Epic productions like Final Fantasy XIII always take quite a long time in development, but did you realize that Square-Enix's latest entry in the legendary RPG series actually started out as a PS2 title? Betcha didn't.
According to Final Fantasy-XIII.net citing an interview in OPM Benelux, producer Yoshinori Kitase confirmed as much and said shifting the game to the PS3 cost them a good 18 months of development time. It's an interesting little history, especially considering how late FFXII came to the PS2; one would've expected S-E to anticipate the PS3. But so says Kitase:
"Final Fantasy XIII was originally meant to be a PS2 title, but we had to switch systems due to the arrival of the PS3. That cost us about one and a half years and was constantly a case of trial and error. However, because we worked so hard at the beginning, we got to a cruising speed much faster then anticipated and therefore could start on the translation and international voice recording process at an early stage of the development. It’s because of this that we can release both the European as well as the American version barely three months after the Japanese release."
Okay, so we definitely benefit from this occurrence and besides, who really wanted FFXIII on the PS2? I mean, it's always nice to have another Final Fantasy in any given generation but maybe one more FF for the PS2 was pushing it. For the record, they already had the ATB system from FFXII up and running for FFXIII, although they were using characters from FFX as "placeholders." Well, here's hoping that FFXIII wins over the fans when it hits North America and Europe on March 9.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
Well glad it arrived when it did then. I wouldn't have wanted another PS2 Final Fantasy to play on my new slick piano black PS3. Would have seemed weird. I started Final Fantasy XII on my PS2 then finished up on my PS3 later when I finally got my hands on the 60gb model. I don't mind the wait. Seemed long but as LimitedVertigo always presses, the wait between XII and XIII really wasn't that long. We've waited longer between titles before.
Last edited by Jawknee on 1/31/2010 10:01:05 PM
You hafta get that thing to transfer your save over to your PS3?
No you just put your memory card in
Dunno bout you but my PS2 memory card goes nowhere in my PS3 and I have all the slots.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/1/2010 12:15:51 AM
You have to buy an adaptor. Any save files on the memory card previously, will be there when you put it in the adaptor. I dont know if you can get them at retailers anymore havnt noticed. But it plugs in via usb. So you can use the cord for your controllers, then slip your memory cards in what is the front of it.
The memory cards dont physically go in the machine. The adaptor basically works as a hub.
It's weird because to play ps1 games you have to have that adaptor to save files, which was an inconvenience for me when i replayed through MGS, because i had to find a ps1 memory card ugh!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/1/2010 12:41:24 AM
hence "that thing" I mentioned in the first place. lol. What a stupid conversation this became.
for the ps1 games unless you were transfering a save file you could have just created a virtual memory card to save on
err yea, my 60gb model doesnt have PS1 or PS2 memory card slots either…so yes i had to get the adapter. ha! it was ok. i got it dirt cheap. Nice to have around anyways. i have a ton of PS1 and PS2 save files i dont want to lose.
For both PS1 and PS2 games you can create a PS1 and PS2 card on the hard drive. The only reason one would need the adapter is to copy and paste older save files like i had to when moving my Final Fantasy XII game over from the PS2 to my PS3 and moving some old PS1 files so i could copy them onto my PSP. really, there should be no questions about this. we all should know this by now. haha
Last edited by Jawknee on 2/1/2010 1:02:30 AM
haha, the whole point of my question was just to see if you bought that dang thing or had to start the whole game over on your PS3. *Facepalm*
Yea I know. Look what you started. *facepalm*
Actually I did know that Ben 😛
I KNOW! LMAO. I wonder how on Earth this became to be news yesterday night/today! This was one of the first things we gathered about Final Fantasy XIII. Square Enix developers automatically said that we began working on this for the PS2 until the PS3 came along which made them shift their course.
Amazing how old news resurrects itself.
That.. was really unexpected. Still, the delay will be worth it.
