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BioWare Working On “Unannounced Projects” For PS3

BioWare gave PlayStation 3 owners Dragon Age: Origins although we haven't heard if we'll ever see Mass Effect 2 . That being said, we hearken back to when the prominent role-playing developer said they would "continue to work with the PS3;" see, they weren't kidding around.

BioWare co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka has told NowGamer that Sony's machine is definitely part of the studio's future. After Muzyka once again evaded the Mass Effect on PS3 question (which is starting to sound more and more like an unspoken confirmation), he went on to say that they're "working on more unannounced PS3 projects." And while the critics did notice a few drawbacks in the PS3 version of Origins , it still turned out relatively well and the studio considers it a learning experience. Said Muzyka:

"For Dragon Age it was interesting – even though we have more experience as a studio working on 360, the typical assessment was that most of the review scores were a little bit higher on PS3. The PS3 seems to be favourite among many Dragon Age fans. It represents advantages over 360, and 360 represents advantages over PS3 in some ways. We obviously have a great amount of affection for 360 and we’re going to continue to develop for on that. I think Mass Effect 2 demonstrates you can still push the envelope even further on 360 and we’re excited about the future of that platform – and PS3 for that matter. They’re both good platforms at the end of the day."

It's an awfully diplomatic response; you have to respect that. He also went on to say that their team in Edmonton has already begun work on the third Mass Effect , reminding us they've "always said it was a trilogy." Will it come to the PS3? They're not announcing anything just yet, as you might expect. But at this point, you would think EA isn't so interested in keeping one of the most successful franchises of the generation exclusive to one console.

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14 years ago

A bit of topic: Every time I read BioWare it reminded me of an old game I played and was a lot of fun but I just could remember until now… BioFreaks!!! Ha does anyone remember that? I think it was still on PS1. It was this fighting game with chainsaws and so on… You could dismember you opponent and the blood will be gushing out and all that. Was pretty brutal for the time….

Anyway just thought I'd mention that.

Back on topic: I honestly thing BioWare is keen on exploring the powers of the PS3. I think they realized what it is capable of and this was just their first taste of it. I have high hopes for their future products.

14 years ago

I remember seeing an arcade machine of that game and being sick to my stomach. It disturbed me greatly as a young person.

It would still disturb me, actually.


14 years ago

since there only experienced in RPGs maybe a spy action espionage RPG?
i kno, i kno, obsidian are working on alpha protocol but……………
1 the industries big enough for 2 games of that genre to exist isent it?
2 all the previews i have read its extremely buggy, boring and repetitive.
thats probably why they delayed it but im still on the fence about AP.
the industry is big enough for a million and one FPS, TPS, RPGs (lovey dovey fantasy crap) so i think 2 action spy espionage RPGs should fit in nicely.

14 years ago

good news – though i hope they we will run better than dragon age i simply dont play it as it lags so bad. but rpg's are way better on console than PC!! a controller beat a crappy kb and mouse any time – except football manager lol.

it's just not fun to play with a kb and mouse.

Last edited by lupus on 1/29/2010 11:35:55 AM

14 years ago

You are misusing the word "lag".

Online games have lag (though I guess there is also a kind of lag between input and on-screen action, which can be a problem in games which require precise timing like fighting games or music games). You presumably mean "slowdown".

Last edited by Fane1024 on 1/30/2010 2:38:03 PM

14 years ago Check out that forum, Bioware is doing what every other game developer does when it comes to not wanting to confirm that there will indeed be a PS3 version. Despite that, i'm probably 80% sure that we'll see Mass Effect on the PS3.

Probably not Mass Effect or Mass Effect 2, but a compilation of both, or perhaps both in 1 long game (God that'd be so cool)