The news has been bombarded with disappointment and negative feedback concerning Final Fantasy XIII , although there remains a strong, loyal following that claims the skepticism is unfounded.
Depending on how you interpret the poll results, it seems our readers are mostly split on the issue. While the majority say all that bad talk hasn't affected them in the slightest, the remaining votes were split almost evenly through the three remaining options. This can only mean that the negative articles have indeed had an impact; without such questioning commentary, it's almost inevitable that just about everyone would've remained totally psyched for the game's US release in March. While we believe some of the hate really is unfounded, the loss of towns is especially irksome and we're actually starting to wonder what makes FFXIII an "RPG" besides gaining experience. Following a story, no exploration of a world map or towns, gaining abilities at various points (save points, in this case)…how is that much different than God of War or another action-based game? We're not saying it doesn't deserve to be a role-playing game but it almost appears as if Square-Enix wants to leave those distinct RPG elements behind…
Heavy Rain will be a hot topic this week – the embargo lifts on the 10th – so we're wondering if you think the anti-game freaks will crawl out of the wordworks. As we know, there's almost full nudity in the game and of course, because only kids play video games, we just can't have this. So, have the naysayers grown up or are they going to have a hissy fit?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
I'll be getting Final Fantasy XIII on release. I don't care what others have to to say, I've seen some fan reviews that break the game into pieces and show the ups and downs. From my own research and opinion on the game I know for a fact that I will personally enjoy it. I'm not going to let all the hate drive me away from the game!
Nothing amazes me these days when it comes to TV-media
They'll make a big scene out of Heavy Rain's nudity.
FFXIII is a disgrace to FF imo.
I have every FF since FFVII and it's sad to see it go down the hill.
Never even liked the character designs to begin with.
Honestly, how can you say it's a disgrace without playing it? People who hate the direction that they percieve this game to be going will side with you automatically, but I personally don't know why you're so angry so please expand on that thought.
He won't. Nothing to expand upon. It's baseless.
You are so right Scarecrow. FF is not what is used to be. It is an interactive movie. I will not be playing it unless someone buys it for me. Infact I went back and bought FF 7 and FF 8 on the PSN to play the last great RPGS of FF imo. I wasnt much on 10 actually. It was ok.
End of Line.
Thats rubbish its after FFX they went down hill. VIII,IX and X are fantastic games.
Yeah, then they will cut to the commercial break where a load of sexual imagery and innuendo will be used to sell crap people don't need.
i loved each final fantasy game i played since VII. maybe its just me, i guess i made the mistake of not comparing each FF game to the one they loved before.
same here, never liked any FF13 characters.
I've been taken aback from all the negativity, but it's Final Fantasy. I grew up on it, and I'll probably buy every one that ever comes out regardless. As for Heavy Rain, of course they are going to freak out. It's just the way those guys are. It's like breathing. They always have to have a soapbox to stand on.
Last edited by dragonx_HD on 2/7/2010 10:15:04 PM
After the ign review of bioshock 2….im stuck at which i should get again…Bioshock 2 or FFXIII…I CAN'T PICK! T_T
I've decided I'm buying the game day one. I'm not reading a single review until I see the game's final credits roll.
I'm not happy that the PS3 version was gimped to accommodate the DVD port. A very strong part of me wants to pass on the game because of this.
But I've waited for a very long time, and the time is finally here! I'm sure it will still be a great game, but I can't help but to wonder what could have been.
Last edited by Mr Bitey on 2/7/2010 10:25:18 PM
Well hopefully we can see a little good come out of what SE did. What i mean is, maybe if they see that many people don't but FFXIII because of the changes they'll learn not to water things down just so they can go multiplatform. I mean, i really hope the game still recieves attention and a lot of it but that's the only good i can see coming from all that.
On the plus side, FFXIII Versus is still PS3 exclusive. Can't wait for more news there.
@Kiwi of DOOM
"Well hopefully we can see a little good come out of what SE did. What i mean is, maybe if they see that many people don't buy FFXIII because of the changes they'll learn not to water things down just so they can go multiplatform."
If Final Fantasy 13 sells poorly(which I doubt) you can kiss Ff VS's exclusivity goodbye.
i agree, i'm pissed about all the stuff that has happened regarding this game, but i still want it 🙂
@ Charger
lets hope something like that doesn't happen.
yeah… what could it hav been…
I don't think there's any hate directed against FFXIII itself.
All the hate is really aimed at SE for watering down a legendary game.
FF's always been "THE" Icon in the realm of RPG's, and it's wrong to turn it into anything much less than what it could be.
i dont care if square looses their top spot. Level 5s white knight chronicles reassures me that it would be fine.
