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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gets Trademark

We haven't heard from Deus Ex in some time, but now that Square-Enix has acquired Eidos, maybe they're putting the pedal to the metal for Deus Ex 3 .

Or perhaps the new installment will be called "Deus Ex: Human Revolution," a title that has just been trademarked by Square-Enix in Europe. We're assuming this is the new project; S-E is producing the cinematics for the game and will publish it as well, and hopefully, more information will come down the pike soon. Originally, Deus Ex 3 was only announced for the PC but we're hoping it will be confirmed for consoles as well; the franchise did arrive on the Xbox and PS2 last generation in the form of Deus Ex: The Conspiracy and Deus Ex: Invisible War . This is a series that really needs to make its impact felt in this generation, and most who enjoy the blend of FPS and RPG mechanics will certainly agree. Actually, if you've never played any Deus Ex , you might compare it to Bioshock ; both games have the depth and accomplished storylines of a role-playing adventure with the fluid, seamless first-person controls of a shooter. We can always use more titles like these, right?

Although we're not quite as excited about Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days , a new Deus Ex from Eidos/Square-Enix would certainly pique our interest.

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14 years ago

I never played any of the Deus Ex games but I heard good things about them.

14 years ago

Hmmm, I don't recall much about the Deus Ex series.

But I happen to have IV in my Xbox, & Conspiracy in my PS2 collection's so I'll go pop them in just to check them out again.

14 years ago

Forget that. Download the original Deus Ex for the PC and game on. It'll be a little tough on the eyes at first, but you'll see why anyone who's played it thinks quite highly of it.

14 years ago

And while you're at it, download the soundtrack also. Some good stuff.

14 years ago

the original deus ex for the pc is, hands down, one of the greatest games in the history of video games. it was a "western rpg" YEARS before that term was even a main stream idea… it had a story line that puts the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best video game stories of all time COMBINED to shame… the graphics were amazing for its time… the story was based in reality – how about a plot line revolving around a terrorist attack in new york city leading to a clamping down on civil rights and a new age of government control – published 2 years BEFORE 9-11!

with all that being said. the sequel sucked. hope the company can rebound with the 3rd title. cant believe square is involved though! super excited about this!

14 years ago

I agree. The original was epic for it's time and still gets playing time from me every now and then. And with the "Nameless Mod" added to it, the game is transformed into a more open world instead of a more linear one and improves other aspects as well. One of the best RPG's ever hands down.

14 years ago

the first one was definitely one of the best games I have ever played. The second one was a great game, it just wasnt nearly as good as the first game.

If they could bring back all the goodies from the first game that made it great, DE3 has a chance to be the best of this generation

14 years ago

Totally agree with you JohnnyGold. I finished no.1 two times on my PC. I tried to approach Invisible War three times but I couldn't finish it. This one sucked. Hope no.3 will be better, but knowing that square-enix have put it's hand in it I have doubts that they will do it as an action-type title which is simple and dull (see what they did to FF13… )

14 years ago

no $E please do not release this on consoles.
the PC needs its exclusives too!
i did not spend 4K building a new PC so i can play freaking crysis every day.
the fact that 2.5 freaking year old game is STILL the best looking game is kinda pathetic!
come on, if a 2007 game looks like crysis i want to see what a 2010 game looks like.
im sick of PC games getting washed down because there coming to consoles.
PC games should be made for the PC, than port it to consoles.
i miss the days where PC games were heads and sholders above consoles.
now sadly its the other way around, not because consoles have caught up but because developers are too freaking lazy!
i swear to god crytek if you have watered down crysis 2 on PC just because its coming to consoles im going to go ape sh*t on your a$$!
this is why people say PC gaming is dead.
because theres no point in it, theres nothing i can achieve on PC that i cant on consoles.
except using a keyboard and mouse, and 3D but not many games use it.
not to mention its so freaking expensive!
cheapest 120Hz monitor i have found is the samsung going for 600 bucks and its not 1080P and its not 16:9 either!

