Final Fantasy XIII continues to be in the news with almost every passing day, and you can certainly expect more of that until the hotly anticipated RPG releases on March 9. It ain't that far off.
This time, the game's producer (Yoshinori Kitase) and director (Motomu Toriyama) sat down to have a chat with the European PlayStation Blog , where they addressed several ongoing topics of discussion in the gaming community. The first is the question of downloadable content; at first, Square-Enix said there wouldn't be any, and then, we heard rumors that DLC was definitely in the works. Well, as for the PS3 version, Kitase and Toriyama said they "felt that the final product is 100% enjoyable" and hence, they're "not planning any DLC at this time." So that takes care of that. Then there's the question of all that content the team apparently removed from earlier builds from the game; rumors abound as to exactly what was removed and why but Square-Enix says the reason isn't anywhere near as sinister as you might believe. Said the pair:
"In regard to the rumoured cut content, we feel it was taken out of context. There are a lot of ideas that are brought to the table, and then the team takes the best ideas out of those, and the final product is polished that way. There was content that were 'ideas' that didn't make the final content, but the team isn't looking to release that as downloadable content."
Obviously, with a project like FFXIII, there will be a gigantic horde of ideas tossed onto the table, which in turn must eventually result in a large chunk of ideas getting thrown away. But they say they didn't take the content out for any other reason, and they certainly didn't take it out to release later as DLC. The latter is a good point because gamers have often complained about developers leaving out certain content, simply so they could charge a little extra for it later on. As for the removed stuff, you'll just have to get past that and hope FFXIII turns out to be the masterpiece it could be.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
Yeah, and I bet one of those "ideas" was towns. Not getting this game, unless PSXE's review tell me otherwise. Which leads me to a question for Ben: Will you guys get a review copy before release dates? Or will you have to wait along with everybody else?
Not sure yet.
Yea Ben, do you think you'll be comparing both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions? Many gamers from other websites are waiting for such comparison. I was thinking if anyone should be doing it without biase, it would be Ben.
That is an immense amount of work that I can't see Ben even wanting to do. Not because of the work and time involved, but because of the principle. Besides, there will be plenty of journalists out there who will do all that work for him. Would I like to hear his opinion? Sure, why not.
In my opinion just purchase the version of the console you own. If you own both consoles, go with controller preference. If you like both controllers, it then comes down to Trophies vs Achievements. If you don't care about any of that and just want to play the game – base it off of price and availability.
If you are a graphics whore (like me sometimes) or audiophile, then you'll want the PS3 version for the uncompressed audio and video.
Well, as for the PS3 version, Kitase and Toriyama said they "felt that the final product is 100% enjoyable" and hence, they're "not planning any DLC at this time."
So both versions are equal according to them, but I'm more concerned that they didn't say "no dlc for either consoles" Smells like a setup for timed exclusivity… I hope not though, surely they have SOME integrity left at Square-Enix.
If Ben or Arnold gave this game a 0 I'd still be there on Day1 to pick up my Collectors Edition.
Don't be a sheep, if you've loved FF in the past I see no reason to change your mind now especially with there being such a lack of decent JRPGs.
I doubt we'll do a PS3/360 comparison. We did it with Bayonetta but let's face it, there's less to analyze with that one.
Found an article that has some minor differences between the PS3 and 360 version. You might want to read it.
The lack of towns did come as a shock to me. Sure it's convenient to not have to travel around a virtual town just to buy/sell items. But having to buy items from the menu at any time? That kind of pulls you away from the experience, I would think.
I remember long time ago, SE said they believe gamers just don't have the time they used to have when it comes to playing games. They have been trying to segment out the gameplay to 30 minute to 1 hour missions (see FFX-2). I hope they did not do the same crap in FFXIII.
What's happened to Square-Enix? Did their balls drop off?
Well I guess in fairness, it is kind of a pain in the *ss to want to sit down for an hour to play the game, and then have to keep on going for another 2 hours on top of that to hit a checkpoint so that you can come back later.
… but that kind of problem is usually solved by throwing in a save point every 30 to 60 minutes, not sure why they need to make 1 hour missions.
Don't have the time? Back then we used to MAKE time for games, so what changed now?
You mean why do I not want to unexpectedly commit an extra couple of hours so that I don't loose all my progress?
What has changed is I got a driver's license, college degree, job, wife, and kids.
16 years ago, I didn't have all of these things, if I wasted my day playing video games, it really didn't affect anyone but me, now it affects a whole lot more than myself.
