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EA Sports: Watching PS3 Motion Controller “With Great Interest”

Sony's new motion sensing technology has been delayed until the fall, but that's because they want to have plenty of software when the "Arc" is released.

One of the companies that should have a title or two that supports this fresh motion technology is EA. According to a recent CVG interview featuring EA Sports boss Peter Moore, we learn that EA has been examining the new motion controller for the PS3 with "great interest." Not surprisingly, Moore wants to see what they can do with it from a sports perspective, although you can bet other EA studios are checking out "Arc" for other genres. Perhaps the biggest question some consumers has is, "how is it different from the Wii?" Well, those who have seen this thing in action are well aware of the obvious differences; said Moore:

"I've seen the technology working. I think it's going to be a great complement to what's out there. Sony will put their collective technology and marketing might behind it. It's a different experience than Wii and we're watching it with great interest. As you might imagine, we're working on stuff – in particular on what sports can bring to it."

Of course, Wii Sports was a launch title for Nintendo's platform that focuses on motion control, and it's logical to associate any physical "motion" with sports and other active hobbies. This is a given, but we're a little more interested to see how the motion controller will be implemented in different ways; with action/adventure titles, for instance. Oh, and we're putting "Arc" in parentheses because that's not the official name; it's just the "internal code word" for the device. It's just a lot easier to type than "PlayStation 3 Motion Controller."

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14 years ago

Hmm, I really hope that when this is released it will be viewed as more of an extra for certain games on PS3 and not the focus of the games. Im confident Sony will do it right though, because Nintendo has the market share, obviously, on pure motion control games. Sony is only going to be able to steal so much of that limelight. The key will be marketing and implementing it in a way that will be prosperous for them and not a total dud.

14 years ago

to be honest i would like to see it gain a foothold and become one of ps3's selling point. motion controlled games that actually look realistic and not cuboidish.

14 years ago

Yeah actually I can see your point on that, when you put it like that.

14 years ago

I really hope for this to work for Sony, and the thing that will help with that is realeasing awesome games(not party stuff like the wii, but something with depth) with the thing and of course bundles, since not everyone has a PSeye, also seperate sales, for the people who do have tha eye.
Rootin for ya Sony.

photo K
photo K
14 years ago

they should incorporate this with the 3D games that will be rolling out… that would be really interesting to see

14 years ago

Heavy Rain in 3D with the motion controller…dream game come true?

14 years ago

yeah and they should ship it with a free 3d tv! im really not rooting for 3d. i just paid off my led tv, and i wont be buying another for quite some time.

Last edited by inkme101 on 2/8/2010 11:39:35 AM

14 years ago

I hope the Sonymote winds up a great success!

But just to make sure none of the games wind up with dismal sales, the developers also need to give gamers the option to use the regular controller too, just for those who prefer it.

14 years ago

I kind of laughed a little bit when I saw the reference to "Sony's Marketing might" You had of mentioned that 6 months ago, you would have been booed off

14 years ago

I kind of laughed a little bit when I saw the reference to "Sony's Marketing might" You had of mentioned that 6 months ago, you would have been booed off

14 years ago

It's kinda funny, but when I think about it. Controllers like this and the Wii-mote seem to have better response times and accuracy than something like Natal. Here's hoping each products'bugs get worked out 'cuz I'm looking forward to more innovative and fun gameplay.

14 years ago

if they can put out some good fighting games or RPGs that use this in the right way than it will be a success, but if they release a ton of mini games it will be an utter failure.

or at least thats my take on it

14 years ago

Ok, so there's baseball, right off the bat (ba-dum-tshhh). What other sports could they simulate with the "Arc"? Oh, I remember the awesome bow-and-arrow demo they showed on E3 2009, let's hope EA considers archery a sport and includes that.

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14 years ago

Give me Lord of the Rings or Star Wars in "ARC" style!!! As far as EA, i dunno, make madden use the ARC? make sure they install a strap on that thing before users start throwing their ARCs into their LED tvs, ouch!!!

14 years ago

A lot of it will depend I guess if the "ARC" controllers will also incorporate the use of the PSEye as well. The Wii-sports games are limited to the motion of the controllers, but with the EYE you can make games to incorporate the motion of the players body as well.

But yeah baseball, tennis, anything that uses a bat or racket type games are the obvious choices, what about sword fighting? With one "arc" as a sword, and one as a shield, you could have some interesting games. Anyone remember the POV mode that used to be on the first Bushido Blade? A new version of that could make for a good game on the PS3.

I'm sure you'll see what will essentially be an upgraded HD version of Wii's sports Resort arriving on the PS3, but What can they do that will breath new life into the motion controller genre? Will any of the FPS' be able to use the benefits of this system?

Be interesting to see what direction Sony will take these controllers to make themselves stand out above the others on the market.

14 years ago

I saw the little big planet stuff with the arc and it looked like a crap load of fun. so i bet they could do that with other games too. And also i would like to see strategy games, like they showed in the demo. But for sports they could do nhl because you could use it as a pointer i guess?

14 years ago

I've been kind of thinking of RTS games as well. These controllers might help make games that before only worked really well on the PC to be able to be used on a Console.

Maybe they could redo Tom Clancy's EndWar and make it worth

14 years ago

I don't know about you guys but I am just not interested in the "motion controller movement". My main reason for playing games is to relax and enjoy a thought provoking story. My 7 year old has a Wii so I play some with him but even he is getting tired of the novelty.

It will be interesting to see how Sony markets this and whether they make it a focal point of the PS3 or just another novelty. Only time will tell.

14 years ago

Your article had no parentheses in it. I think you mean quotation marks.

14 years ago

Ooooh!!! Burn!!! Haha

14 years ago

MLB the Show anyone w/ PS3 dildo xD?

14 years ago

C'mon – motion control? HD? It's screaming for a Star Wars game!!!

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14 years ago

Lightsabers! thats what im sayin, maybe even dual light sabers or a gun and a saber, how fun

14 years ago

What would be more fun is watching the ported version on Natal – have images of someone giving themselves piles trying to use the force!!!

14 years ago

obviously a tenis, golf or other swinging bat game.
though i would love to see a snooker game utilizing the tech.
O and bowling but not your ordinary bowling, anyone remember monsters 3D bowling?
it was like a normal bowling game but you controlled the ball diverting it around ramps, obstacles, traps and the such.
best bowling game i have ever played, something like that using the motion tech would be really cool!

14 years ago

God of War with two arcs. OMG

14 years ago