see on a regular basis or family. I for one don't see myself paying for service, there can be weeks I don't even play a game, especially with busy time at work starting.
If I see one of my friends online and I have the game they are playing I will usually start playing that one. If not, I will text and see if they want to play something else, SO I guess for that aspect its good, I wouldn't have to text but other than that, meh.
Last edited by G8GTdriver on 2/17/2010 9:05:41 AM
Nah. I am just about the same way. A majority of my friends list is populated with family and personal friends. Outside of them, I have several people from this website.
I don't accept friend requests unless I know you from somewhere.
I think it would be nice but it depends on how much this premium service is gonna cost.
In the end, that's what it will all come down to.
I would never buy it! NEVER!
I don't really think cross game chat is as wanted a feature as thought. I have five friends who recently bought a ps3 and already had a 360. None of them care if there is cross game chat NOR did they use it on 360. I know it's just a small sampling but don't we have enough forced online components and 12 year olds telling cussing on the network? Now you want them to be able to do it cross games? Come on now. Online gameplay is highly overrated.
i think ppl are confusing cross game chat with just online chat, cross game chat only allows ppl on your friend list to talk to eachother, whatever game there playing, so unless you have 12 yr olds on your friends list you wont get any of this, also this allows cross game chat on offline games, so when your playing heavy rain, you can still chat to your mates who are playing it also to see what theyve done on the game since there play through wont be the same as your play through
First of all, if it only allows me to chat cross games with one other person (i.e.: no party chat ala XBL) the price better be right.
Second, what's the point of having it if none of my PSN friends get the service?
Third, depending on subscription fee this better not be the only feature.
I don't mind paying a price for premium services as long as I am able to utilize them with my friends online and off. I still stand firm with refusing to pay to play. As long as online play remains free, I'm sticking with PS3.
Seeing as it's the only remaining major difference between PSN and LIVE aside from the subscription fee, I would love to see it implemented to shut the xbots up once and for all.
Personally, I will not be subscribing to anything ever again. M$ got enough of my money for their ad generator service, or LIVE as it's sometimes called. I'm not falling for that again.
To start off, I visit this site Daily….not just for the articles but for the comments and the community itself. Too many to name but LV, World, Jawknee, Alienage, Jaybiv, and everyone else who regularly post, thank you for the feedback. I love ALL your comments and POVs!
Ok I see that many of you dont see the need for cross chat, which is understandable. But look at it like this. How many times have you tried to setup a game with a few friends ala Killzone 2 (Just as an example). Its not the easiest to set the type of game you want to play without sending messages (be it cell phone, ps3 text, or even skype).
It's not the fact that, in this day and age we have many outlets for communication, but the convenience of having the cross game chat. I play both Ps3 and 360 (although if it wasnt for my wife, my 360 wouldn't see the light of day) I definitely prefer my PS3, and just wish we had the "option" to get a few of my friends together and collaborate what game we want to play, be it Killzone 2, Mag, Uncharted 2, Resistance 2, Metal Gear Online (Yes I STILL play that), or even LittleBigPlanet.
It's not the fact that it's on the 360, but rather the fact that it (depending on who you are) is a much requested feature by PS3 owners.
And for some reason people seem to think the cross chat will have all these racist, egotistical bastards cussing and throwing out racial slurs. Unless these people are on your friends list… wont have to worry about that.
If you cant tell yet, I want this feature as icing on the greatest cake ever made.
Oh yeah……@ —————-, I dont think it 1995 anymore. I bought my Ps3 to do everything, not just play games. Your mentality about PS3 ONLY playing games should have dissolved when the PS2 came out with dvd player funtionality in 2000. (10 years ago!) Dude, it's 2010, get with the times.
totally agree mate, backing up pretty much what i said in some of my earlier posts, its a good feature to have. id rather have it and not need it, rather than need it and not have it.
Couldn't agree more…people are acting like it's gonna be forced upon them, or it will be the only feature in the paid service.
The people I play with online are personel freinds and family, so instead of having to text, message, or call them it would be great to chat with them from the XMB, and decide what game to play at the same time is great. Also some games that are squad based won't let you chat with other squads, so chatting with someone who didn't fit in your squad would be great
Last edited by iGraves1 on 2/18/2010 12:13:16 AM
@ Alienage,
the yearly subscribtion fee would be $40-$70 a YEAR. Not per month. Now that we're on that topic, that's A LOT cheaper than what most people pay for their phone yearly. Not to mention that you (at least on Xbox Live) communicate with 8 people at the same time! Tell me a cellphone that can do that, anyone, please…
It's called Skype, free phone calls that work over wireless internet connections.
I hope that cross-game chat is in the form of skype. I'd love to have skype on my ps3, for me personally it would be far more convenient than my computer.
Don't need it. Text is all i need.
noooo, gimme my cross chat! i aint paayin sony another penny, not for nothin, i bought the console and that all there should be, f u sony, dont be deploying big exotic schemes to rip us of our money, cos u think ur smarter… i can see how its workin now, they are pretending to be the one not making money in the start!! when all the money is being made the shneaky wAy 🙁
I don't see why they can't just keep the current business model whereby they charge for each function/piece of content individually. Don't package things so you end up paying for something you don't like just to get one or two particular functions you do.
Cross game chat could be a one off fee.
I don't really see myself being one of these subscribers, mainly because I already pay for Xbox Live, and in my opinion Xbox Live doesn't really offer that much more than the PSN.
I also rarely talk while playing my games on the PS3, mainly because my Bluetooth mic is old, and the charge lasts only 30 minutes. I also don't download much dlc, unless it looks extremely fun. But if it is only a a skin of some sort, like to make my LittleBigPlanet sackboy look like a Metal Gear Solid character, even though that does sound extremely cool, I just see no point on buying it.
The price is also very important. I am not willing to pay more than I have to pay for Xbox Live. So maybe $20 a year. I am also not going to subscribe if the subscription only offers me stuff that I can also get with the Xbox Live subscription. Such as cross-game chat.
The PSN already has a built in chat room, as well as a text chat room. So if I want to talk to a friend or family member who lives across the country, I can do so in that chat room.
Also the ability to get demos before everyone else doesn't really appeal to me.
But who knows, maybe after all of the premium features are announced, I might consider it.
Last edited by wiiplay on 2/18/2010 11:04:55 AM
I don't really care about cross game chat, but if Sony is going to make this a paid service, then this is not going to make PSN more appealing than XBL. Sony should make this free for everyone, which is the right marketing strategy.
I refuse to pay for services like this. I got my PS3 because PSN was free unlike the 360. Oh well, just one more thing to push me further away from consoles and just sticking with the gaming pc I built.
I highly doubt cross game chat will work the way the XMB currently is. I wish they would revamp it just the slightest bit to make it work better. If it loaded faster and crashed less then I believe it would work.
There are still people out there sending messages out saying the PSN is going to be a monthly subscription period. I hate that, they wouldn't do that. It would kill Sony if they did, lol. A premium account is understandable though, I might even try it for a month at least to see how it is.
One of the main reasons i bought a PS3 and not xbox because you didnt have to pay for using it online, and now their saying exclusive psn downloads. if this is true i will be tremendously pissed off
You should only be ticked if they start charging for something that is CURRENTLY free. If they ADD new features, then they have a right to charge.