It almost seems as if Aliens vs. Predator is shaping up to be an all-in-one sleeper hit and guilty pleasure.
Most of you know the game will feature the Predator, Aliens and humans, each with their distinct skill sets and unique traits. In this way, it's the true next-gen version of the Atari Jaguar version from yesteryear, although that nostalgia factor may not resonate with some of you (how many Jaguars were sold…?). Anyway, February 19 is creeping up fast and if you want to learn more about the multiplayer modes, head on over to Sega's European Blog , where all seven modes have been listed and explained. You've got your customary Deathmatch but after that, everything starts to seem unique to the game: you've got the Species and Mixed Species variations on the standard Deathmatch, Infestation (Alien hunts Marine; Marine gets killed and joins Aliens), Survivor (up to four players enter an arena and fight wave after wave of progressingly stronger aliens), Predator Hunt (one Predator hunts Marines), and Domination (if you've played Unreal Tournament , you know what this is; take command of control points and hold 'em). February is a tough month and many PS3 owners are looking forward to White Knight Chronicles , which launches today, and Heavy Rain , set for the 23rd in North America. But that doesn't mean Aliens vs. Predator can't be fun!
Personally, I've always loved this three-pronged Alien/Predator/Human setup; it just seems as if the possibilities are limitless due to the inherent abilities of each species. Oh, and if you want to check out some multiplayer action, check out this video .
Related Game(s): Aliens vs. Predator
This actually looks decent. Might pick it up at some point. Like you said Ben, there are other games this month that take higher priority. Actually drove around a bit this afternoon to see if anyone was selling WKC early. No luck. Have to go out again tomorrow. Then Heavy Rain is next. Great 1st part of the year for PS3 owners.
Ya Ben the whole combo of alien/predator/human is cool and to battle eachother online with the sets of characters.. makes it real interesting… I'd give the predator an edge if it came down to 'pick and choose' it is looking quite compeling i would love to get this, but it didnt get my list…for now anyways. I will definitely be checking this one later though- cool vid
I'm looking forward to BioShock 2, GOW III, and AvsP to wipe out ALL my free time in the coming months!
I'm kinda like all in a tizzy, I was planning on getting WKC later but now I think I might just go out tomorrow and buy the thing.
AvP? hmm, meh. I'm not so big on multiplayer as it is. But I was one of the happy owners of a Jaguar and AvP, wish I hadn't sold it I could go for some Iron Soldier. Anyone remember the worst voice acting opener in history? It's as the Marine in Jag AvP where you see a dead dude just outside your cell: "What on earth got ahold of that guy?"
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/1/2010 10:23:32 PM
I think IRON SOLDER 3 for PS(1) (and Nuon DVD players) was the last iteration of that franchise…maybe a 4 is called for? 😉 As long as it's FAR improved upon, that is, as I think 3 got blasted for not being much more than 1 & 2. I know AvP got attacked for no in-game music, but I think that would have detracted from the 'atmosphere' of the game.
World, did you sell the whole system or just the game?
A shame either way, I still have my IS & AvsP cartridges.
My biggest regret was selling my Intellivision & ColecoVision consoles & games when I was younger. But some day I'll re-buy them so I can have another go at Donkey Kong, Dungeons & Dragons, Burgertime, and a few others I've been missing.
This is my most anticipated of the year. Can't wait to shove jaws through peoples heads once again. Been practicing on the previous versions to warm up for the release.
Can't wait for this, getting it for PC, but oh man…it's going to be so amazing.
Hey looks fun I might pick it up, I'm just surprised to see it so well received here being it's 1 from Sega and we remember Bayonetta's flaws even though it was a poort (yes with 2 o's) and 2 it's a fps at it's core and we all know how outspoken some of us are against those! Why some even say Bioshock 2 is "just another fps" even though there are RPG elements and awesome plasmids, surely they wouldn't compare a Big Daddy to a Juggernaut would they?
I wouldn't say people here are super against fps, just soured on MW2.
I mean MW2 does have a lot of imperfections but it is a fun game, and yes I still play the mp with my friends, the SP was fun even though it was a bit short, everyone knows it wasnt worth the 60 bones for that experience alone, but the online replay value cant be matched if you like fps I dont think, I also think it paled in comparison to the hype but with that much what wouldn't? I enjoy games of all types anything from Infamous to Demon's Souls to Red Baron Arcade to Uno to Madden, if I ever beat Demon's Souls I'm debating a WKC purchase as well. I just don't like when people contradict themselves to seem cool on a comment board. (not you)
It's hard to tell what people are thinking, I've been known to say "oh yay another FPS" when they keep announcing them one after another, but on the other hand I will always buy the Resistance series. I think Gamers are one of the most fickle bunches there are.
World, are you going to get Battlefield Bad Company 2?
