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Mock PS4 Designs Include “Flexible Touchscreen Tech”

Most will say it's still far too early to talk about the next PlayStation, but try telling that to the rumor mill. It just can't help itself.

For instance, we've already heard that Sony has supposedly decided upon the specs for the PS4, which quickly incited a firestorm of discussion. And now, in speaking to PlayStation: The Official Magazine, freelance designer Tai Chiem has provided us with some prototype pics of what Sony's machine could look like. It's all sorts of futuristic with plenty of style and panache, and a definite departure from your standard PlayStation designs of the past. Said Chiem:

"[I wanted] to challenge myself to design something based on a current company while keeping their design language, but also taking it further. I wanted it to look like something Sony would design."

His mock-ups include the possibility a flexible touchscreen, a technology that "is currently being developed" and therefore could find its way into the PS4. Chiem says Samsung is already in the process of producing transparent screens and while he says the idea is still "cost prohibitive," it could still become a reality "in the next five to ten years." For our part, this space-age design is definitely a head-turner, but of course, it's hardly official. We expect it'll be a good long while before Sony offers anything official concerning the PS4 so in the meantime, we can always peruse such ideas with a smile and a, "wow, what if…?" mentality.

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15 years ago

Way too advanced for the next system, but this thing looks cool.

15 years ago

looks cool

oh yeah 24-1

Last edited by sniperflash on 2/15/2010 10:38:35 AM

15 years ago

Interesting, but not my cap of char!


"The Wizard left Oz"

15 years ago

What happened with
"I am HOME"

15 years ago

Lol City96… it will come back, on the way home… I had to pay an old friend a visit in Oz… the journey was long and nasty… had to slay some unsavory beasts along the way, and munch on a few remaining petals of Elder Flower to survive, before finally making it to the ancient walled city…


"The Wizard left Oz"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/15/2010 11:38:49 AM

15 years ago

You are the reason people make fun of nerds.

"I was disturbed by your comment."



15 years ago

*shakes head* no civility among the uncivilized.

15 years ago

To Fabi:

"You are the reason why people make fun of nerds"

By being disturbed by that, doesn't that imply that you are of the people who get made fun of?


15 years ago

I am traditionalist; I would rather the PlayStation remain similar in design but with some subtle changes to her beautiful lines 🙂 All this mumbo jumbo touch screen talk makes me nervous!


"The Wizard left Oz"

14 years ago

No, it doesn't mean that at all.

I don't make fun of nerds, and I'm not a nerd myself, BUT do have a few nerd friends. And whenever they make comments like that, I will just laugh with them and poke fun a bit, but nothing "mean".

Trust me, I mean no harm. I just thought Q went a bit overboard. It's just a system. But to each his own I guess.

14 years ago

Hey Fabi, I was just being a little creative with my writing… I enjoy writing so sometimes you may read the odd post from me that is like a mini story in itself 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

You're a character 🙂

15 years ago

i like it, looks very cool

15 years ago

I'll have my buttons and my standard tv, thank you.

15 years ago

I think it should be a PSP kinda controller mix
But with a mini full HD 16:9 projector built in
It would be the hardest thing to make and would not be in the norm which SONY usually stray for

I think it would be quite cool, Samsung Pico phone has it so it might be capable.

15 years ago

You'll see a built in projector from M$ in a console before you will Sony I think that'd be the last thing they'd want to do! They'll be more focused on selling their 3DTV's by then, I know I want one.

15 years ago

thats a old picture of what someone wanted the ps4 to look defently would be awsome if it looked like that.but than im sure it would cost n arm n a leg to buy it.

15 years ago

I don't want to sell my arm, as if I did, I would no longer be able to hold a controller.
My leg? Sure, why not! I barely use them, and electric scooters can bring me pretty much anywhere I need to go.

(Joke. I use my legs almost every day as I play soccer a lot… Even in the winter)

15 years ago

i dont like it and i know it will be nothing like that!

15 years ago

i want that controller!

by the way ben, wheres the BIG announcement?

15 years ago

eeeh, no thanks.

15 years ago


That would be seriously cool – a next-gen PSP as the hand set?? Would be like a DS but you have 1 screen on the PSP and the other is the TV!!

15 years ago

The console looks awesome, but the controller is ugly.

15 years ago

@carlospicyweinr there never was a BIG announcement. Jeff said it was false.

15 years ago

when was it announced as false? and why wasnt there an update on the big announcement story saying it was false?

15 years ago

Would a touchscreen be necessary? Or even a flexible one? Sony doesn't need to worry about another incarnation for the Playstation. Perhaps they can focus on a touchscreen PSP.

