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Is Eat Sleep Play’s Project A New IP?

Most everyone has assumed that Eat Sleep Play and David Jaffe's latest game is a new Twisted Metal but recent evidence has come to light that implies otherwise…

It comes from Jaffe himself, who put up a new video over at his blog where he spoke about the coolness of God of War III being featured on Slurpee cups (there's even a new "Kratos Fury" flavor). Obviously, GoW has gone above and beyond any expectations Jaffe and the original crew likely had and he compares this to his new game. But his comments concerning future growth kinda imply that Eat Sleep Play's project is a new IP. I mean, doesn't it?

"Maybe with the sequel…usually the first ones don’t, you know, you got to build your fan base and it’s gotta do well. But hopefully we’re on the road, one day we can get something like that for what we’re working on."

It just doesn't sound like it involves a new TM. That's a well established franchise that has been "on the road" for years and besides, in the first part he mentions the possibility of a sequel and then says "usually the first ones don't" obtain such crazy popularity. It's all pointing towards a possible surprise from Jaffe and Eat Sleep Play, which could be very big news. I certainly want a new Twisted Metal but I'll trust just about anything that comes from this guy.

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14 years ago

It would only be natural for Jaffe to want to continue his tradition of designing and crafting great gaming experiences for his fan base and the wide world. It is only natural he would want to build a new I.P. anyways, he needs to challenge himself and his crew, and hopefully, in the process, achieve new greatness.

I am sure, if he is creating a new expansive I.P. it will be good. I don't think he would want to have his name attributed to something that falls below expectation upon release!

No doubt, excited to see what it is… and also looking forward to playing GoWIII too.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/29/2010 9:45:10 PM

14 years ago

I am desperately hoping for a new Twisted Metal.

14 years ago

I sure hope so! Are you kidding me?
Look at Twisted Metal. Car demolition done right. Look at GoW. Action done right. Jaffe redefines whole gaming genres. I don't want him to just stick to the same old same old.

14 years ago

Daivd Jaffe is a smart man, maybe he's just toying with us or working on multiple titles

14 years ago

Whatever it is, it should be grand!

I just can't wait for EatSleepPlay to wow us all with something CRAZY (like Twisted Metal) or something new.

OMG I gots to get one of those GOWIII slurpess haha!

Wonder if they taste like red souls…

Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/29/2010 10:14:04 PM

14 years ago

I'm sure what ever it is it will rock just like all of his games (except Calling All Cars).I guess I will continue to play black (yes I still play it)till a new TM comes out in the near future.

14 years ago

Didn't I mention this mystery game a few articles ago? 🙂
Still hoping Twisted Metal makes a return soon though.

14 years ago

I've thought as much since I remember him vlogging on the TM suspicion before he got quite.
As much as a new, as long as its more than just a graphical upgrade, TM would be kickass if he wanted to stick with an IP why would he leave GoW?
Either way its got potential.

14 years ago

I just watched the video and I think Eat Sleep Play could still be doing another Twisted Metal. It could be argued that the last full Twisted Metal game was Twisted Metal Black, back in 2001.

I know TM:Small Brawl was released shortly after Black, but it was for the Playstation. Sony was already focusing on the PS2, so you could argue Small Brawl wasn't an "full" version. The same could be said about TM:Black Online. That version was just an add-on that obviously supported online play. Twisted Metal Head-on, as much as I loved that game, also could be looked at as not a "full" version of Twisted Metal. Obviously it was an full retail game for the PSP, but it seems handheld versions aren't generally viewed as being part of a game's official lineage. Although, that bias against handheld games does seem to be relaxing with the likes of GTA:Chinatown Wars, Assassin's Creed Bloodlines, etc.

This takes us to Twisted Metal: Head-on:Extra Twisted Edition. Personally, I would never consider this part of the official Twisted Metal series. And just to let you know, I have owned and played every Twisted Metal, with the exception of Small Brawl. I just don't think the Extra Twisted Edition can be counted as official with it being a port version of the PSP game, and bunch of deleted scenes, so to speak.