"i am home"
I'm always surprised at all the hate that people had for MW2, mostly because of Activision before it came out, only for the same people to go out buy MW2, after strongly voicing an opinion that they weren't going to buy it, and defend it to the death in every discussion because now all their friends play it. I don't think most fickle really covers it. Not referring to you World btw, just agreeing with Naztycuts last line in his post.
Let me start off by saying that I really like MW2, but for the same reasons as above – not so much the SP campaign, but more for the co-op and MP….and I will keep going back to play with friends.
The thing that pisses me off isn't so much Activision or Infinity Wards fault – it's the gaming community that allows a "fun" game like MW2, to sell more than twice that of an "amazing" game like Uncharted 2(PS3 sales alone).
I don't hate FPS's, but I do wish that some gamers would branch out and give Naughty Dog (and other studios) the recognition they deserve. Uncharted 2 is just too awesome (I platinum'd it last night so I feel very strongly about this today, HA!)
I hear ya dude and congrats on the plat!!! Spread more love, it doesn't have to all be contained to one franchise or genre!
I suppose I'd need to play the first Battlefield first, but I think I'll be wrapped up in all the RPG awesomeness for awhile.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/2/2010 12:11:02 PM
White Knight Chronicles Comes out today (My Birthday)
FRIG! that game looks epic, but i also want AVP… and my family never gives me much cash… so im stuck between a rock and a hard place… which evidently has no money lying around.
Do what I do, sell crap on ebay.
Don't know no why but reading your comment was very amusing.
Last edited by St_Jimmy on 2/1/2010 11:11:11 PM
Its also kind of embarrassing that i had to edit that comment considering its so short. Jeeze im a crappy speller/typer.
Happy Birthday Canuck, go sell some blood or an organ for extra cash, who needs an extra kidney when ya can have both games. Thats what I'd be doing, ya gotta think way outside of the box dude! 🙂
I talked to a couple of my friends about what they're getting in the coming months and AvP was on all our lists so I just might spoil myself and get the collectors edition. I was planning on getting it anyway, just so I could scare my gf, she's very scared of our Alien friends, so when she starts getting on my nerves too much I can pop that baby into the monolith and watch her high-tail it into another room, lol.
what is she 12?
NO WORLD!!! 12 1/2…
Hitch knows his stuff.
I hope this is as epic as AVP2 was when I first played it on PC
I have been keeping my eye on this game, my hubby loves the orginal so I figure I'll pick this up (once I have the cash) along with WKC for him for our anniversary in May? I know seems a long way off but I"ll have the cash by then.
The only thing I hate of Aliens is the face suckers I could have nightmares for weeks after playing this game.
Don't you mean the face "huggers"? The ones that are like spiders and grab ppl's faces?
haha wow World way to put him on the spot! You don't have to answer sunspider you can have all the 12 year old girlfriends you want we won't judge you!
lol, I was just joking, I know sometimes it seems like I have an acid tongue. Who knows though, the jail bait is abundant these days.
decent graphics?
decent storyline?
decent length?
only thing missing from this game as far as i know and really want is horror.
i mean it is a alien game so im assuming it will be scary but than theres been so many "horror games" that have bored me to death so you cant be too safe.
RE5, dead space, F.E.A.R 2 and so on are suppose to be scary games, but there not.
as long as its got the tense atmosphere aliens is known for ill be happy.
hopefully this sells well too because alien colonial marines is hanging in the balance.
if this sells well they will release CM, if it sells poorly there going to can it.
Most likely there won't be much horror when you play as the Pred and Alien. But playing a Marine in the previous games made you jump and sit on the edge of your seat on multiple occassions. Nothing freaks you out more when you're being chased down dark hallways by a few facehuggers. One hit kill if they get you 🙂
looks like the demo is coming out this week too.
and 1 level from each character should be good.
im going to be real busy this week with dantes inferno, bioshock 2, AVP demo BBC2 demo and apparently the HR demo is coming this week instead of next.
hope thats correct im absolutely dying to play it, knowing ben and other journos are playing it now is absolute torture!
just starting to go through all the aliens and predator films in preparation!!!
May be slightly off topic but Michael Atkinson the South Australian attorney general that causes all the censorship issues in Australia with his refusal to accept a R18+ rating…
He passed a law into South Australia that meant anyone commenting on a blog about the upcoming state election needed to leave their real name and phone number otherwise the site would be fined.
The law has lasted one day before protests have forced him to back down!
He is certainly making a name for himself as the number one di**head in Australia!
Michael Atkinson = "Scumbag Extraordinaire"
To Michael Atkinson….
You can most certainly have my name, address, & phone number, but only upon an official request form…..
So have one of your minions type one off to me at your earliest convenience.
you could just go ahead and PM me on-site here for all of my info.