Almost from the moment Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 released, EA has been promoting Battlefield: Bad Company 2 , often saying it can and will compete well with Activision's quality blockbuster.
But a source besides EA has now proclaimed the highly anticipated sequel to be even better than most expect. According to a recent hands-on preview by PSM3 magazine (as cited by CVG ), Battlefield: Bad Company 2 "feels more spontaneous and varied than your average shooter," which is a statement many gamers can get behind. After all, we often complain about a lack of ingenuity and diversity in the FPS genre, although we should remind you that both MAG and Bioshock 2 aren't your everyday, run-of-the-mill first-person experiences and they are both available now. Anyway, the article goes on to say that the abilities and classes in BC2 are outstanding and really separates this multiplayer mode from the rest of the crowd; in the end, they say: "For our money, the best Battlefield yet is a better online game than Modern Warfare 2 ." That's a fairly bold claim, especially considering the insane popularity of MW2.
"DICE have produced a game that could easily pull addicts away from Modern Warfare 2's moreish paintball sessions."
Those who played and enjoyed the original title will be glad to hear this, and if you never played the first Bad Company , you should still be excited about this sequel. DICE has proven their worth several times over this generation; the BC franchise isn't their only claim to fame and we shouldn't forget about Mirror's Edge . We want a sequel to that , too, guys.
Related Game(s): Battlefield: Bad Company 2
BC2 is way better than MW2… cant wait to get the full game!
Well I don't know how good MW2 is since I didn't buy it yet *Dodges daggers* but I did play the demo of BFBC:2 and I must say this game might pull gamers away, but not from MW2. I am already starting to get bored with Uncharted 2's multiplayer as its no longer fun. Maybe when they throw in new maps. I think the only thing BC2 probably has over MW2 is the vehicles. I seriously go crazy on that ATV, not to mention the full game will have jet skis, nothin better than killing in the water XD. This game seriously has what it takes to be #3 in online game played. I say #3 because as you all know a certain Microsoft game is set to launch this fall….Great game overall though.
Trust me, nobody here will hate you for not getting MW2, in fact you're better off for it.
Playing MAG.
Playing MW2, hmmm like MAG only its LESS players and LESS fun.
Playing BF BC2, hmmm ten folks on my team and ten folks on the otherside.
Yawn, its empty with only ten players per side.
Screw this MW2 and BF BC2 noise since its boreing with so FEW players.
My copies of MW2 and BF BC2 are going the Fleabay route on the way to being dumped.
Time to play MAG.
That was exactly how I felt when I played the demo. WHERE ARE ALL THE ENEMIES TO SHOOT?. Still fun but after playing mag i've come to have "different" expectations.
same here…. after playing MAG for a while then playing the BFBC2 demo… I was really like, umm… where's the teamwork? was it just me or were the voice chat not activated in the demo? remember the first battlefield had problems with voice chat cutting off. I've never had this problem with MAG.
The other thing is, MAG forces you into squads, and you bond. With BFBC1, there was very little to no bonding. MAG was the first time I became part of a realy clan with other people in it!
So yeah, I might rent this for the single player and a little online mp, but it looks like my $60 might go to MAG. (i've been renting MAG because i was gonna save up for BFBC2)
hell just the demo made me stop playing everything I have.
I was actually on the fence about wether to get mag or bc2. I was lucky enough to get into both demos and get a taste of what they both have to offer. Now, normally I'm a bit of a graphics **ore, but bc2 just couldn't compete in the fun factor for me. Just my 2 cents. Oops sorry i'm a penny short. got change? lol
sorry about the duplicate posts, it just seemed like it wasn't submitting so i finally refreshed the page and they were all there.
Absolutley love the demo. Surround sound makes it sound so realistic the helicopters flying over head and the explosions raining around you is amazing. I am deffanitley buying this. The demo is great they really suprised me
BFBC2 is easily one of the best online multiplayer games created. It is not just another lame run and gun, it has so much more depth. Squads and the class system have been thought out and work well together, rewarding teamwork and helping create intense battles in an ever changing environment that make the adrenaline pump through the veins and force you to keep your wits about you more than any other game has to date.
