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Sega Delayed Alpha Protocol To “Polish The Game Up”

Obsidian's Alpha Protocol was initially supposed to arrive in October 2009 but became one of many titles to avoid the blockbuster crunch and move into 2010. But then, Sega said we wouldn't see it until the spring, so there had to be other reasons for pushing it back.

But perhaps more info is right around the corner, as it seems the MTV Multiplayer Blog has now seen an all new level from the game. Then they asked Matthew Hickman, Sega Assistant Producer, why exactly the game was delayed and what the developers have done with the extra time. Hickman replied:

"We had a few reasons for doing it. One: We wanted to position it better, give it a lot of time. The main reason: We really wanted to polish the game up, make it everything Obsidian planned it to be, and give the consumer a very polished game. We added a couple of other things. Tweaks in lighting here and there, added the inventory comparison screen so you can compare what you're buying to what you have equipped. Just bringing the whole quality level up."

So they do admit they didn't want to challenge the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for the holiday season, but also, they wanted to give the designers a chance to simply add more polish and refinement. For those who are enjoying Mass Effect 2 right now, you might be interested in Alpha Protocol , which is known as the "Espionage RPG," where character choices are super important. Hopefully, we'll have a solidified release date some time soon.

Related Game(s): Alpha Protocol

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14 years ago

This looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to more information soon. If it's anything like Mass Effect then I'll like it. I enjoyed how Mass Effect had a lot of "choices" throughout the game.

Last edited by Nlayer on 2/7/2010 9:51:11 PM

14 years ago

Hopefully since it's Sega, they are spending extra time polishing the PS3 version.

14 years ago

Yeah, didn't Sega supposedly "polish" the PS3 version of Beyonetta? ;

14 years ago

I had this one pre ordered, now it has been so long I don't know wether or not to buy it

14 years ago

A delay is only a good thing but I appreciate your concern *looks at Haze*

14 years ago

I really hope this is good. Sega's been screwing up lately and it's making me nervous. An espionage RPG just sounds like a great idea though.

14 years ago

I haven't had a WRPG fix since Oblivion. Hopefully, this would put me back in track.

14 years ago

Fallout 3!
Dragon Age Origins!

14 years ago

If it's anything like mass effect I'm getting it day 1.

14 years ago

this and fallout new vegas will be dueking it out for RPG of the year.
id put my money on AP for 3 reasons.
1 its been in development longer.
2 bethesda dont know how to release a polished game with no bugs. (fallout 3. i love you, but for fu**s sake get those bugs sorted!)
3 game play style just seems more interesting to me.
i love cop based games, i love games that make you be careful of what you do because it could come back and bite you in the a$$, and i love the RPG based level up system.
this is sounding like a wet dream, that is assuming obsidian dont find a way to f**k it up.
and knowing todays developers they will!

14 years ago

I'm pleased the devs got extra time this game sounds interesting

14 years ago

whens this coming out??…HIPHOPGAMER says its up there wit MGS and Splinter Cell

14 years ago

Not as much as BioWare or Bethesda, but I love Obsidian and I'm very eager to get my hands on 'Alpha Protocol.' Though I have calmed myself in recent years when any game I'm looking forward to is delayed, assuring myself that it only means said game will be that much better.
Hopefully, such will be the case here.

14 years ago

I had this on pre order but every time they released screen shots or vids it just always looked like a launch PS2 title, although the game itself looked nearly complete. Spending this much time to polish and tweak it must be a good thing

14 years ago

Sega how about we ask Sony for a bit of help on this one, this game sounds awesome, the concept is unique and it seems quite interesting, but if its executed like Bayonetta's ps3 version then it might as well be a 360 exclusive as far as my purchase is concerned. I'll be waiting for a review Arnold/Ben because you just cant seem to trust sEgA this gen if youre a ps3 owner.

14 years ago

Bayonetta was an isolated incident. Blame Platinum Games, not Sega. Platinum developed the game on the 360 and told Sega to port it the PS3 themselves, which is not how most multiplat games are developed these days. Alpha Protocol should be fine.

14 years ago

Sega gave us Valkyria Chronicles.

But then they screwed it up by putting VC2 on the PSP.

Oh well, no company is perfect.


14 years ago

tsk tsk tsk, they coulda done the same with the ps3 version of bayonetta. -_-