While it's true that many PlayStation 3 owners are anxiously awaiting the Heavy Rain demo that will hit the PSN next week, there's a good reason to log on today, too.
It could very well be the sleeper hit of the month: Rebellion's Aliens vs. Predator . We've been hearing a lot about this game over the past few months; the seven great online multiplayer modes, the depth provided by three distinct species, and the nostalgia of the great AvP Atari Jaguar title following us around. But many have adopted a "wait and see" philosophy for this next-gen take on a classic, which is why they need to try out the demo that drops on the Store today. It's a multiplayer demo that gives you access to the Colonial Marine, the Predator and the Alien, although you will be limited to Deathmatch mode on one map; the Refinery. It's hardly surprising that a FPS has a multiplayer focus, although we're definitely counting on a robust single-player mode. Said Jason Kingsley, Rebellion CEO:
"Multiplayer was a huge part of our original AVP game back in 1999, and we've kept the spirit of that classic experience in creating the multiplayer for our new Aliens vs Predator. With the demo now gamers can get to grips with each of the three iconic species so they can hone their skills and be ready for when the game launches and battle commences."
Yeah, well, we still say the "original" came well before 1999, but whatever. Download the demo and see what you think; you just might need your shooter fix, what with the likes of Heavy Rain , Final Fantasy XIII and God of War III on the horizon.
Related Game(s): Aliens vs. Predator
Awsome, on my way to the ps store now!
Good luck finding it now. It's still Wednesday. Haven't you noticed that the news comes out the day before the date posted?
Exactly. I wanted to give it a go before I went to bed tonight. Oh well. It's only 2 weeks away from release anyways. I'm still buying it, demo or no demo.
Last edited by Geobaldi on 2/3/2010 11:46:08 PM
Yeah i didn't even end up going to check. I just crashed on my bed. but thanks though.
No thanks. They would have been better off if they could have put in 1 level of the SP campaign to go along with the multiplayer mode.
Will wait for you guys to put up a review.
So you have to wait and see the review before you even try out a free demo??? The sense is absent in that logic.
My logic is that I don't want to play the MP so I am waiting for a review to find out how the SP is. I thought I made myself clear but there you go.
I understood you and I also won't bother with the demo.
Give me single player demos. MP can wait for the game release.
Thanks Gabriel,
The same goes for the Battlefield:Bad Company 2 demo. What is with the companies releasing multiplayer demos?
Just like I said in an earlier post. It is a sign of the times. Pretty soon all games are gonna be multiplayer oriented with an option to purchase SP levels as DLC.
Damn, I was waiting for a SP demo!
I guess I'll be taking the same "wait & see attitude" too then.
Maybe when I'm bored. The problem with this game will probably be that it would need 3 proper single player campaigns to be worth it. Does it have that or was the DVD too small?
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/3/2010 10:11:56 PM
mmm, it probably has everything, i mean i don't think the game is super graphx gorgeous or anything and probably not a whole lot of super next gen going on at once so it'll probably be all good
It does have three seperate SP modes, they all start with the same intro, but then you get to play it from each species perspective. I'm pretty sure I read an article somewhere stating as such. Maybe IGN.
My edit button pulled a vanishing act, but here is the link to the preview, if you're interested, World.
Thanks def, that's a help.
Are you referring to the great AvP game on the SNES? THAT WAS GOD LIKE! If so I do agree that the original came WAY before 99!
Hmm…I dunno…I'm thinking Ben wrote this for some strange reason..
I was thinking AvP on the Jaguar, I loved that one.
Thanks for that good article on the SP mode, great catch on that one!
I already have the Jaguar cartridge, & now this one's also going on my wish-list now too.
I've been worried that this won't meet my expectations, so I haven't been paying much mind to it. However, I guess it won't hurt to download it and see if it's any good.
I have a strong feeling I'm gonna love this game…
I do wonder why we never see comments from "John Shepard" in the articles. He must be too busy saving the galaxy from the Reapers and Collectors.
Last edited by I_defenestrate on 2/4/2010 12:25:06 AM
or jumpin through stargates
I'm definitely lookin forward to crawling up walls and jumping on unsuspecting space marines
i was hoping on a single player demo.
what is with developers and only releasing MP demos this is really starting to piss me off!
anyway you sure its up today?
the PSN normally does not update till friday morning and its thursday.
just checked, still not there.
50 bucks says it wont be there till tomorrow morning along with the BFBC 2 demo.
both better be SP demos otherwise im going on a murderous rampage.
Last edited by ___________ on 2/4/2010 1:04:00 AM
BFBC2 demo won't be single player. It's multiplayer only on 360. Why would it be any different on PS3?
but than we already had a MP demo a few weeks ago, why do we need another one?
I'll try it when it hit the PS store later.
does any1 remember a games called robocop v alien on the amstrad? or is my memories goin to shit!! cos i loved that game i think i beat it bout 20 times!!
Last edited by kevyd09 on 2/4/2010 2:47:28 AM
I remember Robocop vs Terminator. As far as I know, Robocop and Aliens have never met. Though there was a viral video a few years back where he fought Predator also.
now that u mention it your correct!! i can remember the last boss was a big terminator head
good times
Robocop vs terminator was the shiit
That game takes me back, good times.
Love it when a demo gets posted.
i wanted a sp demo!
AWASOME !! I'm actually hyped with this game.
bad thing isn't a sp demo.
I think this has the potential to be a real hit. I'll check out this demo in the next few days – wish it was SP too though.
"The come mostly at night…..mostly"
Haha nice South Park quote, its from Aliens I believe, but it was funnier on SP. Anyway, from the Trailers and footage I watched the Space Marines were getting SLAUGHTERED. It doesn't really seem worth it to try and be a Marine, maybe it looks unbalanced a bit I dunno. Either way it looks fun, I hope.
This demo is not posted up on the US PSN yet. later today maybe?
just played the MP demo and its bad ..the game is now a renter for me until i see some SP gameplay if the demo is anything to go by.
I thort the idea of a demo was that it tempted you to buy the game not put you off!
my cash is now on BFBC2
oh and good luck tryin to connect to a game
Last edited by daizycutter on 2/4/2010 2:21:06 PM
He wasn't liying about to have luck to play this thing I can't find a damn game in almost 20 min.
its posted now im dloadin it right now
downloading right now and FF8 is on there as well!!!!
I know I'm changing the subject but what do you think if they made a game based off that Batman versus Predator comic book from back in the day?
I still have all the original issues of that miniseries. Was great seeing Batman pratically in a body cast lol.
Amazon pulled the pre-order today (2/4/10) for the Hunter Edition for the PS3, does anyone know why?
They could've sold out of available copies.
The Demo is wack!!! I can't even play it >=(
I heard the servers for the PC and PS3 version were having difficulties with the matchmaking. It says it's easier if you have a party of at least 6 before you go into the match making menu…..It won't even let me do that 8===D(x.0)
got the demo, too bad there is no one on there to play against.
there are people on the game trying to play it as well….there's a problem with the matchmaking. I'm just glad they discovered this problem now. They have 2 weeks before the release date to get the servers working properly….hope it don't take 2 weeks though.