Last edited by bridgera on 2/15/2010 5:04:51 PM
It was a shock to me as well. FF games have always been known for the towns and sidequests. Idk but Square Enix has basically lost their minds right now.
@bridgera: oh yeah forgot about those 😛
I think there are better solutions to 'time issues' than the approach that SE is using now… Such as; save anywhere, anytime.
I agree with Nynja. That's why I love gaming on my pc. The quick save button is sexy. There is no reason not to add quick save to games these days if the only other option is to castrate the gameplay.
The days of limited space on memory cards is gone; so too should be the days of save points.
Still doesn't change the fact that this game is being marketed as a 360 exclusive over here. What do you think about that Ben? Also the cut content comment was made quite some time ago, and they had plenty of time to correct the statement, but didn't.
This game is turning out to be a PR nightmare, faked screens, linear game play, confusing marketing. I said it before and I will continue to this game should have stayed exclusive. If content was left out no one would have questioned why. Though because of the nonsense this gen with MS the first though on peoples mind is that it was because of the 360 port. Truth be told most of the bad press/word of mouth this game is getting would not have ever been brought up if not for the 360 port.
Last edited by Bandit King on 2/15/2010 11:07:15 AM
add in that 360 FFXIII bundle that was recently announced.
I'm surprised that ps3 owners aren't getting any similar bundles. Japan got that Lightning edition ps3 slim last year.
I agree with u about it shoulve stayed exclusive to the PS but with all the money X-box is throwing around no wonder they had there lay offs Playstation is smarter
"Still doesn't change the fact that this game is being marketed as a 360 exclusive over here."
This is a terrible truth, not even within adverts can this treachery be beaten… how can the media advertise this to be exclusive to the xBot, where is Sony in all of this?
"The Wizard left Oz"
The whole thing still smells of blue cheese to me.
FXIII has been dumbed down to suite the xBot… I feel strongly the Squared Enix does not deserve the support of PS3 owners if they continue down this tract… maybe Versus will redeem them, who knows!
"The Wizard left Oz"
"FFXIII has been dumbed down to suite the xBot" :
When I read this, the PS Blog's latest interview with the ppl at SE came to mind, and how they said that they drew some inspiration from the FPS genre.
More like Limburger cheese….
Hot wings and blue cheese ftw !
What were we talking about?
Lol Wolfcrimson… the days are gone for RPG purity!
"The Wizard left Oz"
I am with you Q. Lack of exclusivity is why am not getting this.
Roach721…. sometimes you have to make a stand…
"The Wizard left Oz"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/16/2010 10:01:53 AM
*virtual b*tch slap*
to all the peepz who -1'ed
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 2/16/2010 4:03:08 PM
Honestly I feel this game is just being watched too carefully. Things like this are bound to be taken out of context when people are constantly looking for a reason to bash the game.
I agree. Just relax, guys. Just relax. The game will come out and it will be decent. You won't see it get a score of less than an 8 anywhere. Even with all the "negative" publicity flying around this game, it's still Final Fantasy. It is a polished franchise that will continue to make money until the end of time. People are freakin' out like this will be the worst game ever. Wait till the reviews come out, do your research, (rent the game!) and make your decision. Sheesh.
Agreed, and when the main reason they are looking is directly tied to the loss of exclusivity (thats why it should have stayed exclusive). Lets face it when this went multiplat it dropped down on the "anticipation meter" for many,and others got mad. Thus when something like that happens people start to digg and look for a reason why. In this case the 360 is the easy target. Thus ideas left on the cutting room floor were done so because of the 360. Things like "the 360's inferior hardware" or because "it would be too many DVDs" or "they cut it because they had to focus on the 360 port" start popping into people minds (not that 360 isn't holding gaming back, because it is). Honestly after thinking on this for a while I have come to realize that this game would likely have turned out just as it is, but no one would have questioned it because there would be no animosity over the betrayl many felt when MS bought their way in with this.
Last edited by Bandit King on 2/15/2010 11:32:32 AM
Yes AudiaK… but FF got to this point because of the loyal support of its fans… so SE should really think about what they are doing.
Maybe FFXIII was a one off deal, maybe FF won't come to another xBot again in the future…
My issue is not that it should not be enjoyed by xBots, issue is that the xBot console has crimped the style of SE, probably made them think twice about the added features that could have been due to, primarily, space concerns; and because of these technical limitations, their vision was probably not fully realised.