The only thing the delay did was give Microsoft more time to open up their pockets. But I figure a Ps3 & Xbox 360 game should turn out to be bigger/better than a Ps2 exclusive. But then again, that's only a guess of mine.
isn't this news already known by public for long time?
i think long time ago andriasang write about this.
Slighty off topic, but did anyone else scan the QR code in orange's avatar?
Nope. Does it mean anything?
yep, I scanned it too.
Is it me, or does that sound like another excuse for having less content on the disc? Shifting the blame is the oldest trick in the book.
its just you.
Blame the ps2/ps3, and not the 360
Squeeeeenix is really something 😀
Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/31/2010 10:40:41 PM
Doesn't really surprise me, what scares me though is you said they had the XII battle system in place for XIII. Scar-ee.
This happens a lot though, did YOU know that Dead Space began its life as an xbox1 title?
it did?
wow you do learn a new thing every day 😉
Sure did, I saw some old vids of the concept running on the old box.
Almost every single master piece was born on PS2 or just PlayStation for that matter. This should be dome for PS2 a little different. I know it will sell huge. I'm this game for March 9 my 23rd birthday.
My PSN ID: Ivan-
i seriously can NOT believe the laziness and unprofessionalism of SE is pathetic!
seriously if i said its too hard to my boss he would give me a smack to the head and a kick out the door, and im sure every boss would have the same reaction.
its a miracle they have made it this far putting everything in the too hard basket.
thats it $E you have lost me as a customer i am never buying your games ever again.
not even a kingdom hearts remake or KH3.
Unprofessionalism? I hardly think that's the case. Just because how they handled FFXIII may seem so it is difficult to apply it to the company as a whole. A majority of the products they've released over the last decade- and even earlier- have been high quality. There is a reason they're one of the best known and largest game design companies and it is not luck, that i assure you.
say 10 years ago i would of agreed.
square USE to be one of the best developers just like capcom and R*.
now they have gone greedy and have taken the money path over the quality path.
plus putting out a worldwide statement saying "its too hard" is surly not professional.
as i said if anyone said that to their boss 99.99% of people would get fired on the spot.
even if it was the head of the company there are certain things you dont do one being that, another being how EA blamed wii customers for the poor sales of dead space extraction.
you NEVER! blame your customers. NEVER!
well, that is if you dont want to loose them.
Come on we all know what really held the game back
yeah we know that Xbox 360 slow CPU and PS3 slow GPU held Final Fantasy XIII.
if SQEX just release it Exclusive for PC. wow. They wont have any technical limit.
and CrystalTools is Multiplatform right. SQEX can release :
FF XIII PS3 : very optimized for ps3
FF XIII X360 : very optimized for X360
FF XIII PC : very hiqh quality graphic, and sound, and animation, and etc etc etc.
but the PC hardware req will cost arm and leg… :p
I don't really care how it began, all I care is that SE give us a great game as SE has been attracting hatred towards themselves.
Why get it on PS3 when I can still get the PS2 version on the Sh*tbox360…
haha. My first thoughts as well. But unfortunately both systems are getting a ps2 version so it can run on $softs system.
I remember reading a long time ago that they started development on the PS2, but never intended it to be a PS2 game. They knew PS3 was coming, but didn't have any dev kits to get started on. So they began preliminary work on the PS2 to get things rolling.
And a year and a half? seriously? I dunno, if I hadn't heard this before I might be inclined to believe that, but it just sounds like an excuse for the delay to me when we all know what really held it up.
meh, don't give us excuses, just give us a great game to play.
I think square enix are trying to rub off the blame that the game's long delay was because of the xbox 360 hardware.
fact or only you opinion?
SCRAWLFX has some pics of the early production if your interested. They look very "Cartoony".
Are you sure that Turn based is 'dead'? Is it dead, or is it more a case of if just holding on by hiding in a few remaining pockets of unspoiled wilderness?
