Wouldn't it be nice to know about all the downloadable content ahead of time? Like, before you even buy the game?
Dante's Inferno launches today and if you just can't wait for some glorious hack 'n slashin' fun, you'll probably want to pick up EA's solid action title featuring a creatively violent take on Dante Alighieri's timeless novel, "The Divine Comedy." If you're on the fence about a purchase, you might be swayed by the amount of DLC EA is planning for the game. According to Just Push Start , there's gonna be a ton of extra content delivered between February and April. This includes everything from Soul Packs to Poet Costumes to an entirely new prequel level! Heck, we'll even get "new in-game abilities" and what sounds like an all new quest in "Trials of St. Luca," and although the latter two won't be here until April, it's still impressive. EA is definitely going all-out with the add-on content and it should ramp up the longevity of the title. However, as a reminder, the Dante's Inferno Divine Edition exclusively for the PS3 gives you that prequel level, a new costume, two new enemies and over 30 minutes of extra gameplay. That's always a bonus.
The DLC information can actually be found inside the retail box so if you buy it, you'll see all this in there. But we figured you'd want to know beforehand, just in case you're still hemming and hawing over a purchase.
I might have to pick this up, I'm going to go get Bioshock 2 today first though.
I do like the fact that some of this DLC is made available to us PS3 owners by buying the divine edition. I wonder if any of this DLC should already be in the game though. Hope they didn't just remove it and try to sell it to us…
Last edited by Nlayer on 2/9/2010 10:38:51 AM
Yes, nickel and dime us to death for content that could have been already available. Bioshock 2 defiantly looks amazing.
Yes, Bioshock its a better choice if you like FPS ..I don't like them but I'm still gonna get it but until last quarter of year.
I see this a lot and I'm getting pretty tired of the constant accusation that ALL DLC is content that would normally have been included in the game.
A. Let's not be TOO freakin' cheap.
B. Extra content doesn't NECESSARILY mean developers actually went out of their way to remove it from the original product.
It is when they annouce that they have it before they release the game.
I don't really mind paying for DLC. I only hate the fact that some of it seems like it needed to be in the game, like Assassins Creed 2. I would like for them to create a full game, release it, and then start making new levels and such. Now things like alternate costumes, weapons, and the sort, I'm ok with it being DLC. Because that is mainly just a small unimportant item to the game itself, mainly just to look cool.
Perhaps I have a very biased opinion on DLC, but I've never bought any so I really can't be the one to say if it's worth it or not.
dlc is gettin way to out of control. how the hell do you plan dlc before the game is released
Doesn't fit on the 360's DVD is all.
the DLC content will be available Feb-April, which could mean that they started on the DLC after the final phase of Dante's Inferno, which didn't make the release. There are pros and cons of this.
Pros: Nice to have the game released and also nice that users get to enjoy "optional" features after the release which included only so much time for the developers.
Cons: The original timeframe should have provided ample time for the developers to include all of their ideas
DLC is a way for companies to preserve and recover profitability in wake of the huge used game market. So, sometimes, I will purchase some even redundant DLC, like character skins, just to further acknowledge a studio for a job well done on the original product.
And in many cases, such as with Burnout:Paradise, GTA4, Warhawk, and Wipeout HD Fury, DLC is released legitimately post-production of the original title, and is almost a full title on to it self, worthy of even a new review score. I got no problem there, even with dwindling space on my hard drive. I'll make space if I have to.
But, in other cases, where DLC is released virtually at the same time as the title, a ps3 owner cannot help but feel a little gypped, especially since it could've comfortably fit on the original bluray.
all this dlc eats up my hdd space when it can be put on the disc
I'm sorry but If we're getting DLC this early it should have been in the game originally.
There's no reason to make us spend $60 on a game we want then constantly charge us everytime DLC comes out to get a FULL EXPERIENCE. This is my problem with digital distribution. I thin its great for games like flower, but for dlc NOPE!
I love dlc dont get me wrong but not when its released in the same month as the game. That tells me it could have ended up on disc.
