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Square-Enix On Final Fantasy XIII DLC, Deleted Content

Final Fantasy XIII continues to be in the news with almost every passing day, and you can certainly expect more of that until the hotly anticipated RPG releases on March 9. It ain't that far off.

This time, the game's producer (Yoshinori Kitase) and director (Motomu Toriyama) sat down to have a chat with the European PlayStation Blog , where they addressed several ongoing topics of discussion in the gaming community. The first is the question of downloadable content; at first, Square-Enix said there wouldn't be any, and then, we heard rumors that DLC was definitely in the works. Well, as for the PS3 version, Kitase and Toriyama said they "felt that the final product is 100% enjoyable" and hence, they're "not planning any DLC at this time." So that takes care of that. Then there's the question of all that content the team apparently removed from earlier builds from the game; rumors abound as to exactly what was removed and why but Square-Enix says the reason isn't anywhere near as sinister as you might believe. Said the pair:

"In regard to the rumoured cut content, we feel it was taken out of context. There are a lot of ideas that are brought to the table, and then the team takes the best ideas out of those, and the final product is polished that way. There was content that were 'ideas' that didn't make the final content, but the team isn't looking to release that as downloadable content."

Obviously, with a project like FFXIII, there will be a gigantic horde of ideas tossed onto the table, which in turn must eventually result in a large chunk of ideas getting thrown away. But they say they didn't take the content out for any other reason, and they certainly didn't take it out to release later as DLC. The latter is a good point because gamers have often complained about developers leaving out certain content, simply so they could charge a little extra for it later on. As for the removed stuff, you'll just have to get past that and hope FFXIII turns out to be the masterpiece it could be.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

I remember reading an article with the title "FFXIII is PS3's last hope".

Yea right, more like Square Enix's last hope, ever since Kingdom Hearts 2, all the game they made aren't up to their standard considering that they own the biggest JRPG franchise of all time.

14 years ago

SE should just go ahead and say it. Instead of an rpg, people will be getting an msg.

14 years ago

With a ton more of game clogging sodium too

14 years ago

Dude, that salt'll kill you if you're not careful

14 years ago

Every add or commercial I have seen for this game has 360 as the main attraction, and under that saying "and also on PS3". We'll see what happens in the month it releases.

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

where did you see those? Because the only ads I have seen are the NBA one and a few online ones. Other then that, the trailers put the PS logo fist and the US print ads I have seen put the PS3 logo on top of the 360.

14 years ago

Sorry, but i dont believe a word Squeenix says anymore!

This is one fan, your going to have to try harder to get back Squeenix!

14 years ago

…and like a small piglet, it Squeenixed and scurried away…


"The Wizard left Oz"

14 years ago

let me guess, HD towns were one of those "ideas?"
yea, i thought so.

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

You know whats getting a good laugh this moring? Microsoft is advertising the 360 version of Final Fantasy on PlayStation specific websites. Places like are lambasted with "FFXIII on Xbox 360" and "Get your LE 360 bundle" its pretty sad how hard they are pushing and from what I can tell its doing nothing. No one with a PS3 is going to buy this game on 360, especially not go out and buy a 360 for it. Its still annoying though.

You know what was really funny? Since I own a 360 and am semi active on I was browsing the 360 forums for FF13 and some of them were bashing it, while a few openly admitted that they were buying the game for PS3(and no it wasn't me).

Even more so, Im sure you guys seen the Leona Lewis special message trailer. Well the one from Home and PSN shows her "playing" the game and a PS3 is clearly visible. The online ad uses the same commercial but she has a 360 pad in her hand, but there is no 360 in sight.

Last edited by Bandit King on 2/16/2010 7:45:15 AM

14 years ago

What's most annoying about Microsoft is that their best 'product' is their marketing.

