Although Heavy Rain won't hit US store shelves until February 23, there's always the confirmed demo.
The playable demo, which features two chapters and about 30 minutes of play time, will come to the PSN on Thursday, February 11. But man…that's a whole 6 days away; what if you could nab a sample of one of the most anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusives now? It's easy enough, actually. You may recall that Four Days Challenge , which had you warming up for the mystery of the game by participating in a little mini-game of sorts. If you were one of the participants and you managed to land the four necessary pieces of evidence, you can indeed download the demo today. However, maybe you didn't sign up. Or if you did, maybe you just didn't stumble across the solution. No problem. If you did the Four Days Challenge, head on over to a special site called Precinct 52 , where you play an "alternate reality game" that asks you to submit those four pieces of evidence from the Four Days Challenge. If you didn't do the Challenge head over to Kotaku for the cheat sheet. You cheater, you.
At the time of this writing, the Precinct 52 site was down due to "overwhelming demand;" maybe they didn't think the answers to the Four Days Challenge would've leaked out, or maybe they underestimated everyone's desire to play the demo a week early. Either way, we're here to tell you that our review will go live a day before the demo "officially" arrives on the 11th. Just so you know…
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
Well im in the UK and it worked for me 🙂
Yea I wonder if that is the case but my code just went from being invalid to me getting an error. I wonder if you are supposed to be able to get it in the US but there is some problem with the authentication servers. I'll just go try my euro account.
Update: Just tried on my euro account and got the same invalid msg. I wonder if its just because the site is so busy its having problems updating/validating the codes it has handed out.
Last edited by phantomMenace on 2/5/2010 6:09:12 PM
I'm in the U.S. and the code worked fine for me. I played the demo twice now.
Thanks guys. Sounds like they're just overwhelmed with traffic.
How big is the file? I haven't heard that mentioned yet.
1.3GB I think.
Ty Otis! Yay I get to play it tonight as opposed to going to bed while d/l-ing a 3gb monster. Have fun everybody! =)
i'm in the u.s. and the code didn't work, i did however work on my UK account, so that seems to be the trick if it doesn't work for the U.S.
took bloody half a hour to get the site working and god DAM! its slow but i finally got it.
🙁 now i want the game even more!
i wish my local EB did not respect street dates its just sitting in the store teasing me.
I finally got in, received a code, and it didn't work.
I re-signed up with my 2nd email address, went through the process again, only to have the 2nd code I received not work AGAIN! 🙁
I'm sad now.
Last edited by Mr Bitey on 2/5/2010 7:59:24 PM
i guess ill just wait for the official date like all the commoners, serfs, and plebeians.
Code is only for UK account…no problem I do one in 5 minutes.
Code works for US accounts too.
Well in my US account didn't work and in my uk did work.
I got my code and I can't download it, then I use my US account and I still can't download it.
Is UK the only account that works?
I was having the same problem and the UK worked.
Any idea where I can get some help on creating a UK account?
There's no footage of making UK account on youtube.
You have to have registered on the US part of the heavy rain website, check my comment below for a link with more details
Last edited by carl0975 on 2/5/2010 10:49:49 PM
Here's the solution for all of you having problems with downloading the demo:
Thanks man, I'm downloading the demo now.
Though have to wait for more than 10 hours because I'm also downloading BC2 demo, AVP demo and Strike Force demo.
eh, lost interest in trying to dl the demo. Not like it matters since demo or not, I'm buying this game first freaking day.
but props for the help. +1
Last edited by Superman915 on 2/6/2010 12:23:33 AM
So I finally got through to the site and was able to complete the little "mini-game". I downloaded the demo and I've played through all of it. The graphics are INSANE! Not to mention that it's also really cool to solve crimes and whatnot. Some of the button configurations will take some time to nail down and learn, but overall, I think that I'll definitely be buying this title. There's one part where you're fighting a guy as Shelby and, I have to tell you, it's was crazy-intense. I was actually on the edge of my seat. I can easily see this game sucking me in and immersing me 100% into its world. And you know what? I'm 100% fine with that. Yes, Heavy Rain is that damn good.
brilliant demo, just made the next 2 weeks that much more painful!
thought there were allot of graphical bugs i was not expecting, kinda worrying for a game thats been in development for 4+ years.
there is a sh*t load of pop up, screen tearing and for some reason the characters skin looks green.
must be relatives of Kane and Kodos.
there no where near as good as uncharted 2, which i was expecting.
