December was the best month for the PlayStation 3 yet, selling 1.36 million total units in the US. The question is, can Sony's machine keep this momentum going into the first part of 2010?
Well, according to Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia, it most certainly will. In speaking to IndustryGamers , Bhatia believes the PS3 "will have the best year-over-year growth in January among all consoles." At the same time, he – like many others we've heard from – expects the Wii to drop significantly; right now, Bhatia says the console "is experiencing meaningful shortages." He says that of all the stores they called in January, only 28% had the Wii in stock although they could be found at 47% of the world's biggest game retailer, GameStop. As for the Xbox 360, Bhatia believes the GameStop promotion (featuring a free $50 gift card) helped the console in January. But perhaps most interesting is the fact that the PS3 will once again boast the biggest year-over-year growth, provided Bhatia's beliefs are accurate. We'll know the facts when the NPD results arrive next week but in the meantime, it's a good sign heading into a February that sees the release of two big PS3 exclusives in the US: White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain .
Many believe 2009 was "the year of the PS3" and given the exclusive software on tap for 2010, it seems plausible that we could see a repeat performance this year.
And it will only get better for the PS3 from here on out too!
PS3 is a Killer machine 🙂
"i am home"
With a killer line up of games in the first 3-4 months of 2010, no way momentum's gonna stop.
Yeah I would expect the same thing out of the next two months as well. With the amazing list of games over the next two months, it would be shocking to here if the playstation doesn't win that catagory in February and March.
Good news from Bhatia, we got all the exclusives this year so it's a no brainer. Now c'mon anybody play WKC yet? How is it?
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/2/2010 10:18:53 PM
isn't coming out until tomorrow :(. Went to a couple stores to make sure.
oh darn, thought it came out on the 2nd for some reason.
it ships on the 2nd but actual street date is the 3rd.
Amazon says February 4.
Peestains! Bestbuy dot com says it is backordered. I was gonna break down today and go out to get it.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/3/2010 1:08:38 PM
i just got white knight today, seems like delivery was late. oh and best buy didnt buy a lot of copies and some gamestops are sold out unless you preordered. if theres a bestbuy around you that has the game, price match it with because they have it there for 53 bucks. if you want the guide too, amazon has it for 13.56. price match both at bestbuy and you can get it with 15% off the guide. i got it all for 72 bucks with tax.
Good, should stay that way
I honestly hope so.
and then heading into march
just sayin….
February and March are going to be incredible months for the ps3 for sure.
Is it time to begin the chants of
P S 3!
P S 3!
P S 3!
or is it too early? 😉
Haven't got my copy of WKC yet, should be this week. But I agree with Ben about the PS3 repeating in 2010. Key things in 2010 for Sony, continue to deliver impressive exclusive games, get GT5 delivered, make a lot of noise about 3D games on the run up to the launch of Gem.
360 supposedly has some game announcements coming at X10, I assume that Microsoft – who have been very quiet for a long time now – will try to come roaring back into the market. But, I suspect that they will try to wait until Natal is launched, that way they can try to pull off a re-launch of the 360 with Natal.
Sony should be in a good position, but they need to have a few aces up their sleeve waiting for when Natal launches.
It's never too early….
'starts slow dramatic clap'
Ah, you beat me to the slow clap… guess I'll just join in then.
'increases clap rate and awkwardly yells "YEAH!!" that catches most participants off guard'
OK, just please no Howard Dean screams please…
I was about to click thumbs down and you let out that awkward yell and I clicked thumbs up instead. You definitely caught me off guard.
Brownsville, Harlingen, La Feria, the song was.
This Sunday and Monday at three Walmarts, one Best Buy, two Targets and two Game Stops the song was.
Sold out, sold out and sold out.
The Walmart warehouse is sold out of PS3 units.
I went WTF!!! not even on Black Friday or the big C on the 25th of December does that happen? in these three towns?
And they were out of PS3 units in January, January are you for real I asked? and store workers just pointed at empty shelves and said those are empty ok? so like come back next week and maybe, maybe we will have some as we have advance sold our PS3 stocks for next week.
So outside of south Texas how are PS3 sales in your area?
Whenever demand for PS3's are outstripping the supplies, you gotta to know that's a good thing!!!!
Now all Sony's got to do is just ramp up the production some more.
Mass Effect 2 has been universally acclaimed.
I think it's gonna be hard for Sony to come up with a game that's gonna get the same score.
I mean, Mass Effect 2 is now 95% on Gamesranking, the only PS3 exclusive I see getting that kind of score is GOWIII this year and hopefully, Sony will announce new games that's coming out this year.
