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L.A. Noire Confirmed For September?

Now that we've finally started to learn more about L.A. Noire , it may be time to start talking about a release date.

If you haven't gotten your hands on the new Game Informer – the one that features Rockstar's new action/crime drama on the cover – GTTV's Geoff Keighley has, and he has leaked the game's expected launch date over at this Twitter page . As you can see, the article in GI says the game is "coming in September for the 360/PS3," and considering the amount of time this project has been in development, that's not too far off. We're starting to think that L.A. Noire could become one of our most anticipated titles of 2010; the fact that we'll be involved in true-to-life crimes from 1947 Los Angeles is enough to pique our interest. What we need now are some solid gameplay details, which have proven to be elusive over the past couple of years. Remember, this game has had a very dark and murky past ; it reads more like an industry soap opera than your standard long-running development process. But hey, I think it's high time we tossed out the term "vaporware" in regards to L.A. Noire , right?

Try to nab that new Game Informer when it comes out; in the meantime, we'll keep looking around for more info. Along with Red Dead Redemption , Rockstar could have another very big hit for the year.

Related Game(s): L.A. Noire

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14 years ago

I need to see more — anything, really — before I get really pumped for this. But I'm definitely paying attention.

14 years ago

Yeah, definitely excited about this one.

14 years ago

this is the year of R*…

agent, la noire, red dead redepmtion and also the episodes of liberty city all coming to the PS3 this year…

14 years ago

even better if they show us something on "agent"

14 years ago

I really doubt that Agent will be released this year, in fact I'm beginning to doubt whether it exists at all.

14 years ago

I am looking forward to reading and hopefully seeing more from this secretive title… my interest has increased recently as more and more news filters through… It is all a little "Noire" wouldn't you say 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

Was it Agent or La Noire what was ment to be "groundbreaking" in someway?

14 years ago

I like this, a bit of GTA, sprayed with a bit of The Getaway mixed with Mafia, nice! Can't wait.

14 years ago

Meh, I'm more excited about Red Dead Redemption.

14 years ago

yeah same here. i kinda got tired of hearing all about this Noire stuff.

14 years ago

Red Dead Redemption looks pretty damn good, I want it too.

14 years ago

Curious about AGENT,want some info on that game.

14 years ago

So the rumors about this game being "ported" are true, and this is nothing more than a gimped multiplat. Interesting… I wonder what reasons Sony will give for their $20 million investment.

14 years ago

Ported from what? I thought this game started development on the PS3?

14 years ago

Where it started is still up for debate because the first few years of development were a mess. The game was being toted as a PS3 exclusive for a while but then there was a now famous tweet saying the game would be "ported." Most took this to mean the game was not exclusive anymore but would in fact be ported to the 360.

This latest information from Game Informer solidifies that L.A.N is multiplat and will be nothing close to what it could have been.

14 years ago

Sad. Developers have gone from "lets do our best and innovate!" to "lets cash in with mediocrity."

14 years ago

NEWSFLASH!!! Not all multiplats are mediocre!!!

14 years ago

thats not exactly new news.
IGN had a article back in september 08 if memory serves me saying LA Noire has just been confirmed to being MP.
and LA Noire started on the ps3 back before the PS3 was out, it was one of the games sony got for their deal with M$ getting GTAIV.
as if there going to work on a game for a few years, than port it off both ways.
if anything the 360s getting the port, not the ps3.
though team bondi are not exactly known for excellence so im still skeptical on this.

14 years ago

It's new news to these foolios

14 years ago

@ blankboy – Neither Team Bondi or Rockstar ever confirmed that the game was multiplat. The IGN article you're referring to is nothing more than Tom Crago spewing out rumors. Last I checked, he has nothing to do with the development or publishing of L.A.N.

@ Hitch – Nobody said all multiplats are mediocre but thanks for the random addition to my conversation with Jawknee.

14 years ago

Err read my post again Hitch. i never said ALL. Thanks once again for throwing around false accusations. You really need to read and think before you type.

14 years ago

Yeah but it was implied. Same thing

14 years ago

Hmmm, I wonder how they worked thout out???

Seems how Sony lost $20 million, I can't see how they wouldn't want to at least keep some control over it just to keep it away from the enemy.

14 years ago

Sorry for going off topic but all multiplats aren't mediocre. However, going multiplat might mean changing the game-plan. Which like FF13 isn't exactly the best thing for a game. Like when they took out content from FF13 to make the game identical on both consoles. I like multiplats but (talking about Sony here) exclusives tend to be more polished and they can detail and edit games to the extent of the PS3's capabilities. This will allow for more content and such when measuring the PS3's power only.

14 years ago

wait so were going from a announcement, than launch trailer, than years of silliness, than announcement of MP, than a single article, to a release date?
lets wait a little shall we?
im sure LA Noire will be out this year, but normally companies release a decent amount of info before announcing a release date.