I think everyone is hyping up the PS4 because the rumors of Microsoft's new machine. If that is the case, sony needn't worry about making the PS4 because it already has a machine (PS2) that has survived two Gens and possibly a 3rd if MS tries to kick the next one off early.

15 years ago

Obviously these are "concept" designs, but that controller is miserable and would never work for actual gaming.

15 years ago

What the hell am I looking at? Instead of screwing around with stupid designs, why don't they come out with a PS3 that can hold more than ONE disc? Ooooh technology! I can have a damn cd changer in my car for a decade but more than one game in a console? NOPE

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

that would make the ps3 just a bit bigger, which at this point would be counter productive to what sony is aiming for…

from, what I understand, why would any1 want a disk changer??? gotta find ratchet and clank, then you gotta switch to the disk tray then remove it, and run. Where as if you need it now days, just hit eject and its there.. but iunno

15 years ago

Dude Ive been thinking that exxact same thing for years. but the problem with that Idea is if you had a DC in your console there would be no reason to get up to change games. We already don't have to get up to turn the systems on/off or to eject. So stop being so lazy alien lol.

15 years ago

@ Canuck Pride – Come on man! When was the last time you've seen a cd changer in action? I'm not talking about the old 1996 cd changers.

15 years ago

haha good old 1996…

15 years ago

Cool idea. Unfortunately I would much rather they increase system cost by introducing more memory and interface ports… Don't like the fact that the newer PS3s only have 2 USB ports. Glad I still have my launch 60GB.

Back to the RAM. PS1 had 3MB. PS2 had 40MB. PS3 has 512MB. I'd like to see PS4 offer a minimum of 2GB. Sony has always offered dedicated memory for system, video, and audio. One of the more common complaints I've heard from developers are the memory limitations when compared to PCs. They could reserve 512MB for the system and 1.5GB for audio and video.

Man, I'm loving the current generation but I can't wait to see what the next one will bring. Can we say CG quality gameplay? Square-Enix, you better get started on the FFVII remake for PS4. I want it on launch day.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago


There's a word for this… Er… Right! Laziness! Does it really hurt to get off your butt and just change the discs? I mean, don't get me wrong, cool idea, but really lazy.
I mean no offense toward your comment though! Please no flames! D:

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

those pics are really old… i remember seeing them early 2k8…

15 years ago

Looks great, but I feel like it can break by a hardcore gamer

15 years ago

I would never own a console like that. I'm all for advancing technology but this is out fo control.

A console holds my games, makes them spin, so I can play them. It essentially plugs into my t.v. that I payed for and thats what I want from my console.

I'm glad the PS3 has bluetooth, and the PSN, and wireless controllers. But really all I want is a system to play games on. The advancing graphics is obviously priority, but I just want to play games, not update facebook!

15 years ago

Just what I've always wanted… a console that'll make me feel like I'm playing games in outer space.

15 years ago

Zero G Gaming ftw!

15 years ago

I know most gamers are adults, but some are still kids, this thing wouldn't stand up to rowdy children.

15 years ago

That is why Nintendo is here.

15 years ago

the console will never look like that lol, thye might be able to make a ps2 look like that but just think how big the ps3 was to get evrything in, when they put the latest and greatest tech into a console, looks have to be sacrificed. i will bet everything i own on the console not looking anything like that.

15 years ago

But better and more powerful technology is getting smaller each year, so it just might be able to fit in it.
Or maybe it will use Cloud Technology, in which case, Sony can make the PS4 look as pretty and futuristic as they want.

15 years ago

I wonder what the next PS4 will do…?
The PS3 already does almost everything, what else is there? (Besides better graphics)
It's both funny and sad that I can't even begin to imagine what the PS4 can do. But knowing Sony, they probably have a huge list of what can be added to the PS4.

PS4 Slogan
"PS4 – It Does Everything And More"

15 years ago

@ wiiplay,
Not sure what Sony would ACTUALLY add into the PS4, but as for Sony's innovative forward thinking, check out this ad they made years ago for the PS9.

BTW, keep in mind that Sony put this ad out way back in the very beginning of the PS2's run too…

The Playstation 9….. /watch?v=Vdh4TqWFfX4&fmt=6

15 years ago

alien tech :O

15 years ago

oh no the ps3 controller is getting even WEAKER in this concept art lol, great now when i throw it i will disintigrate even worse!

14 years ago


i think thats the point hay.

To make it easier for all us rage gamers to break our controllers, so then we buy more =D

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

I seen this mock a long while back.. the mote is cool but not the system itself.

15 years ago

please make it available to the extraterrestrials, on earth, i am still preferring the PS3 Fat standard machine, and just give me more games like Demon souls, FF13, MGS4, GOW3, The Last Guardian, thats all I can care for now and for the foreseeable future.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/15/2010 9:29:55 PM