Some like R&C ACIT announced at E3 and released in October instead of announcing it this year and then release it 2 years later.
Last edited by Snaaaake on 2/2/2010 11:16:28 PM
GT5 will get that kind of score
Oh yea, totally forgot.
Which one of you guys actually think Gamestop is offering that $50 gift card out their own pocket, really, thats a MS behind the scenes offer all the way, oh so you get an Xbox for $299 and a $50 dollar gift card, that means thet're prepared to offer the 360 for $249 to try and counter the PS3 surge
I'm still waiting for review on WKC, compared to FFXIII, in terms of quality FFXIII certainly is superior.
But from everything I read about both games, it seems that WKC boast more feature and content such as online play, build your own village, online quest, exclusive item from online that can be brought back into the story and last but not least create your own character to accompany the main character.
That's a lot of stuff and I'm positive that's only a fraction of what WKC have to offer.
For FFXIII, the only good thing I see is superior quality and storyline is 60 hours long.
But well being a fan of FF I'll be getting FFXIII first when I have the money.
And I just came back from Gamespot, they just gave WKC a 6.0 out of 10.
For real?
If PS3 ever cut down to $199, it'll be game over for Xbox.
Now you want $199, next it should be free…
With all the exclusives for the PS3 sony has killed the competition, my friends are like I need a PS3 for all those great looking titles they are jealous that the 360 isn't getting GOW III and heavy rain,
More and more exclusives they keeping coming out with the more people will switch to the PS3. Sony plays the game right why rush perfection I bet they had it planned like this from the beginning sneaking and smart at the same time.
Exactly. Every time I talk to my friends about a ps3 they tell me to stop talking because I'm making them jealous lol. Specifically one of my good friends at work, who owns a 360. We talk about games alot and the other day he actually told me he hated me because I made him wish he had a ps3 XD.
I mean lets face it: Sony has two amazing systems behind it that boasted an amazing catalogue of games. All I see from Microsoft is a fail of a system that barely had anything worth playing other than Halo (and even only if you are in to fps's).
Last edited by chedison on 2/3/2010 3:05:59 AM
dis year is going to be the year to end all years.
weve got so many fantastic games in the first 3 months of the year and theres still releases to be dated like mafia 2, GT5 (not that i care), LA Noire, Agent, davids new game, crysis 2, RAGE, half life 2 epp 3.
people 10 years from now will be looking back and saying gee i wish we were back in 2010, we surely had a once a lifetime treat then.
now please can we not spoil this with the usual 150 game delays per month?
And if you also were to add in the PSP too….
then it's actually 3 amazing systems.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/3/2010 1:48:15 PM
This is really good to see. Although it's not exactly a big surprise. We all knew it was coming. Once the novelty of the Wii has worn off, and 360 owners realize they're missing out on the top notch console with top notch exlusives, PS3 was bound to pick up stride. I'm still confident that over it's life the PS3 will outstrip it's competition. Sony has a tendency to start slower and finish strong.
The price is no longer daunting and the 'no games' argument is officially laid to rest. At this point, for a new buyer doing a straight up comparison, it should be a no brainer.
Umm, the 'no games' crap is still around and it's still at large.
At certain forum, there's still people saying stuff like the 360 exclusives are better, Ps3 has no games, XBL offer better service, PSN is free because it suck etc.
Guess some people just never learn eh?
I couldn't find White Knight Chronicles at Gamestop, Best Buy or Walmart yesterday; as noted by others, it should be out later this week. Interesting though, at Best Buy they had a nice PS3 + Ratchet and Clank Future + "Up" Bluray I believe it was in a nice bundle; when I saw the bundle there was only 1 left on the shelf which is good cause that was a sweet bundle.
Hmm… was 2009 the year of PS3? Quite possibly. But I think 2010 is now poised to be the year the tide really turns in Sony's favor. Their lineup of games is unassailable. I would argue PS3 had the edge on the competition in 2009. But I think Sony is going to dominate like Chamberlain in 2010.
"But I think Sony is going to dominate like Chamberlain in 2010. "
Does that mean that the PS3 will end up in the bed of thousands of women in 2010?
They should make a commercial about that.
Last edited by rogers71 on 2/3/2010 10:29:51 AM
Hahaha. Woo!
It's true,everywhere I go Ps3s are sold out.The only place i see them are at Best Buy.Target and Walmart are completely cleaned out.
Sweetness, i agree with the analyst.
It's gonna be a big year for Sony! 😀
Last edited by Razgriz916 on 2/3/2010 6:07:47 PM