If you're wondering how things are going with Final Fantasy Versus XIII , you'll be happy to know that development appears to be moving right along.
Firstly, Square-Enix said late last year that we can expect an official unveiling of more media and information in "early 2010" and some estimates said these details would arrive as early as February. Well, we're in February right now (if you hadn't noticed), and furthermore, we have a promising quote from a recent interview with a European source about Final Fantasy XIII , as noted by Connected Consoles . They say that now that development for FFXIII is out of the way, many of the designers who worked on it have moved along to help out with Final Fantasy Versus XIII . As a result, the creation process for the game "has really picked up" recently, which is good news. We've only seen some amazing-looking trailers for this title in the past; we still aren't sure about the gameplay or in truth, anything that's even remotely important. It's a PlayStation 3 exclusive but we have no idea when it might arrive, and until we can learn more about the combat mechanic, we're not going to get too excited.
I know a lot of you are really looking forward to it but in the meantime, it seems you'll just have to make do with FFXIII. That's not an altogether unattractive proposition.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII
@ Highlander
you see the problem with that way of thinking is that while Sony benefits themselves by enriching their brand with their 1st parties, they loose many of the people who supported them for the once exclusive 3rd party games. Nintendo makes some fantastic software but their consoles as a whole stink because there are virtually no games outside of the few Nintendo puts out each year. I don't want Sony to end up like Nintendo, in fact you would think they would know better as MS is trying to do to Sony, what Sony did to beat Nintnedo.
I know what you're saying, and buying exclusive bundles isn't near as annoying as buying exclusivity with a game. So I do see your point, I am just happy that someone this generation is at least trying to take the high road.
Nintendo's problem is specific to themselves. Sony is far more open and accommodating to third parties than Nintendo ever thinks about being.
I sure hope its stays specific to them too, because damn Nintendo's home consoles never recovered from those shady cart prices from the NES/SNES days and the N64 was a total joke. Funny how their handhelds dont suffer from this.
I've never understood that, the DS is buried in a pile of shovel-ware a mile deep.
Nice to feel the love round here aimed at Square-Enix. Seeing as they give so much back. (Sarcasm)
Anyone watch the NBA game tonight? Outside of the basketball game going on I nearly spit my drink on the screen when I saw the Final Fantasy XIII commercial. The game was only mentioned for the 360, had a pic of the 360's box, not even a PS3 logo or mention anywhere in the ad. Im sorry but this really enrages me, I am sick and tired of thiese multiplatform exclusives with Microsoft, and I am really tired of their "we stole this" childish attitude. I really wonder how this game will perform on PS3 if the general population doesn't even know a PS3 version exists.
Versus XIII > XIII.
Well yeah.
As long as its exclusive. If not, quality has been taken away.
"Designers From FFXIII Have Moved On To FF Versus XIII"
…just like the gamers. 😉