You know, we've only been saying God of War III releases on March 16 because that's the date GameStop has in it computer. That's hardly official, as everyone knows, so it's good to have the final announcement.
As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , SCEA's new masterpiece will indeed land on store shelves on the 16th of March, and along with this confirmation, we get a look at the final box art and the revealing of the special Ultimate Edition (pictured here). The update doesn't go into specifics for this bad-ass edition but we will get "premium collectibles and digital content," and that's good enough for now. To add more fuel to the hype train – as if it needs any – February 11 is another day to mark on your calendars; that's when Sony will debut a brand new trailer exclusively on Spike's GameTrailers TV. Last but certainly not least, if you haven't picked up the God of War Collection just yet (featuring the first two GoW titles in stunning high definition), now's the time…because the price is down to $29.99! The mania has only just begun and you can bet that as we close in on that release date, you won't be able to avoid the name "God of War." …what, you're gonna complain?
We can't wait to get our hands on this one; it's the third big PS3 exclusive of 2010 behind MAG and Heavy Rain . Well, chronologically speaking. Stay tuned for the MAG review; it'll be up in about 20 minutes or so.
Related Game(s): God of War III
Me want *drools* GOW3 needs to be going inside my PS3 right now!
This game is going to kick some ass man, I can't wait!
It's only February and man is Sony dishing out amazing exclusives like it's candy. Have to love Sony. The efforts are really paying off!
Doesn't the ultimate edition have a replica of pandora's box? Is pandora's box inside that regular box?
That's what I was thinking. Pandora's box has to be in there.
That would be the Collector's Edition of GOW3.
Nevermind my first reply. I can't find one that says Collector's Edition.
Amazon shows the same picture above and still has pandora's box listed in the contents.
Last edited by tes37 on 1/29/2010 6:40:38 AM
Game of the year material right there
I'm so happy with this because that day is my birthday, and i have been a fan of the series since it started. I really would like it if GOW3 gets GOTY. So i actually read a lot here but i post very few times, the people in here are so funny and everything especially Ben.
I am just counting down the days… 47 days as of this post CT.
We don't give a damn about the whole state of Michigan because we're O-hi-o.
well im from michigan plus i was born in 83. not making any point. just sayin lol
I was born in 81 and I'm allergic to kleenex.
wow that'd suck! like the kleenex brand or all soft papers designed to wipe your filth? lol
Just kleenex.
That's central time, I live in Illinois for the time being. And that does suck about allergic to Kleenex. The 1983 is because that's when I was born.
I live in Illinois as well. I understood the 83 most likely referred to the year you were born. My itty bitty song was simply directed to you due to my allegiance with OSU football.
Oh and I'm not allergic to Kleenex, I was simply kidding around. As far as I know I'm not allergic to anything. I mean come on, kleenex?!
Yea I figured as much but I thought I would say it anyway. 😉
i was kidding with u too about the kleenex but then i thought u were serious after awhile. lol
You know there's alot of northerners and foreigners on this site. Not saying that's a bad thing, but where are all my southerners???
I live in Pennsylvania right now, but I'm from Alabama…and I'm feeling outnumbered around here.
I'm in Florida. ;o
I'm from Louisiana.
I hope that doesn't make the situation look a little more depressing for you.
Last edited by tes37 on 1/29/2010 4:15:12 PM
Welp thought I'd jump in and say I'm from Oregon. So I think I'm the minority.
Righttttt……. what if i said "Africa"
I can't wait for this game!
In other news, I finally beat Assassin's Creed 2. That was a kickass game. Now to complete Bioshock, Dead Space, and Ghostbusters. >_<
You're one lucky boy. Dead Space was my favorite game in 08.
i love AC2 but i was so disappointed in the fact tht you only left the animus like 3 times even tho you actually got to fight and free-run while out
…and the ending annoyed me cause now i really wanna know what happens and i gotta wait til AC3 =(
…and the truth video was kinda trippy
Dead Space was actually alot of fun. I never thought shooting limbs off could be so fun….well, yeah I did.
Just picked it up about 2 months ago for $15 at Best Buy. Great buy!
This game is going to be off the hook. However, I'm more inclined to buy 2 regular games than an Ultimate Edition of one.
yeah, I don't need that stuff, just a plastic box with a game and some 'struckins.
I'll be broke and playing FFXIII by then but I look forward to the continuing hype here by my favorite members. And some of my least favorite.
Wouldn't mind checking out that Spike trailer too.
Whose your least favorite?
I hate to name names, but Blank Line never technically makes any sense.
LOL, he sure doesn't. Wouldn't be so annoying if he only wrote a few sentences instead of the usual half page rants void of any spacing.
Ignorance flows everywhere.
Certainly does, some places it flows more than others.
@ limited Seeing as how you were the first to ask maybe you were worried it was you…?
The thought never crossed my mind. I'm pretty sure World has a crush on me.
Yeah man, your vegetable alien turns me on!
The vegetable alien is sick, took talent. Btw watched the movie today!
Family Video here I come!
*Off topic question*
Did anybody see Spike, & the announcement of what Platinum Game's next game is gonna be?
I didn't, I actually forgot about it. 20 bux king or highlander caught it.
It hasn't run yet 12:34 ET on spike.
Unless that is the replay and I have missed but my DVR didn't have an earlier listing when I set it so record.
Just my luck, now I have FF13, GOW3, and pokemon soul silver to buy in a 2 week period.
That's $29.99 at Amazon and GameStop.
Hell… it's 29.99 everywhere.
what about heavy rain charger? u cant pass on HR!
ugh…im gonna die waiting for this game i want it now T.T
Thanks guys, I gotta look into that soon.