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Ubisoft: New Assassin’s Creed Will Be A Big Surprise

Last year's Assassin's Creed II was absolutely one of 2009's best, which is why we can't wait to learn more about the sequel.

However, despite the intrigue caused by the following comments, we can't be entirely sure if Ubisoft Europe boss Alain Corre is indeed talking about Assassin's Creed III . According to GamerZines citing a interview, Corre appears to be talking about the next AC, so we can only assume it's ACIII. He says the next entry in the series will "surprise everybody" and he's confident that despite the apparent uniqueness of the title, it'll still be a "big success." It certainly sounds like he's talking about ACIII:

"We need to put enough energy and talent into each new game, so it can become better than the previous one."

Well, it may be the new multiplayer-enabled installment, which is on Ubisoft's calendar for release in the 2010 fiscal year. The rumor is that it'll be a spin-off, although we keep hearing that Ezio will absolutely return in the true sequel…why it would "surprise everybody," though, we're not sure. ACII has already sold over 8 million copies and that's one hell of a tremendous accomplishment, so more titles in the franchise are inevitable. We'll try to get more info on any game with Assassin's Creed in the title; the games are just that good.

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14 years ago

Got my copy of ACII 3 weeks ago and it's the best game I've ever played.(Sorry UC2, you were the best until I played ACII).
Being an amazing multiplat it should sell at least 10 million.

But what kind of surprise?
Everything can be improved but from my point of view I don't what can be improved till it can be a surprise.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 2/15/2010 9:49:17 PM

14 years ago

Next time you will have two pistols, enabling double pistol assasinations!!!

it worked with the blades.

14 years ago

Multiplayer! (y)

8 Million aye.

Well…Looks like ACIII multiplayer wont be as lonely as i originally thought

14 years ago

Nah, it was good, but not as good as UC2.

A clear case of out of sight out of mind – time to put your UC2 disc back in.

14 years ago


ACII is awesome, and it's way better than ACI (which is saying alot), but in my opinion it's not better than Uncharted 2 – that game is just epic.

14 years ago

…In your opinion, and in Ben & Arnold's opinions, and in the opinions of many other professional critics.

14 years ago

A turn based RPG version of Assassin's creed? Go on, you know you want it.

14 years ago

I do

14 years ago

I would pre-order purely on the strength of the game's nae and the phrase turn based combat.

14 years ago

Turn based anything and I'll buy it.

14 years ago

I'm willing to take the thumbs down for this: will it surprise us by being good?

14 years ago

i down-voted you like 70

14 years ago

You must be the "oragami thumber"… it was assumed a stalker was about… lol

Dang, I'll probably be thumbed down for this one 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

okay okay, I only hated the first one, I never bothered with the second, so make of that what you will.

14 years ago

It will be called ACII I/II. That's going to be surprise. With Ezio coming back it can't be called III. Whatever it is, I will be getting it. But please Ubisoft don't skimp on the single player because you want to add multiplayer.

14 years ago

I gotta say, I've got no idea what they could do with multiplayer mode for this kind of game. Unless it's strictly cooperative of course.

14 years ago

You could have an assassination competition.

14 years ago

I guess, but it's gotta be something bigger than that, the way they were talking it up!

14 years ago

What if it was a Templar vs. Assassin type thing…Plenty of possibilities there.

14 years ago

A big surprise? Well, you can't get any bigger than making it a ps3 exclusive. So maybe not a big surprise, but close.

14 years ago

Not gonna happen. They sold too many copies on each platform to make it exclusive to either without a check in the high 8 figure range to compensate.

14 years ago

Gonna surprise us eh? They must not realize that I already know their secret.
Remember that hidden gun? Yeah, it's a laser now. Boom.

14 years ago

Looking forward to hearing about it… I will probably pick up ACII after I have completed Uncharted 2… I am still playing it…


"i am home"

14 years ago

I had hoped that the AC3 sequel would have gone to Asia or something *spoiler alert* since there were definitely Assassins who were Asian. Ninjas in feudal Japan with the Assassin's Creed world would've been cool! As if Ezio wasn't already awesome enough, imagine him as a ninja!

14 years ago

Why didn't I think of that?

Makes sense for another AC sequel to take place in Japan.

14 years ago

Desmond would have to have an Asian ancestor, which is of course possible.

14 years ago

As long as I can jump from rooftops and assassinate people then I don't care what the surprise is. And keep the awesome white getup. That thing is bad ass.