In my opinion…if you look at Windows, ever version since Windows 286 has been plagued by bugs by the boatload. Since the advent of the Internet Windows has been more full of holes than a really good swiss cheese and Internet Exploiter has been so porous that people can use it as a kitchen sponge. Microsoft release poor products and fix them later, but they market them as the most significant advances in human achievement. And people buy into that. The original Xbox was no different, it was a hulking beast and nothing more than a closed box PC with a closed interface OS. The 360 is an attempt at a real console using a new CPU (well 'new' except most of it was taken from the early Cell designs), and a new OS. Of course the hardware has been somewhat crap, but that's OK because with the 5th or 6th generation 360 mobos the heat thing isn't a problem any more (mostly because 45nm chips don't produce enough heat to roast the poor thing). Let's not forget how 'secure' the 360 has been with games being torrented and burned to DVD for it. Ah, but as usual, MS is fixing it's problems after release, not before. Don't even get me started about MS Office or their pricing of Windows and EULA policies.

In the end the only thing that MS does, that they don't have to fix after launch is their marketing. How can a company that produces such shoddy products be so powerful and dominating?

Just for the lawyers – this is my personal opinion and represents nothing more than my opinion.

14 years ago


Microsoft has intelligent marketing as well as a knack for eliminating competition (most of us know how they tend to achieve the latter).

What really launched Microsoft's OS into the lime light was their ability to provide users with developer tools specifically designed around the Windows product line. Their dedication to educating the public with their SDKs has paid off in the long run. The Windows OS took off with the inclusion of basic applications that normally would need to be purchased separately, which was very costly for the consumer.

Smart business decisions on their part.

14 years ago

ill second that.
i was running windows vista ultimate on my laptop and everything was working perfectly.
upgraded to windows 7 because its suppose to be "faster" and now my laptop takes 20 seconds longer to shut down and boot up.
not to mention every hour or so it locks up on my and i have to reboot.
O and ASUS STILL have not released any drivers for their products yet.
M$ promised they would not have a repeat of vista, and thats exactly what they have done.
6 months after release and windows 7 has enough bugs to rival mercenaries 2!

14 years ago


Never buy an MS product on release. There -WILL- be issues. Always wait about 6 months to 1 year out so the early buyers can properly beta test the full release version.

On that note; has anyone seen some of those stupid Windows 7 was my idea commercials? They are advertising features that were already available in Vista as new features stating it was consumers' ideas to include in the new Win7 OS.

Can't fcking stand Microsoft…

14 years ago

Correction: "Never buy an MS product."

Windows became dominant for one reason: Microsoft negotiated a back-room deal (and then others) to get Windows installed on PCs before retail. Ever since, it takes effort NOT to buy Windows.

Even if you wanted to run a different OS, your hardware comes with a version of Windows on it that you have to remove with a crow bar and an exorcist, plus you've already paid for Windows as part of your purchase, whether you use it or not.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/20/2010 5:58:35 PM

14 years ago

Sad fact is, these stupid comments from SE are just them trying to cover their butts on the ps3 end. Of course they're not going to admit the content was cut due to the 360, that would be admitting the 360 is of lower quality and thus bashing their clients. Its just sad that their are no towns in this game, i refuse to call it final fantasy.

Fact: Final Fantasy games have full and engaging towns that feel like real life because final fantasy is role playing.

Fact: Games with worlds with no towns are not rpgs because even post apocalyptic worlds with few remaining people will have people group together to form a village, town, or form of society in order to survive.

Conclusion: Game being released march 9th while may be fun and enjoyable is not the final fantasy game we were all looking forward to.

All hail White Knight Chronicles with its beautiful, large, and engaging towns and landscapes.

14 years ago

So…. wait if the 360 version gets the DLC but PS3 doesn't, doesn't that mean the PS3 version goes from being 100% good to like 90-95% good? How can they possibly say that the PS3 version is good enough if they're giving better treatment to the 360 version? I'm kind of sick of all the Final Fantasty XIII talk and exclusives it gets because it's almost like the PS3 version doesn't even exist. It's like how games that are also released on PS2, PSP, and DS that are ports from their HD counterparts it's like well were here just no one seems to bother talking about us kind of attitude.

14 years ago

They never said their wouldn't be DLC. they are thinking about it. besides, i could care less. i've had the game since it came out in Japan. and why do you people really care about stupid towns? they're a waste of damn time. the game is long enough AS IS. it will take you 50 hours the least. and thats just the game alone, without the missions in Pulse. you'll wind up clocking 100+ hours if you really get into it. the shops are at the save menu.