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Dante’s Inferno Death Edition Details

What, another special edition? Get out of town…we never would have expected it.

Sarcasm aside, it seems the contents of the "Death Edition" for the upcoming Dante's Inferno have been located thanks to a listing for the game at a European branch of . According to the translation, in addition to the game, those who spring for this neato Collector's Edition will nab a few other interesting goodies: a Dead Space outfit for Dante (obviously a nod to the highly anticipated survival/horror sequel), the standard "Making Of" behind-the-scenes documentary, the relevant history surrounding the main character and Dante Alighieri's "The Divine Comedy," the soundtrack, an art book by Wayne Barlowe, a clip from the animated movie that goes along with the game, and oh yes, the complete epic poem in digital form. Technically, "The Divine Comedy" is an "epic poem" even though it's certainly novel length, and remember that "Inferno" is only one of three parts. The other two, Purgatorio and Paradiso, are not featured in the game (as far as we know). The retail cost should come in at $69.99 for the Death Edition here in the US but we'll have to wait for the finalized details before saying it's official.

Although it must compete with 2K's Bioshock 2 when it releases on February 9, Dante's Inferno at least comes out five weeks before God of War III , giving you more than enough time to buy and play both. Right?

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14 years ago

An action game having to compete with an FPS on release? O_o

Not everyone enjoys both genres.

14 years ago

Exactly. And we know FPS tend to be the popular trend.

I honestly love Bioshock, so i was always on planning to get Bioshock 2. I'm not planning to purchase Dante's Inferno thought, I'm looking to spend that on God of War III. I'll give it a rent to see how it is, but I'm not going to buy the game, i know it will be fun, anything modeled after GOWIII tends to be alright, but we all know GOWIII is the cream of the crop.

Let's not forget about the other great games coming out!

14 years ago

@ apart.
I'm gonna have to argue that IMHO FPS preference depends on the console.

Last edited by main_event05 on 2/1/2010 12:54:55 PM

14 years ago

I'm going to get Bioshock at the same price like the first one…19.99

Dante's Inferno hmm if this was 2009 I would preorder based on the demo but damn 2010 its so badass that Dante's could end being just a rent…I need to get more info about that game.

14 years ago


You do have a point. FPS, or any genre for that matter, are popular on different platforms. I don't necessarily disagree with he statement, but i have to add that on each specific console, there are different trends, if you will. But in comparison, i think MW2 sold pretty well on the PS3, I think more than Unchartered 2. If I'm wrong, please correct me, I'm just making an assumption.

But in general, I guess one could argue that it depends on the region? I'm not sure, to me it seems like a valid point. Western regions, specifically the US, love FPS. While there has been a growing popularity in the Eastern regions, it's still nothing like in areas as the US. But to get back to my point, I do honestly think, overall, FPS is widely the more popular platform. If you just look at the past decade, the FPS genre has increasingly become popular, and the sales of these FPS games have been mind blowing (aka the juggernaut that is COD series).

But you do have a point there, and I agree to a certain respect.

14 years ago

i was pumped for this game but i believe now ill give it a rent and wait for gow3 to get my real cash (heavy rain is my main purchase for feb anyways)

14 years ago

Unfortunately Dante must take a number behind White Knight Cronicles, then Heavy Rain and possibly FFXIII but all aforementioned must yield to Kratos in March. Perhaps in April Dante will get my full attention; more so if these editions have gone down in price slightly.

14 years ago

I'm looking fwd to Whiteknight, Bioshock 2, Dante, AVP, Heavy Rain and GOW 3 I shall have them ALL: I just love my buffet of games from gamefly $36 a month for a minimum of 4 games- BRING THEM ALL ON!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ps i've had as many as 7 games in 1 month before 🙂

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

check out the demo its actually a real sweet looking game… im getting it for sure.

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

the devine edition.

14 years ago

i know its good im not saying it isnt but next to gow3 it looks like, well, gow2! lol

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

But GOWII was acclaimed greatness all in an old PS2!

14 years ago

Dang, if only it had the complete poem instead of only Inferno I would've been sold

14 years ago

The poem's available online for free. I found it with a quick search.

p.s. Thanks, Ben, for calling the Divine Comedy an epic poem…though I doubt you'll read this so many days later.

14 years ago

This game will be great for 360 owners but as a PS3 owner it is only a rental for me. Heavy Rain and GOW3 just seem to scream purchase. I just hope Dante's complete games doesn't play exactly like the demo.

14 years ago

Even after they made the Divine edition PS3 exclusive?

14 years ago

They have to give PS3 owners some kind of incentive for getting their game, which is very smart on their part. They probably know this game will sell better for the PS3 even with GOW3 coming out since 360 owners don't care for action games.

