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Rumor: Atlus To Announce Demon’s Souls 2 For 2010

Yeah, I know. When we gave Dragon Age: Origins RPG of the Year in 2009, all you loyal Demon's Souls fans wanted to crucify us.

But we stand by our judgment call and remind everyone that we loved Atlus' excellent role-playing adventure, too. This is why we're especially excited that the announcement of a sequel could be just around the corner… As noted by , Japanese publication Dengeki hints at a big unveiling of "an unannounced sequel to a title that was released last year." This new sequel will actually be on Japanese store shelves later this year so it's a very fast turnaround if we're talking about Demon's Souls , but it might be possible. Besides, the magazine describes the original game in question as being "very hard and interesting," and that sums up Atlus' RPG to a "T." This could be gigantic news for all those who adored Demon's Souls ; the unique RPG even managed to snag Game of the Year honors at GameSpot and other major sources, so the developers obviously did something right the first time around. Sure, it was crazy challenging and we still maintain that the balance left something to be desired, but it really resonated with ardent, hardcore role-playing aficionados. A sequel would quickly rocket to the top of their priority lists for 2010.

If we hear anything more about this, we'll be sure to let you know immediately. It's a PS3 exclusive that earned most all the praise it received, so any follow-up is big news.

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14 years ago

I still haven't found the time to put into the first one yet. I only beat one boss so far 🙁 So much homework, ah!

14 years ago

If I could scream like a girl I would (like in that beer commercial 😀 )

I don't have to tell you guys. You guys already know this is the best thing that has happened to rpgs since FFXII (2006?)

It's THE rpg of the ps3 era. Hands down the most unique and refreshing of them all imo.

I'd so buy 2 copies if this is true
Man, here I was thinking the "low sales numbers" would really make it hard for a sequel. But thank the lord (Umbasa <—Demon's Souls reference) that it might indeed happen!

14 years ago

let strength [in sales] be grand so the world might be mended…

14 years ago

Didn't she say granted instead of grand?

14 years ago

i am in total ecstasy.


same here. Demon's Souls is the most addictive and best RPG on PS3 this gen. Hands Down, FF13 is behind it, not beyond it.


LOL haha, "i can forge weapons for you, for a fair price"

14 years ago

I always thought she said 'grand' but it could be 'granted'; either way she was a bit creepy with the whole "Touch the demon inside me"

14 years ago

i'd totally touch inside her…

14 years ago

I plan on buying Demon Souls this weekend but I won't have a chance to play it til I finish Mass Effect 1, Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno, and Heavy Rain. >_<

14 years ago


14 years ago

Yeah, you can't forget FFXIII.

14 years ago

Why would u buy a game u don't plan on playing anytime soon???

Last edited by Hitch on 2/10/2010 12:43:11 AM

14 years ago

Demons Souls is better than most games you mentioned, damn great RPG. It will suck you in and spit you out, and if you play it with patience you could go for hours without dieing. The monsters are very unique and life like. I also think it's pretty damn scary too.

14 years ago

This is great news for many gamers. This RPG was adores by many and its a great compliment to see a sequal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/9/2010 10:19:00 PM

14 years ago

Not up for that challenge, but good luck DS aficionados.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/9/2010 10:19:38 PM

14 years ago

I just have to say, people should not take the game's difficulty to heart…

They should actually take it as a measure of how AWESOME they are

I have seen GIRLS play this game (not saying girls can't play hard games. But most likely they'd rather be "playing" Wii-Fit).

Don't let the difficulty take you away from this rare gem.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 2/9/2010 10:25:34 PM

14 years ago

I agree…

Except the girls part. Some girls, wife or reader here at PSXE seem to have more of an outlook on games, than the group you just explained.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/9/2010 10:32:49 PM

14 years ago

Honestly though, for me it doesn't seem exactly "hard". Sure its difficult at first and you have to die a couple times to figure things out, but I find that is part of figuring the game out! Whenever I die in this game I always know it's not because its too difficult. It's because I wasn't being cautious enough or I made a stupid mistake and I make sure I don't make it again.

That isn't usually how people feel when they die in videogames lol.