I tried 3 different emails and got 3 different codes not a single one was valid
Just got in and got my code. I am downloading the demo now. Can't wait.
carl0975 you sir are awesome. i went to the page you put on here and i am now downloading my demo. Thank you!
Hooray! I got mine to work too! Code was invalid on my US acct so I quickly made a UK acct using a hotel for the address (that always works if you didn't know) and I'm downloading now.
Some great teamwork here! Better than some of the PS forums by far!
Here's the address I used, if anybody needs one.
Street: 30 John Islip St.
City: London
Postal Code: SWIP 4 DD
Last edited by Squirreldriver on 2/6/2010 3:42:38 AM
Alright, so let me tell you all a story with a happy ending.
Yesterday I found out about the last part of the Heavy Rain four days challenge, only to find out the site the mail referred me to, wasn't working, after checking up on PSXE I saw the cause…(overcrowding since Kotaku told freeloaders everything they needed to know to get that demo, without those people ever having any thoughts about entering the 4-days challenge) Anyways, after hours of trying to get through to the site I gave up around 00:20 and closed all the tabs I kept refreshing hoping on getting in, but after brushing my teeth and drinking some water I thougt, why not try again, so I opened one last internet window typed in the url, got the screen, typed in my mail and password, got the loading screen, decided to wait just one minute and to my amazement, after 30 seconds a door appeared on the screen, I clicked the door and got a white loading screen, after waiting for another 30 seconds, the challenge popped up, I completed the thing and got my code. I immediately started up my awesome 60gig Playstation accessed my european account, typed in the code at the redeem codes page and got an error message… so I swiftly exit the store, went on to my american account, typed in the code and SUCCESS.
The download went from 00:40 to 1:30 in the AM and after installing it I rested on my bed and fell asleep.
I woke up 10 hours later, was reminded by the piece of paper I had lying on my desk which I used to write and draw on all sorts of possible clues during the 4-days challenge, yet again started up my awesome PS3, logged on, went to the games tab, entered my demo's folder and started up the game.
To all you people out there, one word, you can already guess it.
If you're not sure about this game, after playing the demo you will be(though it does take a small amount of time to get used to the controlls).
to everyone who hasn't gotten it already, either follow the freeloader way or wait 'till the legal date on which they release the demo.
If you get a code that dosent work just try again and you will get a new one! 🙂
(the first one i got dident work on EU or US acc.)
Thanks for the heads up!
Getting this day one!
Last edited by Ghidora on 2/6/2010 6:13:15 AM
playing the demo its very interesting and I win that figth versus that wannabe pimp .
Hey everyone if you still cannot load precinct52 use this link: then go to the kotaku link up above in the article to get the clues, make sure you register so you can make this happen. Good luck cheaters!
Played the demo last night,unlike some people i got the redeem code really easily.I really enjoyed both scenes,especially the first one,I acted as i would in real life-I was compassionate[Figured being sincere,she would talk].There was an option to leave your card on the table & I'm betting in the full game if i do things the same,She'll probably call.
just played the demo, had problems getting the code but at the end of the registration page URL for Precint 52, just change the URL to say en_US instead of en_UK …..this made the difference, after "cheating" ur way through the evidence file u will get the code that would work…hope it helps….
Yeah I got it yesterday and play the hell out of it. I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to play it when it come out.
I'll just wait till Thursday, I would love to play it but Ijust don't have time till thursday. Happy to hear it's a good demo.
Only just downloading it now lol. I forgot about this as I had net problems one of my mates was playing it online and it reminded me to get it.
The code I got for modnation races was invalid too. and when I got my God Of War collection I didn't get no code for that with the game as not every game got it. Oh well what happens when you dont get one off ebay that advertised it. I went for the slightly cheaper one too. Oh well March is nearly here anyway, oops gone off topic loads on here 🙂