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Capcom Confirms Launch Dates For Dead Rising 2

The original gave us a lawnmower with which to inflict gory pain on legions of marauding zombies, and that alone is enough to make us interested in the sequel.

Today, as reported by GameSpot , Capcom has confirmed the finalized launch dates for Dead Rising 2 , which is coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The original title didn't come to the PS3, despite ongoing rumors that a port would eventually arrive, as one did for Lost Planet . But like the sequel to the latter title, Dead Rising 2 will launch simultaneously for the three aforementioned major platforms, and it'll be here on August 31. Japanese gamers can have their bloody slashing fun a few days later on September 2 and Europeans get their shot on September 3. However, although Microsoft lost exclusivity for the sequel, they did grab 360-exclusive downloadable content for Dead Rising 2 ; it'll come in the form of Case Zero , which acts as a prequel and a "bridge" between the original title and the sequel. There's no word on whether this is timed exclusivity or PS3 owners are simply out of luck. For the time being, we should just be happy we're getting the game at all.

Honestly, if you don't think customizing your own sadistic weapons (we learned about this "combo" building earlier) and going after hundreds of the undead isn't entertaining…well damn, we feel sorry for you.

Related Game(s): Dead Rising 2

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14 years ago

Awesome possum! hehe

14 years ago

I can't wait to buy the gold edition of this in 2011.

14 years ago

Looks pretty good. I like the first one even thought it was only for $soft.

14 years ago

Of all the games I'm NOT looking forward to, it's this one. Nothing but bargain bin fodder if you ask me.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Alienange wrote: "Of all the games I'm NOT looking forward to, it's this one."

What does that even mean?

14 years ago

the #1 game he doesn't care about is Dead Rising 2 =)

14 years ago

Agreed Alienange

The number of zombie killin' games this past year has almost equaled the number of guitar hero/rock band games….which is sad.

I never knew that killin' zombies was its own genre.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

It doesn't look like that's what he wrote but if you know him better than I, than more power to you for understanding the vague remark. 😉

14 years ago

Capcom really seems to be buddy buddy with Microsoft…

14 years ago

A little too buddy buddy. Maybe now that they have an option they're trying to get back at sony for what they did to Nintendo all those years ago. but then again that was Nintendo's own doing. But all in all, I'm looking forward to this. I love zombies. Anyone remember zombies ate my neighbors? Classic.

14 years ago

Zombies Ate My Neighbors is one of my favorite games of all time! I was just playing it yesterday 🙂

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

hsve you tried burn zombie burn?

14 years ago

Or Zombie Revenge
(I have it on the Dreamcast)

14 years ago

Zombie Revenge on Dreamcast is a neat arcadey title.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

i liked Zombie Apacolypse better, but can't wait for DR2 for the ps3!!!

14 years ago

I never played the first one and don't know much about this game. Would you compare it to the survival/horror and game controls of the earlier (and better) Resident Evil games or the sped up action and clunky controls of the latter Resident Evils? Just wondering.

14 years ago

The original wasn't anything like a resident evil game, so get that out of your head.

it was much more a fun action game than survival horror.

14 years ago

Is this like Left 4 Dead?

14 years ago

NOTHING! like left for dead.
in the first your in a shopping mall and have anything and everything as a weapon.
imagine cutting a zombie in half with gardening sizzlers!
whoever does not want to play a game where you can do that seriously needs a head examination.

14 years ago

^^^^ no nothing like it , this one is 3rd person shoo…….errrr ,ok so basicly u grab whatever u like from wherever u like an kill zombies with it the 1st one was one of the best games i've ever played,so much fun….the only downside was the saving system which from what i heard is fixed . sooo KUDOS 🙂

14 years ago

The save system in the first DR was absolutely horrid, I hope that it's fixed in the next installment.

14 years ago

Good news, glad to hear that it's coming to the PS3,
Even though it was on the MS machine, the 1st one was still one hell of a zombie good times.

14 years ago

I'm not sure how I feel about this. From all the videos I've watched, it seems like the zombies barely even move which seems boring to me. It might be fun for a little while to just hack up zombies with different things you find but the zombies don't seem to present any sort of challenge…

14 years ago

In the 1st one, they moved slow until you got close to them, then some of them made a little move at, or a grab for you.

Quite a few times already. I've been grabbed by 1 zombie, and then mobbed by the other hordes of starving Gabe Newell's, and eaten just like a tray of Quarter Pounders

I haven't seen any vids of the new one yet, I'm figuring at the very least, more of the same too.

BTW, Gabe said you all taste like just chicken…BURP!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/12/2010 5:14:51 PM

14 years ago

August 31 is my birthday :]
Thank you, Capcom.