I can't honestly believe that turn based games would be dead when the DS has them in droves and they sell well on it. Even the PSP to an extent has turn based games on it, and of course a host of classic PS1 turn based games coming via PSN.
Is the "turn based RPG" dead, or is it biding it's time waiting for the real time action fad to dampen down? The game world today seems so dominated by real-time action play and online. Game developers and publishers seem entranced by these two elements. So much so that they try to force their games from other genre into the confines of the real-time action game with online multi-player capability.
This isn't just bad for turn based games. It's bad for all games of all genre because forcing real-time play and online play into a game you are changing it's structure, you are changing the very thing that makes the game what it is.
I found an interestingly biased and pretty horribly written piece on IGN that I think is actually a pretty good illustration of the problems that the Turn based games (and other genre) face. Basically they list 10 elements that they claim are things that need to change in JRPGs. They range from changing the presentation to adding online, from changing up the battle system (??) to demanding more story, and even from the style or presentation to the voice acting. Basically this article is an illustration at each point of the kinds of thing that a Western player who doesn't like a turn based JRPG would change. Far from 'saving' the genre, the changes suggested would redefine the genre in the image of a western RPG.
I think that the problem isn't so much the genre as it is the audience. Gamers who like turn based RPGs, gamers with patience, who are used to solo gaming, gamers that don't want real-time 'twitch' battles, gamers who don't want button mashing combat… Gamers such as these are declining in terms of the market share. Younger more casual gamers, the 'Halo Generation' or Generation H, are coming to dominate gaming and so gaming is changing to follow that market.
I don't think that game publishers can continue to treat the gaming audience as a single audience. Not every game will sell millions and millions, those that do will be the block-buster action movies of the game world. Just as games segregate into genre and age rating, the target demographic for a game needs to include what kind of gamer the audience is. I keep hoping that game publishers will realize that not every gamer belongs to Generation H, but so far, I am still waiting.
Oops, I forgot the link for the IGN article…
Ack, I just realized this is in the wrong article's comment section….ah well, it will do here as well, I guess….
I read that article and have some mixed feelings, the guy doesn't understand that some of those staples have to stay intact and they are the reason WHY these are JRPGs. But he has a point about a few things. Funny thing is, FFXIII strips the jrpg down even further than his assessment of the average one. Not just an unliving town, but no town at all!
No, sadly, I think turn-based is dead. We're slowly but surely breeding a generation of gamers who have absolutely no patience and this trend can't reverse, unfortunately.
Pretty soon, the turn-based mechanic will even disappear from handhelds; mark my words.
Ben, if/when that happens it will be a sad, sad day for gaming.
I guess we'd better start preserving the few remaining examples of the genre now then?
not looking forward to this as i was before =( RIP final fantasy…i think i'll have to get a wii and buy sakaguchi's the last story for that instead. i have a feeling that will be the next real final fantasy. they just haven't been the same since he left =(
One MAJOR thing to ponder here,
FFXIII probably would have looked as good on the PS2, but…..
….if FFXIII WAS on the PS2, there most probably wouldn't have been any stolen content that SE could try to sell you back later on, disguised as DLC.
I'm trying to make up my mind about whether to cancel my FF XIII collectors edition for PS3. The soundtrack and artbook sound cool, but the rest of the stuff is junk to me. Personal preference.
I think I'll cancel it and put the money toward Ultimate God of War trilogy preorder I got. Then I'll wait for a price drop or play FFXIII for a week then return it, finished or not.
Everyone on this website knows that Versus XIII will be the REAL next-gen Final Fantasy the fans have been waiting for.
really really really love the action in v13.
and here hoping after v13 released, the team start working on "proper" KH3.
I say reverse it and get a standard edition of XIII. But don't return it, it'll still be great, you just won't need the shwag.
Turn-base never dies. When it does, I will professionally revive it! I'll make my own turn-based game…you'll see Ben.
Yes!!!!!!!! I'm back!!
Anyway, I think I rather have it on the PS2, than give it to xbox!!!!