Platinum Games has stated that a Bayonetta sequel or spin-off is a distinct possibility but for now, they're focusing on their latest project.
It's entirely different from the super fast-paced, straight-up action title, and it's likely to appeal to a wider demographic. Why? Because it's a shooter. As revealed last night on GameTrailers TV, Geoff Keighley made good on his promise to announce the mystery title and its name is Vanquish . Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami is at the helm for this one and although we didn't see much (just a futuristic soldier facing down other similar foes and a giant mech), it still looks pretty darn good. Even in the superior Xbox 360 version, the graphics weren't exactly a high point for Bayonetta , which is why we're happy to see a bit more visual effort being put forth in this new project. Earlier, it was rumored that Platinum might be teaming up with Epic Games but instead, the reality is that Platinum has adopted a legend in gaming to assist. That's almost never a bad idea, you know? And as for those hoping for a Bayonetta sequel, we imagine it can still arrive but not until after Vanquish hits store shelves. If you want to check out an early slideshow, visit .
We still can't help putting Bayonetta into Resident Evil 5 somehow. What might be the fastest-moving action game on earth with one of the slowest…how the hell would that even work?
Related Game(s): Vanquish
Trailer looks meh..just another generic space marine shooter.
but hey! is Mikami and Platinum games! game must be good.
and the Sega port must be bad.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/29/2010 6:34:53 PM
ACK, it's Star Wars meet Halo. Kill it!
I have to say, that the trailer looks very good, but it doesn't mean that the game will look the same. I doubt there was any in-game footage, so what we see now is just CGI.
Take care.
OH BOY! ANOTHER SHOOTER! CAN'T WAIT! I sure am glad that there is an endless supply of everyone's favourite genre and now another developer is jumping on the bandwagon to happyville. Now, if we could just get Square-Enix to make an FPS and then maybe get Level 5 to stop working on those silly RPG titles and come out with a TPS we would be all set. Oh and if Quantic Dream could just see it in their hearts to make "Heavy Rain" into "Heavy Rain: The Resistance, COD, Halo, Gears Experience" the world would be a better place.
Hey, maybe now that GOW is closing out the franchise they could take Kratos in that direction as well.
I know I'm sick of shooters. Amazing how Xbox 360 fanboys aren't tired of shooters or Western/Computer RPGs. I guess they will be tired of those genres on the day they tire of trolling every non-360 website during those weeks when their 360 is in the shop.
The fanboys buy what MS tells them to. Can you believe my friend bought 2 copies of Halo 3 and trying defending it by saying he's supporting devs? Mind control is upon us people
Two copies.. that's pretty low. What the fudge?
One probably got that big awful scratch with the E74 error.
In one of those shots in the slideshow I thought I was looking at Master Chief.
Could it be that it's using Epic's Unreal engine? Being a shooter and all…
Looks like halo with white suits.
Amazing how games are becoming so uninspired,kinda like hollywood.
Yeah I agree. Judging from the screens alone, it looks a little generic.
Let's hope they prove us wrong though.
Ben, is there any way you can maybe tell us about games a little closer to their release? I mean don't get me wrong I love the inside info and all but I find myself getting all hyped up about games (not this one) a year and a half before I'll ever see them, kind of like the Game Informer covers but nowhere near as annoying. Maybe it's just the fact that I want all these far off games NOW but I'm impatient, and I guess it suffices to know they're coming.
Then there would be no news. And no news is bad news.
haha true World we would also have nothing to comment on, and that would be no fun so let's hear about GoW 4, GT6, and Resistance 4!
Resistance 4 is gonna rock!
A halo clone
I think any game would look great in a Live Action Trailer! I am not impressed by the fact Platinum Games announced this title with no actual game footage. At least GTTV showed some God Of War III and Heavy Rain footage so I didn't feel like I completely wasted thirty minutes of my life.
Moreover its from the same people who couldn't do a ps3 port of Bayonetta,expect this one to follow suit.
I get the feeling this game is going to be exclusive or they're hoping for exposure so that Ms or Sony approaches them
I'm willing to bet its for the PSP….
Looks like the Westernization of Japanese companies has finally become b*stardization, ladies and gentlemen. No game should look this generic at such an early stage. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see if they try to be creative, but I'm not holding my breath for too long.
I know these Japanese companies are trying to expand and make more money but honestly, all this flood of FPS's is doing is screwing the gaming industry over in terms of creativity. Eventually, sales are going to go down once the public finally realizes that there's too damn many FPS's.
But at the rate the public's figuring this out, it may be years before the damn influx of these games stops.
Last edited by Lairfan on 1/29/2010 6:14:50 PM
yeah, even Quantum looked somewhat original at first. That didn't hold long though.
making a FPS???????????????
Well, destined to fail.
i just cant imagine them making a shooter game.
its like SE making a racing sim, just does not mix.
Because PG are too lazy to work with PS3 this game might be a 360 exclusive.
Ok so, I just watch the trailer and it looks nice graphically (all cg probably). The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that at the start it said SEGA/Platinum, which would lead me to think that Platinum would do the 360 version and Sega would handle the PS3 port. So unless I see and hear other wise this will be a pass, since I don't own a 360.