However, it is within the Extra Twisted Edition that I think Eat Sleep and Play could be doing another Twisted Metal, the Sweet Tooth Tour. Probably the most interesting deleted content was the ability to take control of the character out of the car, and explore. Perhaps that is the basis of the potential new Twisted Metal game that Eat Sleep Play could be working on. If there is a new TM, and it were to be a hybrid of classic TM car battle game architecture, but combined with a GTA type open world exploration, then that would certainly be a radical shift in the TM formula. If this radical shift were to take place, perhaps that's why Jaffe mentioned building the fan base with first one. I think a GTA type TM would be a shock to long time fans, and it would take a while to build that fan base around your new concept. If that's their line of thinking, then maybe they are looking at the potential new TM as a new IP, with a brand new gameplay structure.

Either way I'm sure Eat Sleep Play's new game will be amazing. I'm just hoping it's a new TM, as I'm a huge TM fan! In case you couldn't tell. 🙂 At the very least, I hope that one of the games in the contract they signed with Sony will be for a TM game at some point in the future.

14 years ago

yea if thats not hinting at a new IP i dont know what is.
as much as id like to see his take on another game, hes got this thing going and somehow makes the impeccable even better.
but sorry nothing, and i mean NOTHING! can top twisted metal.
now quit trying to throw us off and announce the bloody thing!

14 years ago

I was really disappointed after reading that but then I went to where the video was on his blog and read the statement at the top. He says something along the lines of " I never said that we were NOT making a Twisted Metal, but just to be clear I feel that if we were to make one we would consider it a new IP/franchise, etc." You all need to go and read it. From the statements he makes on there it sounds like strong evidence that it is indeed a new twisted metal. Which makes me VERY happy. hehehe

14 years ago

indeed i just read that and to me thats confirmation that his new game is indeed twisted metal.
finally the game gets the recognition and revival it deserves.
FINALLY! i can stop playing CTR……… ok just one more game than im done, i swear!

14 years ago

No one stops playing ctr. One more game is not possible.

14 years ago

just please don't let it be another FPS in an over saturated market. Please let it be something new and fresh.

14 years ago

In this generation of sequel after sequel, it would be nice if ESP(and every other developer) comes out with a new IP. A new Twisted Metal would be phenomenal, but I'd much rather see what they have in mind, that is new, for us gamers to experience.

Don't get me wrong…the sequels this year have been amazing on the PS3! It would just be awesome to have a new hero, story, etc. to get our minds wrapped around. inFamous was one of my top 5 favorite games from last year.

NOTE: Sorry for the bad grammar. My mind just isn't connecting to proper sentence structure today.

Last edited by Club80 on 1/30/2010 2:47:46 PM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

But you have a huge alien mind..

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Very interested —

14 years ago

Now I'm interested, a new TM would have been a letdown. The only thing I disagree with so far is the name of his company. It's… kinda lame.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/30/2010 4:52:03 PM

14 years ago

Ok, I can no longer hold back and have to burst the noob question I've asked myself for months reading this site: What the heck is an "IP"?
It can't be the better half of the TCP you guys are so excited about, and I've tried to figure out what it stands for. Reading the articles I have reasoned that it must mean that a release is not a sequel or part of a serie, but a new game/title. But "IP"? Could it be…
Independent Product? Initial Product? Impressive Productivity? International Playboy? What…?

14 years ago

Intellectual Property. It's a legal term regarding ownership of ideas. In video games, it is generally used as a synonym for "franchise".

Uncharted is (I believe) an IP owned by Sony, so they can make Uncharted games even if Naughty Dog doesn't want to make any more (see Jak & Daxter).

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/31/2010 12:12:55 AM

14 years ago

Aha – thanks for a very informative answer! Now I too can talk about IP's! Forget "new title" or "new franchise" or anything else slightly understandable. Oh no, An IP or not an IP? That's the question!

14 years ago

I like international playboy a little more. I think I'll stick with that.

14 years ago

I hope is a new IP. They could release a new TM game for the PSN i sure won't bother with it. I truly hope is a brand new game that does really good. Also i can't wait to see what his buddies at Lightbox Interactive are making for PS3. David is trying to give hints on that video is obvious. I will be watching his blog for new details.

My PSN ID: Ivan-