I also must say DLC isnt always cheap and for someone in my position I buy my necessities to live, and if i have money left ill buy a game. To spend $5 is sometimes a battle with my money. But Most dlc I've seen is somewhere towards $10 to $15 dollars. I get it if the dlc is released later, but the company is just asking for my money if they release dlc, in this manner!
I'm sure everyone misses the days (well maybe not Ben)when there was no such thing as bullsh!t dlc that all the developers must make or else.We all knew that we were getting a "Complete" game back then,do we know this now Ben?
No. Back then, you were getting an incomplete game, because the developer never had the opportunity to finish all the bits that were cut before release. You just never knew what you were missing.
Ben (et al.), we probably shouldn't bother reasoning with the whiners. They feel a sense of entitlement and won't let good sense interfere with it. Who cares if AC II or DA: O provides plenty of bang for $60? Gimme gimme gimme.
Developers spend years making games with no income to pay their people. Eventually, they will have to ship the game to survive. Things which they planned to include get cut throughout the whole process, sometimes because they don't work as well as expected, sometimes because there's only so much that can be finished in the budgeted time. Things which are cut later in the process might be nearly complete, meaning they can be finished between the time when the "gold" code goes for certification and release.
I'm not saying there isn't some consideration of the potential extra revenue when things are earmarked for DLC, but the consumer should only have one question: am I getting value for my money?
Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/10/2010 3:08:39 AM
Is all this DLC free? The PS3 Divine Edition isn't more expensive than a normal game price. If the 360 gamers have to pay for it they're going to be none too happy.
only the prequel dlc its going to be free for Ps3 owners.
ah ea is suckin up to ps3 owner huh?
I think they had to give PS3 owners an incentive because of GOW3.
Dante is very, very, very similar. With GOW3 on the horizon most PS3 owners would have just waited for the real deal (like me).
If the DLC is good enough, I'll pay for it. Like The Zombie DLC for Borderlands, I enjoyed that quite a bit. Dante's Inferno scored much lower then I expected, I thought the demo wasn't bad.
isn't a bad game it get low scores because some reviewers compare it to…you know what game.
and well its kinda short something like 7-8 hours of gameplay but well that's enough for action games but makes you reconsider to pay 60 bucks for it.
I choose Dante's Inferno over Bioshock 2,simply because Dante has the added benefit of custom soundtracks…i just love the feature, increases re-playability drastically.Im still renting Bioshock though
It's an EA game. Does this surprise anyone that EA is trying to make an extra buck by charging for content they could have included in the full release version?
I understand Ben's comment, but for a company that has been making money off of overly short games (see: Army of Two & Mirrors Edge) and annual rehashes it is hard to see it that way using an EA as an example. Seriously, EA sells game cheats/unlocks as DLC! Really? Unlocks? How about weapons that were available for download on release day of Dragon Age: Origins?
The best DLC I've seen for any game this generation has to be from Killzone 2 and Call of Duty (although over priced in my opinion).
EA, although great at offering new DLC for their games, has seemed to develop the attitude of "strip this [insert feature] and charge extra for it via DLC".
Don't get me wrong. I am always up for getting new features, levels, maps, etc for a game. This is just getting completely out of hand. These micro-transactions have gone too far.
Last edited by Nynja on 2/9/2010 12:35:40 PM
This leads me back to a post I made a while back about what the driving factor was for DLC. In case you missed that post, here it is:
Conspiracy Theory:
Microsoft, being a large profit oriented business (more so than others), may have figured the DVD9 format would work perfectly allowing them to limit the content of a game so publishers/developers would have to release their full vision via downloadable content forcing users to pay extra for what should have been included in the initial investment of a newly released game.
Since Microsoft does collect royalties on all content downloaded from XBL in addition to XBL Gold membership fees, it makes sense they would force all publishers and developers to charge for DLC. If Microsoft did not force publishers or developers to price all DLC, then this theory would not hold water.
REMINDER: Epic exposed MS of this a while back when they wanted to release free DLC for UT3 (or was it Gears?).
