We're not entirely sure why everyone is obsessed over the name of Sony's new motion controller, but…they are. So, we have to do stories about it.
For some time, multiple sources have been saying the official name for this fancy new motion sensing technology will be "Arc," although Sony has never actually confirmed the name. During this time, the motion controller was delayed; it got pushed out of its intended launch date of "Spring 2010" and is currently scheduled to release this fall. But what will we call it when it arrives? VG247 reminds us that Sony registered the domain name, "PlayStationArc.com" last year and it was discovered last week, so "Arc" is looking more and more accurate. Then, during last night's third-quarter financial call, THQ CEO Brian Farrell actually called the motion controller by that very name, so we figured that's that…but not so fast. SCEA head man Patrick Seybold updated his Twitter page with this:
"No. We haven't announced the name of our Motion Controller. He referred to it as a rumored code name."
Yeah, we've heard that before, too; that "Arc" is just an internal code name for the motion technology. So maybe we're back to square one. But at the very least, we know Sony delayed the launch so as to get more software ready for the impending device; they say at least 10 compatible titles will be available this fall. We don't really care what it ends up being called; we just wanna try it.
I think they need to spend less time tryin to figure out a name for this and instead figure out a way to make it look less like a ladies bedroom toy!
Seriously, the prototype looks ugly. At least the wiimote looks cool in a way.
Also, it's missing an awful lot of buttons on this controller. It's hard to use it with the dualshock in one hand. The best is to release and play it with two "arcs". There needs to be more buttons though.
gosman, i think it does come with two. have a look at some demos, im sure he uses two.
And how dumb is the name 'Project Natal' ????
Sony are indeed having a hard time finding a name for this. No matter what they call it, am sure MS' Project Natal will still sound wacker.
Just don't tell them you're anti natal or they'll think ya can't wait for the birth of their lil B***ard!!!
it's pretty stupid, it needs prenatal care.
World – that's hilarious!
Wanna be very careful with the design. I mean, if you're playing a game with two of those at night, and your curtains are open, there's a chance a 747 could land in your living room.
Who cares what Sony call it. To be honest, it's a chronically amusing design and people will give it their own name.
Maybe we need a new thread where a competition for the best silly name wins a fab prize.
I'd call it a Dilglo.
lol, you might land yourself a UFO too.
LMFAO ShooPoo. Right on the mark with the 747 landing.
Why not stick with the previous Dual Interactive Cordless Sticks suggestion. With replaceable casing so you can transform it to a Diglo
I can see it now, Angry daily mail readers "my son landed a 747 while playing modnation racers :@"
lol! A 747!
Well, then what is PlaystationArc dot com about? All he said was that they haven't announced it so it could still be that. But I don't like Arc or Gem, they need something cool. Or at least stick with the wierd "Q" names they have been coming up with. Call it MoQo, or Qwartz or Q-bert or Qubex or something.
it works but your suggestions are a little pony.
Gem sucks, makes it sound a bit like a girls toy, and let's be honest, it looks a little like a womens toy…
Arc sounds more firm. wrong word, i mean stiff.
you know….
Q as in Qore and Qriocity, mines was jokes
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/4/2010 2:03:34 PM
I like the Dilglo idea. I really hope this doesn't become a gimmic where they make gay window washing games and end up like the Wii.
Gay window washing games?
but yes, implement it well. besides, i think coz its much more accurate, it can be used for better precision, how well would something like mag or gta work with this. imagine the use in GTA. the minigames would be so mcuh more fun. DARTS FTW!
Im sorry but a word like Arc just works. i mean, really works!
it is something so casual and simple, but slick.
Arc, this autumn…
yup, i can see that kevin butler guy really selling this.
Arc doesn't make a lot of practical reference sense though.
@world – Advanced Reactionary Controller, whadya think?
I could buy that, not literally I Won't be purchasing it, but I'll buy the concept.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/4/2010 5:21:17 PM
Arc sounds terrible, it need to be something catchy, like Wii.
The Wii is easy to say, fun to say, and fun to spell. Not so much fun to play.
how is arc none of these things
Just name it the "Sonymote" & get it done.
I think Sony backed themselves into a corner by picking "Q" as their key letter (i.e. Qore). Am sure their marketing department are twisting their brains in pretzels trying to find a way to integrate Q into their new motion controller. Quantum….QuArc….
It doesn't mean they have to use it for everything. Isn't Qore the only thing that uses the letter Q?
Qriocity does too.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/4/2010 5:21:52 PM
Roflmfaocopter @shoopoo lol that seems like something to be on family guy. Sony is going to go with Arc, i mean it was due next month in JP originally right? if they didnt have a name for it by then then wat would they call it? The "Remotiontrol?" i cant wait for natal to launch, not cuz i want it or anything, but for all the youtube fails that are going to be online. A madden scenario; boy goes for the winning field goal kick, kick the china his mother worships. A WWE scenario; boy dropkicks brand new plama. But M$ is going to get alot of pedafile fans, Milo gives them a reason to own a 360 now.
They should call it the Revolution.
I was thinking the fad.
"ARC" to me is not the best kinda bland.
I'm just wondering how long it will be before someone is rushed to Accident and Emergency, controller gripped in two hands and with one of these Arcs rectally jammed…
I was just making a cup of tea in Heavy Rain 2 and I was walking backwards and tripped!
Last edited by Gordo on 2/5/2010 12:54:48 AM
I don't care what they call it; just keep the damn thing and the games that only use it for controlling them away from me.
how about we call it the "the sony reach"!
I gave you guys the name, or at least what it should be named already, let's call it the Playstation Orb. PSOrb for Short, it's catchy short and it rhymes. Its perfect. Right?