I've completely moved passed FFXIII, I've just decided to move on and couldnt careless. Apart from all the information coming out of the woodwork of lack of exploration etc, the world just doesn't interest me.
Heavy Rain is THE game experience I've been waiting for. The demo is awe inspiring.
Agree with Bikersaint, & to add on to what Adam West said, We have indeed waited enough, only to have a large portion of the game taken out. The game was SUPPOSED to be probably the defining game of the generation, but instead it's just probably going to be a game that could've been.
I've played the Heavy Rain demo 5 or 6 times and i feel like theres still stuff i missed. I can see Heavy Rain being at the top of my favorites list for a long time.
If the media freaks out about it then it just proves that they know nothing about gaming, nor do they care to know, so who would take them seriously anyway?
I can see the media making a big fuss on heavy rain's nudity we live in a world of prudes. But hey put war on tv showing people being shot and killed thats A-OK though?
My hubby has moved past FF13 and is just looking forward to GOW III, I know once he tries FF13 he'll be back on the Final fantasy wagon I think all the hate is not the game but SE.
hahahah, all these talk about nudity in heavy rain would end up some immature kids buying the game. sales are sales and were lucky theres no online so we dont have to deal with these kids. Isnt that one reason why some of these kids bought mass effect 1, because of the controversy? all i'm saying is that i hope heavy rain does well.
I'm sure that Heavy Rain will be targeted by the media, and I can tell you one good reason right here (this point was also used in anti-RE5 articles); this game is obviously being marketed to children and it teaches them how to kill people and take a piss after a shower. Wait, that second one didn't sound so bad now that I think about it….
It sure does sound like one gimped FF game we're getting. No need for me to buy it on day one that's for sure. Give it a couple months to simmer and see how it stands up post hype.
It's releasing too close to GOWIII for me to be getting it day one. I'll still get it, and hopefully love it, but I only have the time/money for one new game every few months. And while it never really stood a chance against GOWIII for me, the news of it going multiplat and then having content removed has secured FFXIII as a 'wait till it's cheaper' title for me.
i guess you didnt hear that it might have DLC in the future huh.
cut off 50% on the game so it could be on a 360 disc f.u. SE – not buying it!
I'll wait for the ff xiv mmorpg instead.
to tell you the truth i dont know what i believe.
reading reviews, IGN especially are constantly bit**ing that a sequel is the same as its predecessor.
go read their review of ACIT ive lost the amount of times they have complained about the lack of change.
than they bi*** that a game is exactly the same as another, DI for example but never did they bi*** about it in bayonetas review.
but than i read their review of bioshock 2 and there is no complaining that there is no innovation from 1 to 2.
so for ACIT its a bad thing but for bioshock 2 its fine?
can you say double standards?
im really starting to think IGN were pissed off with EA in some way or another.
i heard they asked EA for access to the first review like they got for many other games and EA refused.
maybe that explains the BS score.
though 2 of my mates have played this and said its pretty graphics and thats it.
give up $E.
if you cant be fu**ed putting in cities into your games than i suggest you give up while your ahead.
sure you can rely on your name, but that will only carry you so far.
its only a matter of time till the fanbabys wake up and smell the coffee.
$Es glory days are long gone!
IGN is full of sh*t, PERIOD.
After all you can't spell "ignorant" without IGN. 😉
I read some spoilers and for my taste the villains in this game lacks a lot of charisma , also it looks dlc are coming…I'm gonna wait til the goty edition that I hope gonna come with dlc included .
i am buying the game, but not wasting money or time on DLC. The game better be a complete experience and not lacking episodes for future dlc.
FFVI and FFVII and FFT. The rest of the FF's are UTTER GARBAGE and FFXIII is a big freaking disappointment… THANK YOU 360, THANK YOU MICROSOFT FOR RUINING THE FREAKING GAME!!!!
Btw, 360 version on back of the game says they getting DLC. LOLOLOLOLOL
Final fantasy versus 13 is going to have the greatness that final fantasy 13 was suppose to have.
And yes like some of you i will say i have lost my faith in square enix but I'd like to contradict myself a little and say,my faith in tetsuya nomura remains untouched & know he will undoubtedly delivery on FFV13 and KH3.
as much as i would hate to even say it…. KH3 will probably be multiplat also 🙁
yeah im kinda feeling that too.
Go Nomura, deliver us godly games and take over S-E and ban Microsoft from any contact with the company you just took over.
I don't know if it was me being put off by the latest FF12 or what, but the road FF franchise is heading down doesn't really seem good (according to my tastes, not saying other people won't like them.)
