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PSXE Poll Update: Heavy Rain Nudity Under The Radar

Only after I put up this poll last weekend did I realize we really can't answer it until the game is made visible to the mainstream media…and that won't be until February 23.

So unfortunately, I don't think we can answer the question, at least in regards to how it pertains to the anti-game activists that absolutely must tear down a game for having questionable content. These people still think all video games are for kids so of course, the nudity in Heavy Rain is destined to get a lot of flak, right? Guess we'll still have to wait and see but at least we can say the nudity didn't affect critics; most all of them mentioned it, but few – if any – considered it a detriment. The reason most critics don't harp on it is for two major reasons: first and foremost, the artistry and atmosphere of the game, which lends itself to brutal authenticity and human realism. Secondly, the nudity is hardly "required viewing;" you have to go out of your way to see Madison strip down, either early on in her apartment or later at the club, or in the hotel room with Ethan. If you want to see her body, you're gonna have to opt for that. If you don't want to see it, you don't have to. After all, if choice is the primary driver for this game, how could we not have the option?

Feel free to read our review if you haven't already; clearly, it impressed us. For this week, due to the explosion of reviews for this game, we're wondering if the critical reception has altered your view in any way. Obviously, most all major sources let fly with their reviews the instant the embargo listed this past Wednesday, and the majority of those reviews consider Heavy Rain to be a great title. Many, if not most, claim it's a pioneering, revolutionary experience. So what sort of impact has this critical reception had on you, if any?

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15 years ago

No spoilers but is it true that the first hour of Heavy Rain is a bit dull and gets intense in the middle of the game?

15 years ago

I suppose the character developement and build-up to the main storyline could make it seem slow.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I found none of it "dull." It depends on how involved you are in the atmosphere and story; I was instantly involved.

Besides, one of the most intense moments of the game (the end of the prologue) happens in the first hour.

15 years ago

i dont care about the reviews i'm a big boy and will form my own opinions!

15 years ago

Yeah but you can't always make an entirely educated decision from gameplay videos etc. can you?

15 years ago

no you cant. that is why ill buy it play it then form my opinion. i have enough info to know its a buy for me.

15 years ago

Yeah this is a game that one can buy confidently. It's like handing someone uncharted 2 and saying have at it; a no-brainer YES. HR is history in the making wether or not it's your cup of tea.

Last edited by Kowhoho on 2/15/2010 1:09:45 AM

14 years ago

I'm going to have to make a disagreement. I don't have the expenses to buy and or EVERY game I'm interested in. That's one reason people turn to reviews; to see how other people feel about the games

15 years ago

Not into heavy rain…

15 years ago

-1 you suck

15 years ago

you are the same person.

15 years ago

You'd probably be into HR if it had side quests.

15 years ago

That's alright it's not really for kids…

15 years ago

That was a very low blow World, but someone's got to do it…

@Snipey… I agree HR is not for everyone, but it still marks a major shift in the way video games will be played, enjoyed and experienced going forward. I posted previously that I think this is a game changer, a birth of a new genre… I am sure as more of these types of titles are crafted by main stream Hollywood directors and film studios, they will have their own dedicated fan base that will avidly follow their virtual stars, virtual worlds and favorite development teams…

Tis only the beginning…

"Jaaaaasssssoooonnnnn… Jaaaaaasssooonnn… now where is that damn kid…"


"The Wizard left Oz"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/15/2010 12:29:31 AM

15 years ago

lol, it had to be done. The KH avatar inspired the gag.

15 years ago

Kingdom Hearts is not just for kids. ):/

15 years ago

Where'd you get that from? I never play side quests, i just go straight for the story. ;P

@Everyone else (o.eb)
Played the demo and im just not into it. And even if i was i doubt i could get it.


15 years ago

But you are a kid in it… so you see… oh never mind.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/15/2010 2:12:31 AM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

"And even if i was i doubt i could get it."

Yeah see? It all connects.

15 years ago

lol @ World

15 years ago

The critical praise received for Heavy Rain has been good to see because it shows some maturity in the industry and means that there is more possibility for similar "grown up" games in the future.

I find high score reviews definately help focus the mind and channel your purchases but more importantly however, is your gut feeling and personal tastes and preferences.

If you like RPG's and a game gets a 9.5 then you will probably like that more than a FPS that gets 9.5.

Common sense but even personally I have found myself being swayed by high scored reviews for game in genres that I knew I wouldn't really like.

I was wowed by the reviews for GTAIV, MGS4 and Batman Arkham Asylum but got bored of these quickly and ended up trading them even before completing one play through.

Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and Assassins Creed 2 have been the stand outs for me in the last 12 months.

Hoping Heavy Rain, God Of War III and GT5 are the stand outs this year.

15 years ago

It was nice to see but I have had this preordered since the begining of January.

15 years ago

The reviews are very interesting. If it's had any impact on me it would be to not write it off completely. I certainly don't see the need to buy it on day one or even month one. A single player experience like that can be enjoyed at any time. But with all the rave reviews I guess I'll pick it up some day.

15 years ago

I cracked and played the demo, now I want more…
I had it preorderd I think early January, I know once they call me I'll be running to pick it up 😉 can't wait!