If this is truly the case, that would be a great shame really…
"The Wizard left Oz"
AudiaK, I don't think you're being logical. We can't possibly KNOW if it's going to get a legitimate review score above 8 or below it. It's still Final Fantasy? Banking on only the name of the franchise, and not its actual merits, is not logical when judging if a game is good or not. What we do know, is that they have taken staple JRPG elements from the latest entry of the franchise that is THE no:1 name in JRPG history, and that there have been complaints and negativity from some reviews of the JPN version of FFXIII. Of course people are going to freak out. There haven't been any such similar events of such magnitude in the past with previous installments in the FF franchise.
edit- although I do agree with things being taken out of context.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 2/15/2010 11:40:49 AM
I don't think anyone is implying that this game will be receiving below average or even average reviews.
People are upset because they stuck with Sony and opted for a ps3 for a certain number of anticipated exclusives. Exclusives that, like FF7 did for the ps1, pushed the standards in presentation, story, gameplay, and technology. I remember because FF7 was on 3 CDs (please correct me if it was on 2), it wouldn't have been feasible to make a cartridge version, say for the N64.
Well, now, since FF13 has gone multiplatform, to cover a larger global market, it's like we're getting a stripped down, "cartridge-based" (if you will) FF7, not the boundary-pushing, next gen sequel we were hoping on.
So has gaming, as we know it ended? Of course not. Sony still has many more (and even better) exclusives. But, if people can't hide their disappointment at what MS has done to the industry, I won't blame them.
I love the FF series but im not going to rush right out 2 get this one there is alot more games I would like first like Heavy Rain and of course GOW III so 4 me ill wait till l8tr to get this title its not high on my want list since square went to the X-Box as well, I fell us playstation owners have been forgotten on who got them there in the first place it sure wasnt the DS or the game boy
The sad thing about it is, I did do my research, and Play UK gave the game a 79. I was looking forward to this game being my first RPG, but I guess FFvXIII will do.
funny thing is, most of the 3rd party exclusives that once belonged to Sony have all suffered in quality and over all review scores since going mutiplat. I found this list on an IGN forum. the guy has a point.
– Tekken was a respected fighting franchise when it was exclusive, Tekken 6 is multiplatform and the worst game thus far in he series. (79 metacritic)
– Tomb Raider was a highly regarded series when it was only on PlayStation. The newer games in the series are laughably terrible.
– WWE SmackDown was great when it was only on PS/PS2. SvR 2007 was multiplatform, and nowhere near as good as previous games. The series has slowly gotten worse from there.
– Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon… Well, they speak for themselves.
– Guitar Hero was exclusive to PS2, and Guitar Hero II was a timed exclusive. They have all been multiplatform since then, and haven't been able to match the quality or fun of the first two games.
– Medal of Honor was highly regarded when the series was PlayStation-exclusive, but it faded into obscurity when it went multiplatform. (The reboot may be able to save it, though.)
– So far, Final Fantasy XIII only has an 87 metacritic. The PS2 exclusives, Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII, both got 92 on metacritic.
Sony exclusivity: The secret to success."
Now most of those other games i never really cared for but hes right about Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy XIII.
Last edited by Jawknee on 2/15/2010 12:06:22 PM
IGN gave Heavenly Sword a 8.5 on graphics in 2007.
It gave Halo 3:ODST (which ran off of a 2007 Halo 3 graphics engine) a 9.0 on graphics.
If anything, ODST should have received a docked graphics score for running on an old engine.
That site is so 360 fanboy overridden, it's not even funny.
In reguards to guitar hero, that's turned into a crank out the sequels franchise, so I'm not surprised that receives lower scores.
Last edited by bridgera on 2/15/2010 12:09:26 PM
You forgot to add GTA Jawknee!
Last edited by karneli lll on 2/15/2010 12:08:44 PM
@bridgera, the list i posted was not one IGN made. it was a list some guy on the forum made. his point was that last gen, when 3rd party games remained exclusive to Sony they received much better praise and were held to a higher standard. NOW they just mediocre multiplats and the reviews scores prove it. I wonder if Sony told the developers they needed to meet a certain standard in quality.
As for GTA IV, i cannot say, i never played the other games and gave up on GTA IV pretty quick. But i have heard it to be the weakest of the bunch.
Last edited by Jawknee on 2/15/2010 12:51:55 PM
@Jawkee, sorry, I presumed that he was posting on IGN that some of the scores that he saw were IGN based.
I'm not sure I agree with that guy's point of loosing exclusivity resulting in lower quality games.