14 years ago


fully agree, when I started DS, i felt it was so hard that i was so scared and cautious in every step i march forward, especially, I died 20+ times trying to kill tower knight and i eventually managed to kill it. and after that, i felt a lot better, i beat 3 worlds in a row in one week, and ever since, i felt it is easy, you just have to be very strategic for the exact thing you want to do, and set up in exact way it suppose to be to kill the boss or the black phantoms. right now, i got platinum trophie with soul level 182, 5 th play through, and i remember when i last time run through the game, it only took me about 12-15 hours to beat it. it is so easy for everything now, with the weapon set up, most enemy is killed in only one to two arrows or one hit by my northern regalia or meat cleaver. so, really, DS is a hard game on the surface, but when you master it, most challengs can become cake walk. and by able to reach that point, you are greatly satisfied. such is the experience i got from playing this gem.

you just have to endure the first 20-30 hours of game play, then you are addicted to it like having taken a dope.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/9/2010 11:16:37 PM

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I look at it like a puzzle RPG.

Once you get figure out where the traps are, and how to kill certain enemies, it's not really that hard at all.

Learning and remembering play a huge role in the game.

14 years ago

It's one of the games that I need to finish…I was in awe at the opening movie and still am when playing. The world sucks you in and won't let go. A second one would make a already good (and packed) year of games that much more sweet.

14 years ago

omg, i was just thinking of selling my demon's souls collector edition on ebay because i don't have a lot of time for this game… but now i think i just might keep it for the heck of it so that i'll get the demon's souls 2 collector's edition (if it were to exist) with it.

Last edited by archs13 on 2/9/2010 10:46:19 PM

14 years ago

A sequel to a title that was released last year??? Damn… No Persona

14 years ago

came out early in 2009 in Japan

The US version might come out here in 2011 (sadly, and hopefully not)

Last edited by Scarecrow on 2/9/2010 10:57:53 PM

14 years ago

Definitely need a PS3 Persona game.

14 years ago

Also keep in mind Atlus just brought it here and it was FromSoftware that developed it so hopefully they are working on a new Persona

14 years ago

I love the first game despite all the damn cheap deaths. Had to put it down for a while it was annoying me but in a good way. Shame I had to order it in from the US. Obviously noone decided to support this game in Europe and release it which means alot of people have missed out. Hopefully with talk of a sequel this will help getting it over here.

Last edited by frostface on 2/9/2010 11:01:24 PM

14 years ago

omg this is great news for me!! i was pissed cause my ps3 is broken (said it earlier) and i tried reformatting it to see if it works (erasing all the files in harddrive, unfortunately u can't make a back-up save file of demon souls, it says "cannot copy this file" when u try to copy it.) i worked hard on my magician and knight!

This is great news cause if there is a sequel ill just wait on that one instead of starting a new game again!! hooray demon souls!!

14 years ago

I wouldn't buy FFXIII if that happens.

14 years ago

I haven't even played the first one yet. I have a lot of catching up to do.

14 years ago

This is from a Japanese publication about a Atlus title? They can't be talking about DS then as Atlus had nothing to do with the Japanese release. Unless the article was talking about From Software.

14 years ago

demons souls is 100 times better than laggy age how can u give a game with so many bad things in the rpg of the year – what a disgrace. laggy game play frame rate issues i stopped play it coz of that – demons souls runs smmothly and great animation.

really hope its a demons souls 2 – and f''k bioware! lol

Last edited by lupus on 2/10/2010 12:38:04 AM

14 years ago

this is good news, this game is a great game especially for visiuals. Just hope for the second one they have a pause option thats the only issue I have everything else is great.
I just need to get into it once I have time once schools done then I'll have time 😉

14 years ago

so is it going to actually be released here this time?
i was slightly interested in deamon souls but not interested enough to spend 100 bucks risking it getting lost, or me not getting the game what so ever like the other 6 times.
not to mention the possibility of me not liking it.
im really starting to get sick of this region exclusive BS.
sony, first in line to take your cash, but when it comes to giving you the content their nowhere to be found.

14 years ago

This new just made my day.

14 years ago

This game is beyond awesome. Again,like everyone says, its not that hard.