14 years ago

I was thinking the same thing, but that was years ago. I was spending huge amounts of money every couple of months on new hardware just to get my PC run newest games smoothly. But then I woke up and accepted the new industry that the consoles are. With all that money from selling my PC back then I could afford for an awsome gaming station (ps3+50"HDTV+5.1sound). I have it for 1,5 year now and it will last for couple years more.
You should wake up to my friend…

Last edited by JackieBoy on 2/9/2010 6:32:58 AM

14 years ago

you honestly did not read what i said did you?
thats what i was getting at, back in the day you had PC games light years ahead console games so you needed new hardware to run them up to speed.
my 1500 buck laptop can play any game on high to very high settings besides crysis.
so case in point you dont need to spend large wads of cash upgrading your PC, and you really never did as long as you buy the top of the line latest tech now instead of getting the mid range.

14 years ago

But you miss the point as well. Lots of us still have a good rig and would like to keep up with the times because we always have as much as anything but it's becoming increasingly pointless. Mre and more of the gamers I know are gaming with their mates and it's happening on consoles more and more often-mainly because there's just more gamers now and consoles are just more convenient for a lot of people.

There's also the move from MS that appears to be them making more games(like gears2, Fable2 and alan Wake)true 360 exclusives, Sony exclusives which never go to PC to think about-though the PC will still have more exclusives than any other platform a lot of the franchises people know are either on console now or are solely on console. The fact that I havewn't had to change anything on my PC since Crysis also tells me that there just can't be the money there to make it worthwhile pushing the high end PC gamnes these days-consoles may not appraoch ewjhat a PC can do but the fact is they offer ENOUGH quality for 99% of gamers and a lot of convenience besides-veverything works out of the box and you don't have to worry about upgrades at all-ever. You just move omn when everyone else does. this ahas trhe added benefit thayt online the playing field is more even with everyone having the same tech and same controller. All this appeals to people and isn't good for PC gaming.

I'm not saying PC gaming is dead or that it's actually as dear or daunting as it's made out but it isn't as user friendly or idiot proof as console gaming and doesn't offer the stress free set up that a PS3 or 360 does. I'm in no hurry to lose my rig and wouldn't drea,m of playing console versions of games by the likes of Valve(seriously L4D1 and 2 on 360 are just insults to console gamers and PS3 owners should be very thankful Gabe doesn't like them as the love he shows the 360 is something you don't wat, trust me!)on a console but I think the tide might be turning and the lack of envelope pushing PC games is evidence of it-can you blame devs for chasing the market?

Piracyy doesn't hewlp thePC gamers either-lord knows how it will turn out but there's a change in the balance of power whether we like it or we don't.

14 years ago

I feel you unnamed person, but the fact is, it's piracy, and variable hardware which has put to death computer exclusives. With hardware changing monthly, and everything being downloaded it wasn't going to keep going the old state of games on the pc. Sad but it is how it is. I love my ps3 on my full hd 1080p, ive learned to accept the new state of the industry.

14 years ago

I didnt mind the sequel, it was just relatively of faaaar less quality than the original. Fact is, it still was greater than a lot of other hybrid rpg fps's at the time.

14 years ago

What was with the sudden call out to Kane and Lynch 2? Did you have it on your mind when writing? Have people been saying stuff about it round here?

I agree, don't care about Kane and Lynch 2, but why suddenly bring it into a Deus Ex 3 article?

14 years ago

Common denominator is Eidos.

14 years ago

Deus Ex ONE absolutely destroys Bioshock.

Deus Ex is one of the greatest western games of all time.

The follow up, not so much, the 3rd? Well, Its lost most of the original team….its highly unlikely it will rival that of the original

14 years ago

Ah Deus Ex… another great game we can thank Epic for.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
14 years ago

I liked Invisible War for the Xbox when it came out and have been hoping for a sequel to it (never played the original). I'm sure it'd look stunning on the PS3 if they take the time do it up right.

14 years ago

The original Deus EX is in my top 5 favorite game of all time. I can't tell you how many times I've played it, 30 or more at least. I hope Deus EX 3 delivers the experiences that the original Deus EX delivered.