If you play this game selfishly you are missing out on so much that it has to offer. The audio has to be heard with surround sound and a nice sub, simply a must!
I was blown away by the sound of the game when I played it on the Surround Sound.Explosions, gun fire ,vehicles and even temporary deafness when something blows up next to yuh is awesome.
i dont know why so many people are complaining, i enjoyed the demo…
Yes we all enjoyed the demos but those are free.
It comes down to whats worth the cold and hard cash at crunch time when faced with a FULL GAME thats the issue.
BF BC 2 its got good sound and gives the subs a workout.
It has TEN players versus TEN players.
The game was protect two crates and as such it feels like the same thing with a few minor upgrades.
Killing in a helicopter is fun at first but gets old fast with only TEN enemies to try and kill.
MAG has great sound and gives the subs a workout.
It has 128 versus 128! players.
The missions and maps are new since its the first one of its kind.
Getting 25 kills from an airstrike feels epic.
The same when running to an objective and theres wall to wall enemies.
I say screw demos and try the FULL game before deciding on what to KEEP.
Since when does a 32 player match equal 10 v 10?
Have to say that I have played a few games where everyone else was just a feckin sniper, but it is a demo and newb's and nobs are a plenty, but then I just reconnect to another game and problem solved.
Always be in a squad, you can spawn on any of your squad mates and get straight back into the heart of the battle.
EA arent exactly setting themselves high standards are they?
i mean saying our game is better than MW2 is like saying my car is better than a 15 year old buggy.
not exactly a compliment.
im not going to get BFBC2 though after trying out the closed beta and the demo i really did not enjoy it.
i was relying on a SP demo same as AVP and neither of those gave me one so im giving them a miss.
dantes inferno and bioshock 2 are going to have me busy for the next few weeks.
O and not to mention 2 freaking days into tafe and i ALREADY! have 2 freaking assignments.
wish it was holidays again.
the beta and demo sucked a** so they should really really get those high hopes down again.
What!Have you neg posters even played the game?or are you just posting out your arse for something to do? I have played about 30hrs.on the beta and nothing about this game sucks.There were a few bugs but that's what a beta test is used for.And they fixed everything. Now I'm playing the demo and I'm here to tell ya It kicks A in every way game play perfect,graphics beautiful,sound very,very realistic like one poster said run it through your surround sound amp and sub and brother your in a war zone YEA!I know they left out prone position but with the kill cam i would see were your laying and shoot ya in the head anyway.So get in there and fight,fight fight cause that's what you ll be doing better keep your head on a swivel or you won't have one. There ain't no waiting around in this game like some people imagine.The full game has blackhawks with mini guns hanging out the sides cobra uh-40's tanks, bradleys,atvs,jet-skis,boats jeeps,fast attack vehicles,uavs and more.And in the gun's fully stocked with everything your little destructive heart desires machine guns,shot guns,pistols of every type,rpgs.What more could ya want.I know i sound like i work for dice but I'm just a fan.Don't let let know one talk you out of this game it's that good.
damn lol. do you need an extra squad member
at least in PC Platform, im sure BFBC2 will easily pull addicts away from MW2.
but for xbox and ps3?
This is going to be a problem as there are squads of 4. So if 8 of you join 4 of you can only speak within that 4 player group. So if your part of a clan you cannot speak to your other members of your clan. Unless you on the PC you can type to all. The 360 has party chat the PS3 does not.
The vehicles are good as it provides a bit of variety. So far though when I have joined a sqaud no one speaks to me via the mic so 4 people are playing as individuals and not as a 4man team/sqaud. This is the only things thats putting me off getting it.
Remember you can also issue squad orders by pressing select. Spot some enemies? then press select when they are in your sights, their position will be highlighted and announced to all your squad mates. You can request ammo and health along with issuing objective orders this way.
my freind pisses me off he doesnt like other games as long as its mw2 or couynter strike source. i hope i can draw him off mw2 with bfbc2
After playing the beta and now the demo, my faith in the Battlefield series has been restored! I play with people that I actually know so the squad system is cool, but I do wish that you could push an "announce" button of some sort to talk to your entire team..
As far as graphics go, MW2 does seem to have more clarity to it, but then it doesn't have dudes flying choppers and bringing down entire buildings..