As for lower review scores, I think some games with their 100th sequel like Guitar Hero have had it coming. I personally hated FFXII, and it had nothing to do with console exclusivity.
I also don't think that a 9/10 score compared to a 10/10 score really means much in comparision. One man's 10 is another man's 8, so I don't put too much into review scores, unless they are insanely low.
To Bridgera:
Although, there's no denying one man's "10" can be another man's "8", I think a critical review score of "10", or around that score, will be at the minimum an "8" for someone who isn't even a fan of the genre. No matter who you are, as long as you like games, you will like this one. It is a "must-buy".
Now realistically speaking, there will always be people who will find reasons to avoid anything. But, at least most critics, and people with open and fair minds, will agree on it, and although the sales numbers may not reflect the score to the tenth decimal place, the product will sell.
Now, a critical score of "8", may very well be a "6" (or a "ho-hum") to a lot of people, especially people who are not fans of the genre. But to fans of the genre, it would be a game that shouldn't be missed. With exception of certain franchises that have pretty much become synonymous with gaming to the casual gamer, like Madden, or Need For Speed, or dare I mention COD, games that hover around "8" give or take a half-point, or a bit more, will typically sell on order the of 100's of thousands as opposed to millions. I refer to these as "fan favorites" (not to be mistaken for "crowd pleasers"). But, as I mentioned, there are exceptions, just as there are critically acclaimed titles that are received with the best scores, but are destined to sell like 8'ers. Those games I refer to as "hidden gems". And, then there are "sleeper hits", games that somehow went under the radar, but were met with great scores, and eventual sales.
With FFXIII and FFXIII:Versus, and FFXIII:Agito…. um… why are people hoping for more DLC?
If you are that into the game, just go purchase the other 2 versions of that game when they come out. Sheesh people, how many FFXIII content do you need?
No one is hoping for more DLC; its the issue of cutting content to sell it back
I presumed that's what they did with Agito and Versus.
Cut FFXIII content to sell it in other versions of the game.
Oh yea, ideas like Towns? What a concept for an RPG.
I don't believe what these people say anymore. Whats he supposed to say?
"err yea, we took out content because the DVD9 was too small and MS gave us the great idea to sell the cut content back to you later at inflated prices! kinda like what they do with their Software and Xbot Hard drives."
What ever, just release the damn game already so we can judge for ourselves.
PR bull is what it is.
Still think FF13 is an exclusive but just a "Bonus" for 360 owners? I'd rather have them smear their own crap in a case than give us an incomplete game. Sqaure has just killed my childhood.
Why is everyone bashing the 360 version……without me?! Anyways I definately feel that because this game went multiplat that SE took out all those ideas. I mean let's do the math(no pun for wats coming) 1 DVD-9 holds 9GB, 3 should max at 27GB(28 since they do have a little extra space). I highly doubt that 3rd disk is maxed, meaning this game is only around 22-25GB. WTF? These a freakin blu-ray disk that holds 50GB(66GB after the recent upgrade). Because of this lackluster console, we're only getting half of what we should be getting. I can guarentee SE was going to max out the blu-ray till they saw that 30 million dollar check(idk wats the real amount).
Also I couldn't agree more with the person that said M$ is making it seem as if this game is an exclusive. For the first time in so many years a FF game that's on the PS isn't being marketed towards it. I mean c'mon, first a bundle, then the commercial that made my bro come and tell me "I thought it was for PS too. Did they cancel it?" I seriously closed my eyes and just told him, "No mike they didn't. They didn't." That just proves that the commercial makes it look like an exclusive game. But let's not forget the recent incident where a PS3 scan was used for the 360's scan. SE said they had no idea how that happen. I bet they said that while another check was in their face.
My guess is that Sony really doesn't care because they know M$ is trying to hard. Plus if SE doesn't BS around again, Versus could be the game us FF have been waiting for. That and Nomura said, since there is a cry for KHIII, he'll try to get it done as fast as possible(to him that's like 2 1/2 years XD). I hope SE learned their lesson. Should KH fall into M$ hands, I'm done. Seriously. KHIII should be the final game. SE knows it has to go out with a bang. A full dual layer blu-ray, 1080p, 7.1 surround, best CPU on a gaming console bang! As for M$, they should learn their lesson too. A FF just isn't ment for your paper weight console. Don't expect another FF. Especially not XIV, as we can see your not to kind to the MMO franchise. *DC Universe Online points and laughs at Champions Online*