Last edited by vicious54 on 2/1/2010 4:01:31 PM

14 years ago

Still uber thrilled for this game, but I don't need ALL those extras. I will stick with my preorder of the Divine Edition. Dante is going to rock so hard he'll cut Kratos throat!

14 years ago

are you drunk?

14 years ago

we all know kratos will kick dante's ass plus more. there is no character more bad ass that kratos besides solid snake

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 2/1/2010 2:42:50 PM

14 years ago

Actually today I'm not!

I'm getting both games of course, (Played both demos) I just think I'll enjoy the Inferno more. And I wanted to be controversial, see how for those thumbs go down.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/1/2010 4:17:14 PM

14 years ago

Oooh yeah like me and MW2.

14 years ago

If you wanted to be controversial and piss everyone off, all you had to do was bash on any freaking RPG you could think off and you would've been in thumbs down heaven.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

World, I am positive you will not enjoy Inferno more than GOWIII. No matter how good the story and flashy the attacks.

'Cause Kratos killed the God of War (Dante was in the Crusades), he's been dead more than once and he's also killed his family.. but Dante is trying to save his woman.

;D tehe, mild sarcasm at the start. But I still know GOWIII will rock your world.

14 years ago

HeXen speaks truth.

Tales of Vesperia sucks big nacho nads!

14 years ago

But Dante gets to kill SATAN!

I try not to bash things, I will however make negative points that turn me off of things. Like I would never "bash" Kratos. He IS da man, not "Krtos iz teh suckz" But yeah I'm just having some fun with yall.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/1/2010 6:19:34 PM

14 years ago

actually no..just see how with just make mention of MW2 I got thumbs down and the comment before that I got thumbs up xD.

nobody gets more butthurted than fps fanboys.

14 years ago

Silence! Lol

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

lol. i think DI and GOW3 are very similiar but with totally different story lines and backgrounds. The graphics in DI are pretty darn good looking to me. My game list is now set Dantes Inferno / Heavy Rain / GOW3 / MOH / DeadSpace2 / 'un-known games that look sweet!' My biggest up-set so far is AO2. R* has somthing creeping out here soon i know it..

14 years ago

great list its great list.

my until now.

perhaps Dante's Inferno ,Heavy Rain,Yakuza 3 , GOW 3 , SSFIV and Dead Space 2.

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

there is always some game or 'games' that will come out of nowhere that will make my list im sure and there is games that i would like but cant afford them all and will get eventually… and the ones that you get that become a dissapointment. But i have become more evaluative you could say' on my list of games to get and thus far i think im doing good.

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

its funny to say considering U2 has been such a hit and has a real fun Multi online play… im really looking forward to U3 man, like soon too. im usually never like that about games but im itching for another in-depth story proned Uncharted 3… what will be the next treasure hunt hmmm

14 years ago

My partner is selling Dante's Inferno but it's only the Death Edition he is selling and the price is that of a standard game's price!!!

For a price of RM165 which is equivalent to US dollar about $50.

14 years ago

I'll try DI eventually but I'm being extra cheap until after I get my ultimate GoW3 edition.
The demo played well enough but those cartoony cutscenes kinda underwhelmed me and I don't need to rush out to buy 2 extremely similar games when this year's got enough variety to shrink my wallet as it is.

14 years ago

I will wait for "Dante's Inferno" to go Platinum, I will then pick it up.

My next purchases, after "Uncharted 2" are "Red Dead Redemption" and "Battlefield Company 2". "GoW III" will be in a few months 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

Can't wait for this game.

Since everyone has been throwing out there gaming lists for the upcoming months, here's mine in order of precedence.

Heavy Rain, FF13, WKC, Last Rebellion (simply because it's turn-based), Dead Space 2, Dante's Inferno, and GOW3.

Don't get me wrong, I personally think GOW3 will…no GOW3 will be greatness, but my preferences in gaming are much deeper than button-mashing, hence…the list.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 2/2/2010 12:32:01 AM

14 years ago

GOD of war demo was and still amazing

I want to see how awesome is going to end looking.

I haven't played the demo for Dante's Inferno, still gonna buy it. I hope it doesn't have such a lame final boss fight like dead space.

14 years ago

super psyched for this cant wait to play it tomorrow.
i almost had a heart attack when EB rang me today and said its in.
wait AU getting a game before the US?
better ring dante get see if hes still alive because its finally happened.
hell has finally frozen over!

fuk u
fuk u
14 years ago

During the SUPERBOWL there is going to be a huge commercial on Dantes Inferno! they are spending 2.5 million on the advertising… it will be cool to see, this game looks very good and is not getting much props that it should…

14 years ago

OMFG some of the boss battles have left me on the edge of my life stitching my stomach back together ive laughed that hard.
never has a game put a smile on my face like dantes inferno.
i think ive found my new favorite developer.
plus in april there releasing a prequel to dantes inferno.
thats what ND should do with uncharted 2, link the 2 games im dying for some more SP action!