I hope they do a simultaneous release this time, rather than waiting a year to bring it here.

14 years ago

I was going to get Demon Souls, but I need to finish Uncharted 2 first; but now that the sequel is being announced, with so many other titles worthy of my attention too, I will wait for the second one. As is with sequels, it may be even better than the first one, with some fixes and tweaks to the engine. So DS2 could fit very well within a AAA collection…


"i am home"

14 years ago

simply too many great games for the PS3. It's almost ridiculous how much quality and variety this little black box has.

14 years ago

I haven't even played the first one yet, though I would if I had it… duh..
anyways, I will be getting it, if I have a sudden overflow of money… or get a job.

14 years ago

This is amazing news (if it turns out to be true) but I shudder to think of what Demon's Souls 2 could bring to the PS3. Imagine how they would freshen up the challenge by adding things like limb loss or assassins that steal items from you or even weapons that break… and stay broken (T^T). I personally have been soul farming in level 1-1 and 1-2 since I bought the game 4 months ago and I fear to venture any further and now there is news (maybe) of a sequel? The land of Boletaria iis just destined to pull me into itself. (^_^)

14 years ago

I'm way out on the outer here, but I played Demon's Souls for about 7 hours, and the first 6 and a half were neither hard nor interesting, just kinda stodgy and tedious. Died a few times (mainly experimenting with the save system, from what I'd heard in reviews), and thought that the level of punishment was contrived and immersion-breaking for me – it makes more sense to not have mid-level saves and just start a level from scratch when you die, rather than for you and all the demons to respawn, but you respawn in a different state. No sense to that at all.

And then I got to a difficult bit about 6.5 hours in, and every time I died I had to replay a ten-minute section that was easy but boring. Die four times, that's forty minutes of boredom. I can't see how adding the boredom adds to the challenge, felt more like filler to me – so gave it away.

And the combat system and camera for me was _really_ clunky – I had more fun with the combat in Deathtrap Dungeon for PS1 than I did with this – honestly, I can (no joke) swing a sword (actually, a piece of thick water pipe filled with concrete, but similar weight and shape, in a similar fashion – a mate and me used to play with 'em as big kids – why we still have all of our fingers I'll never know – stopped when we got partners 😉 ) more than four times in real life without getting so tired I can't swing it again, and I'm a bloody white-collar worker.

Oh, and then there was not being able to swing down or up an incline. Not even with a bloody spear!

Anyways, very happy for all of you – can't say I understand, but that doesn't mean I don't hope you all have a lot of fun :). It's not as if we should all like very game, but just wanted to keep the comments balanced for Demon's Souls 'virgins', as I know I'm not alone in this view (although clearly in the minority ;)) – if you haven't played it before, I highly recommend a hire, as it's a love-hate thing, and not necessarily because of the difficulty (if I'd've enjoyed the combat, I would've been able to enjoy the 10 minutes of boredom each time I died, but 10 minutes of boredom for 3 minutes of combat I found clunky is hardly going to endear me to the game) – highly recommend checking it out, heaps of folk have loved this – but don't feel like a complete freak if you don't get it, as there are a significant number in this camp as well.

14 years ago

game isn't hard at all…just need to play it in a methodical way .

also it saves when you activate switches like the first level when you active the two you can fight the boss without do all the walk .

Last edited by Oxvial on 2/10/2010 11:21:07 AM

14 years ago

It would be great if Atlus adds both an off-line and on-line co-op for this game, but only for two players at a time. I would jizz my pants if they did that.
I have let so many of my friends barrow this game just so they can get hooked and support the purchase,but it has left me wishing and wanting to play together with them. Instead of talking about it over the phone.

14 years ago

You should change the title to "Sony", because Atlus doesn't own the rights to the Demon's Soul IP, Sony does. Atlus was merely the north american publisher since SCEA chose not to publish the game.

14 years ago

I would guess that the developer (From Software) owns the IP/rights, rather than Sony or Atlus.

14 years ago

Dragon Age up against DEMON'S SOULS is a funny notion but, toeachizown.

I personally wanted DS to be that single diamond in the rough but, i also can't say no to a sequel.

P.S Atlus didn't make DS. FROM SOFTWARE did.