15 years ago

i just replaced my broken ps3 today (died the day b4 the demo was released). i just finally played the demo (like 5 mins ago). i was always gonna buy HR, but now im positive it'll become one of my most treasured games.

15 years ago

i am buying this indefinitely!

15 years ago

If you buy this indefinately (an indefinite number), will you have money for other games? And what will you do with all the copies of Heavy Rain, will you open them, or just keep the plastic wrap on them? When will you become broke? After buying the 100th copy, the 1000th copy? =)

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 2/15/2010 12:08:17 PM

15 years ago

No affect on me, except to say I'm glad they are positive, all I had to do was play Indigo Prophecy to get an idea of where they would go with this, and with the PS3's power under their belt I was always going to get HR. I wasn't going to get it right away though until the demo. Now it's on preorder 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/15/2010 12:13:05 AM

15 years ago


15 years ago

I have wanted Heavy Rain since I found out about it, I wanted it more when I completed Fahrenheit, I can hardly contain the enthusiasm now that I participated in the Four Days Challenges and got the demo. Suffice it to say, I was well sold on it before the reviews ever appeared but I will say that they haven't hurt my opinion in any way. Super excited for this and can't wait for UPS to deliver it on the 23 from Amazon. That is assuming they don't screw it up and get it to me on the 27 or something.

15 years ago

N E 1 know what time monday sonys making their BIG announcement?

15 years ago

reviews never have any effect on me what so ever mainly because its been years since i actually found one i believe in.
almost every review from IGN, gamesradar, GT are either full of sh*t or are crying over spilt milk.
like Xplays review of darksiders would be a perfect example of both.
first he says its tame.
ok if slicing a enemies legs off than twisting his arm back and impaling him with his own weapon is tame than god i think its the mental asylum for you!
than a perfect example of crying over spilt milk would be during the 5+ minute review he complained about the enemy types at least 10 times per minute.
for the love of god mention it than move on!
if i based my purchases on reviews alone i would of missed out on some of my favorite games, and i also would of ended up with some steaming piles.

15 years ago

People are so stupid about nudity.

15 years ago

America, statistically being a mostly conservative country definately seems to have a hang up over nudity. I thought the rating system was supposed to fix all this hullaballo over nudity and violence in games. You put nudity in a movie, you slap it with an R rating, and everyone is happy.

15 years ago


R rating is only required for full nudity. I believe that partial nudity doesn't guarantee an R, just as an isolated and minor f-bomb will not get you an R.

15 years ago

Highlander, you speak the truth. The list of PG-13 movies with a boob shot here, or a nip slip there is plentiful. Movie makers always try to push the bounderies as far as putting as much as they think they can into a movie that they want to be rated PG-13. However, it does bring out the Tipper Gores of the world out to criticize the movie. When you put an R on the movie, everyone knows to shut up. Same should go with the "M" rating on video games.

To see nudity in Heavy Rain, one will have to play quite a ways through it I would guess. What kid is going to do that, when all he has to do is google BOOB and he is all set. Much faster gratification that way.

15 years ago

Ok…the announcement was First Play, a Uk version of qore… =.=

15 years ago

lol that sucks .

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
15 years ago

I am so excited for this game that even though I have downloaded the demo, I refuse to play it. I don't want to spoil any part of this great experience that I have in front of me. It's been a while since I've been this excited about a video game.

15 years ago

hello …

I understand The X Factor 9's point of view .. LOL

This game has a mature theme & rating, so nudity is only 'normal'

i pre-ordered the game long ago & i didn't use the code to download the demo (gave it to a friend), now i'm downloading the public demo (56%) which i paused twice for i'm not sure will try it, i know i'll love the game. Yet i'm organising a showcase soon for soon to be PS3 owners, maybe i'll give it a try then.

I own but never played Indigo Prophecy (Farenheit)so don't really know how HR would look like except for the tons of trailers i've watched.

i'm sure to love both games by quantic dream & cant' wait to start playing something new…


15 years ago

I'm pretty sure it can't be a good game. It's not on the $hit box 360. I mean in order for any game to be good it has to be multiplat. (This is where I would use a sarc mark if I had bought one)

15 years ago

This game is so beautiful my jaw was on the floor the whole time I played through the demo! day 1 purchase for me 🙂

15 years ago

It's good to see it getting high reviews, but it doesn't really influence my decision. Honestly, any rating between 8 and 10 is pretty much the same to me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Uhhhh…it REALLY shouldn't be.

There's a colossal difference between an 8.1 and a 9.8.

15 years ago

Those trying to bring attention to "controversial" issue are just as guilty as ones who are trying to bring it down. If it really isn't an issue, don't make it one.

15 years ago

Getting Heavy Rain no matter what!

15 years ago

Just seen a couple of 7's for this game, my expectations have gone down, i don't think this game is gunna be really THAT good tbh. I'm quite disappointed considering how long its been in development for etc.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Because a couple 7s somehow override 20+ scores of 9+…?

That's lucid.

15 years ago

trolling? or you only have 3 or 4 games in all your collection xD.

15 years ago


I think you meant ludicrous, not lucid.

I'll forgive you this once. 😉

Sorry, the editor in me couldn't resist. 😉