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it will be far from a day-1 purchase for me. For 1, my RPG crave is being filled nicely with WKC right now(which is aMAZING btw), and things I've heard about it make me want to spend my money elsewhere.
If anything, it will give me something to play in a couple months when I don't have anything else to play.
i loved Final Fantasy XII, what exacly put you off on that game? the story was great and if you're playing and loving white knight chronicles, you must like the battle system. I mean wkc and FFXII seems like it has the same turnbased system to me minus the different interfaces. the AI controls the other party members in both games and thats what some people complaint was. i see no problem with it. i was just wondering why you didnt like FFXII and loved WKC? as for me, i love both, but right now i keep getting sidetracked from the main quest. i can see this game holding me down till FFXIII.
Last edited by johnld on 2/8/2010 5:05:03 PM
hello …
i want to try FFXIII, if a demo comes out i'll certainly go for it, i dont' like games where you play by turn, so need to experience it a little. I guess my favs are action adventure with a bit of platforming like UC & some heavy hack n slash like GOW series, yet i'm also into new concepts so HR also i a sure go, LOL.
bring me a demo & i'll check it.
i guess you havent played any final fantasy game before then as its pretty much turn based or some kind of modified turn based like FFXII. Its not bad at all, it lets you plan your attack. i prefer them to those rpgs that just seem to turn into button mashers.
I've never missed a 'Final Fantasy' title (even if I am more the 'Dragon Quest' type), but 'X' was really the last great one for me, so it's only become increasingly difficult to get excited about 'XIII'. And especially in light of recent news (none of it making the game appear more enticing to me).
I'll still get it, but right now it's sitting nowhere near the top of my list.
As for the 'Heavy Rain' issue…I know most of the internet likes to go to war with all the people they disagree with, but I don't believe in 'Any press is good press' and certainly wouldn't want this particularly special title to be put in the spotlight solely due to controversy.
I want to highlight all the positives about what I believe could be a landmark in the history of gaming. Not engage in a shouting match of sorts about who is truly wrong.
If there are those who will condemn 'Heavy Rain', then I say let them, and with no argument. And then let us proclaim what we know and love of the same title. And let that be all.
If we (the gaming community) can manage that, then I believe that those who truly care about the truth will discover it for themselves.
I will end up getting Final Fantasy XIII sooner or later. Heck i may give into a first day purchase. I'm certainly not hyped for it like before Decemeber and details (its flaws) were let out.
In a way i'm not even expecting it to be like a Final Fantasy, but just like another RPG. In comparision to other RPG's i think it will hold some ground. Like i have said beforin some ways being linear is not a bad thing, one of the worst things about FFXII was the pacing, You'd go through tons of land maps and temples before the story would advance, at least the same thing wont happen with this game…. Well i sure as hell hope not lol.
If the story makes up for what its lacking i can proably forgive it, guess in the end i'll just have to buy it can see.
I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to FF XIII. Everything I've heard about the gameplay is pretty negative, but that all comes from a small number of sources. Maybe it's all exaggeration, I guess I'll find out when it launches.
As far as the nudity in Heavy Rain, hey – all the surveys show that the average age of gamers is well into the adult range, so of course there should be adult content in games. Will people make a big fuss about it? Honestly, they can scream all they want and I won't notice or care.
Really? I've heard the gameplay get more compliments than any of its other features.
As I've said before, the only reason I'm still getting the game is because I paid it off months ago, before all the depressing news came out. Otherwise, I'd be waiting for a price drop and a gift chance.
As for the soapboxers? I'll be too busy playing the awesomeness that is Heavy Rain to give two $#!T$.
Last edited by I_defenestrate on 2/8/2010 8:57:22 AM
ummm….cant you cancel your preorder and move those funds to a different game. Thats what i do with my preorder from gamestop. I usually keep 5 bucks in their system to get preorder bonuses and just move it around. i'm sure you can do that even if you already paid it off.
I think it's really poor that there are no towns nor oppurtunities to explore, especially since I really like exploring and collecting collectibles and such, as for this rumor regarding not being able to turn back to previous maps, does anyone know if this still holds or has it been ruled out? Anyways, I might get it, after a month or two, God of War will be first and if I have the money, Heavy Rain too, if I then, by some miracle still have enough money left and the game has been slightly reduced in price I might still get it, otherwise I will just borrow it from my friend who will get it regardless.
As for the Heavy Rain thing, I think the media will take a nice big bite from the violence and nudity from Heavy Rain and negatively spit it out to the people who haven't really heard anything about the game and will thus only think bad from it. We know better though, especially after playing the demo.
@ Fullmetalx10 yes its true you cannout explore towns and what not. You guys know how I feel about FFXIII. The characters, Jesus Christ the characters! They'll make you rage.