14 years ago

Air assasinations.

Be able to actually make combos while fighting.

New (cooler) weapons

So yeah, the game is perfect, except i think the fight mechanics have massive potential!

14 years ago

Dude – Altair's black getup or the Woodlands Ebony were the coolest colors! I loved wearing black instead of white.

14 years ago

You are right SvenMD! The ebony was mean.

A good list there Akuma07. I'd add hidden blade in his boot for some added killing power on those round house kicks.

14 years ago

Unless it's "we've fixed the screen tearing problem that's plagued our games since our inception!" then i don't care. 😉

14 years ago

I hope it lives up to the 2nd game. I enjoy Assassins Creed very much! =D

The 2nd game was such an improvement over the 1st, can't wait to see what the 3rd title will bring to the table.

14 years ago

mmmmmmmmmmmm i really dont like this ubisoft.
there skating on thin ice above sharks with freaking laser beams on their freaking heads!
one slip and there shark meat.
50 bucks says its the MP hes talking about, i hope!
they better not fu** up the series, i love assassins creed too much!

14 years ago

relax man they did a GREAT job with ACII, lets put our faith in them for III =]

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago


I really don't think they'd jack up a good series. If it's made it through two installments without even a stumble in sales or quality, then I'm pretty sure Ubisoft knows what they're doing. But I know that there's those fans out there who will totally forget and bash the series because of one thing they dramatically didn't like. So, don't expect anything except what you get and you'll never be dissappointed!

AKA… Life lesson #1…

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 2/16/2010 2:13:29 AM

14 years ago

im just cautious because there is so many developers out there that have turned their series into sh*t just to bring in the cash.
guitar hero anyone?

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

Surprise us? Oh God, should we be excited or scared? Personally, I'm all out of surprises with this series… All their endings are, are just cliffhangers that piss you off… But! I will say, AC is an AMAZING series that is definately on my "Top Games" list. It has definately not beaten UC2 for me, but it comes close along with a few other goodies out there.
But with the giant cliffhanger at the end of ACII, it will most likely be some odd, of course, surprising twist that will make us all go, "W…T…F?"
But, us being loyal to the series, will cope and move on with the surprise and call it amazing and awesome, regardless. In any case, I will go after anything that has to do with AC. It's just too much of an amazing series to disregard! And Ezio, do come back to us in a third installment!

Mysterio Spyder
Mysterio Spyder
14 years ago

I really hope this "surprise" isn't telling us about some features with multiplayer. I personally think adding multiplayer to AC series is a mistake.

If they mainly focus on the SINGLE PLAYER part of the game, and just toss in multiplayer like how Uncharted 2 is done, then fine whatever. They just better not do it reversed and skimp out on the single player experience just to add multiplayer. (not EVERY game released needs a multiplayer mode, there are people out there who are satisfied with a good single player campaign) It would be like playing that BETA sold at full retail price called Modern Warfare 2.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

AC II was beyond awesome , definitely one of the top games of the generation .

14 years ago

This might be a ***spoiler*** – so don't read if you haven't played ACI or II

So at some point they are going to have to come to the present day for some period of time. The objective of these games seems like it's going to end with discovering more secrets of Abstergo and eventually taking them down, or dealing with other present day Templars. All of this has to occur in present day, so I don't know how they are going to handle that and keep with the general theme of Assassins Creed.

Should be interesting though…they have done a great job so far.

14 years ago

They'll probably put Master Chief and Marcus Fenix in the 360 version of the next game.

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

its going to surprise huh.. maybe its going into the future instead of past times… dun dun dunnn lol that could very well brake this game but idk. I think its going to be based in Rome this time around though and Altiar is the bad guy Assassin Vs Assassin… that would be badass

14 years ago

I'm gonna try and sum up my thoughts quickly.
-A lot more of it will take place in present day than in previous incarnations.
-You will control Desmond just as you did Altair/Ezio via the bleeding effect
-Ezio will return the same way Altair did
-Desmond will no longer need the Animus to revisit memories or it may happen involuntarily
-Revisiting memories may carry the main purpose of discovering the locations of the remaining temple things.

Last edited by SubjectiveTruth on 2/16/2010 6:30:36 PM

14 years ago

Altair + Ezio + co-op = A-FREAKIN-MAZING!!

14 years ago

Whatever they do, they really should surprise us by NOT locking up any more chapters, just for they're greediness of $$$ for stolen DLC's.