Capcom probably isn't releasing the DLC for PS3 due to the fact that it "bridges" a game that never came out on PS3…

14 years ago

Who cares , am just glad the PS3 got this. Wanted to play the first Dead Rising ever since it came out. So glad we got the second.

14 years ago

yesterdayrising believe me they do , they will kill u and kill you and then after an hur they will kill ya again, and its not all about zombies , there are the maniacs , psychopaths and not to forget SWAT …… 🙂

14 years ago

"Exclusive" "DLC" "Xbox 360"… Just wait 6 months.

14 years ago

Oyashiro makes a good point, although I'd substitute his "…" for an Equal (=) sign lol. That's pretty much what that means these days.

Also agree that Capcom seems to be heavily favoring Microsoft, like EA seems to be favoring Sony.

I just wish Lost Planet 2 for the Playstation 3 would have Solid Snake & Nathan Drake as playable characters. That alone would make me buy that game.

14 years ago

Good thing EA favours Sony, cos last I heard M$ was trying to buyout EA. Yeah!!! Good Luck!!!!

See, this is what I hate about M$. They buy their way into the competition and try to force everyone onto their side, while their practically non-existant first-party studios don't churn out much. Forza 3 is good, it's no Gran Turismo, but it's the one good thing M$ has churned out themselves. All others are third party exclusives.

14 years ago

Might pick it up in the bargain bin when there's nothing else to play. Perhaps during the quiet period when there's no major releases.

I like fun games, and if these comments are anything to go by, this looks like a helluva lotta fun. Mowing down zombies with whatever you can find. Genius.

And it's nice to see companies finally waking up and seeing the potential of PS3 and its fanbase. Give it time and they'll see the 360 is nothing but a PS2 with a HDD and better graphics. Really!!! PS3 lead the way with Blu-ray, HDMI output, and now 3D gaming and movies. People claimed they were playing catch-up with 360, but only in the online department which MS has had nearly 20 years to perfect. Sony's only been at it since 2004, so give 'em some credit.

14 years ago

I will be getting this at a reduced price, and I have a friend of mine who will probably salivate over it.

14 years ago

lets hope this one makes it.

14 years ago

Don't get your hopes up.

14 years ago

Hope the DLC comnes to the PS3 this time. Looking forward to this one.

14 years ago

this is the only zombie game im interested in, i just hope they fixed the save problems.
if they think im going to finish 10 missions than turn it off and have to finish those 10 again theve got another thing coming.
that alone made me sell the game after playing it for like 2 hours.
way to make such a brilliant game than fu** it up the alley!
wonder if this will get banned here, that should be interesting!
if it does not get banned it sure will spike some controversy with the L4D2 fans.
i will never understand the logic of the OFLC.
having needles shot into a guys head blowing his head off covering the floor with blood countless times to, not just on one guy.
and having a 2 sex scenes in the same episode.
all that happening in the space of 30 minutes is ok to warrant a m rating.
but blowing zombies heads off, A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! is not ok for MA?
so blowing heads off, AND 2 sex scenes is ok for a M rated show but just blowing heads off is not ok for a MA rated game.
seriously im starting to believe its the highest bidder.
F.E.A.R 2 is 10 times worse than L4D2 and that was cleared.
so is dantes inferno, GOW 3, darksiders, bayonetta, AVP.
cant wait till i finish tafe so i can get out of this hell hole.
i seriously can not understand how 2 sex scenes and blowing heads off is ok for a M show, but just blowing heads off is not ok for a MA game.
wheres the logic in that?

14 years ago

defently cant wait for this game to come out.i love the first dead rising on the 360,shame never came to ps3, but only due to Sony delay the launched of the ps3 when dead rising was going to come out that year so capcom just went with 360 instead.anyoo this game is the most fun game ive had in killing zombies next to resident evil the first 3.I'm hoping though capcom doesn't do horrible job with porting it over cause we know when devs don't take time in making a game as good as it should be we get a horrible or o so k port of the game.perfect ex of horrible port bayonetta

14 years ago


very true M$ does that way to much for sure.cause lately all i see in their sells is from multi plat games.they buy exclusive dlc for the game first, example is dead rising 2 like ben said.i think its wrong in my opinion not to allow other people on any console to get that same dlc on the same day as that console who gets it first.what happens you have to wait so long sometimes like gta dlc another good example of m$ buying exclusive dlc first.we finally now getting dlc for gta 4, which also has yet been announced when its out they just said it coming to the ps3.

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 2/13/2010 3:25:39 AM