Last edited by Nynja on 2/9/2010 12:46:30 PM
Well, some of the DLC is alright but I just don't think the game is worth $78 CAN. I rented it today and will keep my rental until I've beaten it. If God Of War 3 wasn't close at hand, maybe I would buy Dante's Inferno. I think more people are going to hold off until March 16.
Hell YES this game is bad-ass im picking it up here after the stocks close, Its got tons of goodies and tons to come ill buy every bit of this bad-boy with all this DLC it will give this game longevity ive been soo hyped about Dantes Inferno ill be up all night playing it tonight lol.. did you know ben that in this DLC there will be user created content for Dantes Inferno? which you can make trials for your fellow players. You'll be able to select arenas, monsters and modes and stuff them into a challenging romp that can be downloaded by all from a central server.
They then rate the experience, placing you somewhere on a leaderboard. Scaling that, and collecting silver to spend on new toys to populate trials with, will provide a meta-game. Now that is some cool DLC-
You sound like you are trying to pitch this game…wierd
did anyone see the superbowl commercial of this game?? awsome commercial. i love the song too
Yes, but it should have said "Go to Hell" instead of "Hell Awaits".
it did say go to hell
No, the commercial that was on network television, during the game,displayed "Hell Awaits."
Woohoo, Amazon is sending it my way.
i'm gettin mine off of gamefly for 34 bucks
Nice! I got mine from EA for $27 and it's arriving today.
holy sh*t $27. that's a sweet deal
That is one helluva deal
idk why peeps think they are taking away from a game and just throwing it back in wtf its 'adding to the game' DLC if you want it get if not fuk it right!!? c'mon man bunch of cry tits' about add-on content.
and yes thrillkill i am hyping up this game cuz it is a kick-ass game im not doing some sale pitch you idiot-
No flaming.
Yes, i am an idiot. Thanks for acknowledging my greatest trait. Now get back to work going to various websites and promoting your game and dlc.
Stroh007 is right. Nobody is forcing you to buy DLC, you still have the power as the consumer. Whether or not the developer could have included the content on the disc when shipped is a different argument. Do I think DLC should be free? In most cases yes. If I don't think it's worth it then I have the choice not to buy it. You won't be "nickeled and dimed" if you don't spend your nickels and dimes.
Yeah…I think we need to calm down a bit after that DLC scandal with AC2. I for one saw that as an opportunity to collect more cash. However, in this case with DI, I'm pretty sure the developer had more ideas for the game when creating it that didn't go along with the storyline and decided to release it as DLC. I see nothing wrong with that. They are simply trying to keep the game fresh and alive for as long as possible and DLC is the way to go. Once again the argument that no one is forcing this content down your throats applies.
It's like going to Jack n a Box place and ordering a Jacks Spicy Chicken. Then you say I want cheese on it (It doesn't come with cheese). Of course they're going to charge you for that piece of cheese because it's coming out of their inventory. It's not like the cheese costs anything close to the amount the meal costs, it probably doesn't even put a dent in your wallet. The simple fact stands is that you wanted that cheese. You ultimately made that decision. They're not trying to nickel and dime us, they're simply selling us goods and services and we are consuming them. 😉
i love the music in dantes inferno they really went all out to make a sound track that really matches hell perfectly.
especially the scene as your walking through the final gate across the bridge sent shivers down my spine.
im still debating which one is better darksiders or dantes inferno.
graphics, sound, character design, level design all go to dantes inferno BUT combat to me was much more fun in darksiders plus i really liked the extra weapons and combos and such.
overall i probably have to give it to DI but only because of the level design.
never has a game made me say holy sh*t THAT IS SO COOL! every 5 minutes.
some of the stuff in there is so over the top it puts GOW to shame!
This game looks smooth with 120Hz. Yes, the 120Hz feature is noticeably smoother. Ooooh yeeeaaahh…
Just an FYI, I borrowed a copy from work on release day and beat it twice. In one sitting.
Last edited by I_defenestrate on 2/10/2010 1:50:43 PM
it takes a good 10 hours to finish the game.