They've been letting the big news fly over at the PlayStation Blog , haven't they? Want more? Sure you do.
Okay, well, as you can see by following that link, Heavy Rain has officially reached gold status in North America! They've reconfirmed the release date of February 23 and if you pre-order your copy, you can land the first chapter of the "Heavy Rain Chronicles" for free. Each episode of these chapters, which should shed more light on the histories of each of the four major characters, will go for $4.99 on the PlayStation Network. Furthermore, as we all want demos for highly anticipated titles, they'll be providing us with a playable demo for the game on February 11. You'll get the chance to play a couple chapters, which feature Norman Jayden, the FBI agent who is tracking the Origami Killer, and Scott Shelby, a private detective with the same goal. Maybe you need a little push to convince you about a purchase, or perhaps your mind is already set and you'd rather wait for February 23. Either way, we're very excited about this one; we always appreciate attempts at revolutionary steps, especially in the realm of storytelling.
You know, I should be happy about this. I should care. But I don't…see, there's this box over there that kinda makes a lil' ol' demo seem superfluous. I mean, I'm just saying… 😉
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
This DLC is welcomed now, that's for sure!
Just a few more weeks to bring this home
Ben is already playing the crap out of this game…
I got the same feeling…LUCKY MAN!
I'm playing Four Days: Heavy Rain Online Experience. That's the closest I'm gonna get to Heavy Rain for now.
Ben, you lucky B. Anyway I am going to skip the demo because I just want to be taken in by the story from the start and not really have any idea of what may be coming. I have been trying to avoid most of the media on this game so that would be possible.
I'm with you. Whenever a demo is released for a game I know I'm going to buy I avoid it at all costs.
Agree with both of you guys. When it's a game I'm already intending on buying, I avoid any demos or anything that could give me an insight to the game. I want to start the game with a clean mind and just get myself immersed in the world.
I do the same with movies generally. I'm an avid movie watcher, and I honestly don't like how the advertisements basically show you the funniest, scariest, most engaging, etc parts of the movies…it really pisses me off hahah
What happened to master advertisements like the one The Exorcist put out?!?!
Same here, man I can't wait for this original game!!!
ben. is it amazing or just good or what? u can tell us (your very loyal readers)
Last edited by inkme101 on 1/28/2010 10:22:05 PM
That really can't happen for a little while.
Sorry. 🙂
im not asking for a review ben, just give us some sort of sign if it is a must buy and if its as innovative as its said to be. thats all im asking. i take your opinions to the bank as a journalist and a gamer.
Last edited by inkme101 on 1/28/2010 10:56:28 PM
It can't really happen yet..
I think the reviewers are all embargoed until Feb. 11th.
Ben, you gonna make this the first time you buy DLC?
Hmm, I'm debating doing the demo or not. I probably should, but what if it turns me off of a great game like the inFamous demo almost did? Demos can be bad news sometimes, even for great titles. At least I have time to think it over, can't afford HR on launch.
I'm buying it on Day1. If you want to borrow it a week later you're more than welcome to.
Nah, I'll get the ACII DLC, too.
Thanks but I'll wait until I can get my own copy into my collection 🙂
@ WorldEndsWithME – I agree with your comment on demos. inFamous demo as well as Valkyria Chronicles demo both turned me off of those games. Turns out they're both quite good.
Wolverine demo was quite good. Turns out that game is pants. Mildly entertaining for a small amount of time. Repetitive to no end …
In the end though, for better or for worse, I do play demos.
Yeah I do play them too, I mean c'mon they're free.
Not forgetting the Bioshock & Dead Space demos…
I HATED the Dead Space demo, but I still got the game (at $20, though).
More demos have convinced me to buy a game I wouldn't have otherwise bought than have convinced me not to buy I game I was planning to buy.
The opposite is true of reviews.
I think Heavy Rain is a game that really needs a great demo, though, to convince all the nay-sayers that it really ISN'T a QTE-fest.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/30/2010 3:03:41 PM
if I like the demo I'm going to preorder this.
Was buying it day one, but since the DLC is free, might as well pre-order. Need this game now, along with GOWIII.
I might be moving to a new house during that week so I'm not sure to pre-order this gem and send it here or there. Grr! I'll still be getting it from Amazon though. 1st episode is freeeee!
I've always enjoyed moving, you're lucky.
ben im blue with envy!
you get to play my most anticipated title for this year almost a month before me.
wanna switch jobs?
"Each episode of these chapters, which should shed more light on the histories of each of the four major characters, will go for $4.99 on the PlayStation Network."
Ouch so if you dont preorder then each episode is 5$ a pop? Damn you Game$top!
You get the first episode for free if you pre-order from GameStop. All the other episodes will be $5 regardless.
Really looking forward to the demo. In a few years time we could be seeing similar titles like Heavy Rain but in full immersive 3D. Can you imagine playing a movie like Avatar, but you are the one driving the characters and making the decisions in progressing the story along 🙂
"i am home"
I'll play the demo for now, as I'll get it together with FFXIII in March.
Since I'm not on the fence with this one, I'm passing on the demo. I don't want to play these two chapters until I get the game, which will be day one.
Again, this game obviously isn't action packed, but it is just too freakin' intriguing to pass on. Looking forward to a great crime mystery.
I won't play the demo, 'cause I'm just going to get the full game and hopefully not end up killing everyone.
Can't wait to play through it a couple of different ways though.
I don't think I need the demo, the trailer in the link did it for me!!
Oh i was sold years ago with the taxidermist demonstration. But i am eager to try it, i can't deny that, so i will be playing the demo.
I'll be passing on the demo as well, just want to start at the beginning when i get my copy on launch, and cool i preordered this game 🙂 but we'll see if gamestop even has my code or if they'll be like "Oh sorry we ran out" happens all the time…