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GoWIII Details: 15-20 Hours Length, Sex Mini-Game

Think you know everything there is to know about God of War III ? The Internet has done a darn good job of making us feel as if we've already played games we've never touched, but…well, that's a good thing, right?

Well, either way, here are a few more details for what may be the most anticipated title of 2010. According to European website Play citing a Spanish game publication, GoWIII will not only feature some old favorites, but it will also be well worth your $60. First and foremost is the assertion by the game's director, Stig Asmussen, that the game will take 15-20 hours to complete. Now, as most of you know, this is a high range for an action adventure like this and if it's true, it's a huge benefit. Then comes the unsurprising revelation of new weapons, the Hermes shoes that allows Kratos to run on walls (I guess like Bayonetta 's witch magic that lets her do the same thing), the inclusion of the mythical and legendary Mount Olympus and the lush gardens of Eden and, oh yes, the sex mini-game. It was a source of much controversy when it popped up in the first game, although Asmussen say this new mini-game isn't exactly like the other ones. It shouldn't turn too many heads this time, though; we've seen far more explicit stuff in video games in the past few years.  Besides, perhaps more controversy will be fixed on Heavy Rain

As if we needed more incentive to play this bad boy. It has become abundantly clear that March is all about one game and one game only.

Related Game(s): God of War III

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15 years ago

Actually you get the "veteran" that reaks of truck stops and I get the fresh "new girl" whose parents recently got divorced. It's a win/win situation.

15 years ago

isn't that too much situational ? still if I go with another reply I would end posting another similar scenario..hmm.

until march we gonna see who really bought da best hooker.

the loser gets aids and buy the 360 MW2 bundle.

15 years ago

You've got a deal 🙂

15 years ago

Final Fagatsy what? March is all about GOW 3 baby!. Oh and the acronym "GOW" stands for God Of War not Queers of War!. Xbots please quit trying to change it!!!

15 years ago

You just might be the most amazing human being ever born.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

It's actually Queers or Whores.. as I like to say.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Could we…not…like…say those things? Please? It makes me feel dumber.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Sorry Ben, we don't actually do this in public.. or do they?..

Last edited by Banky A on 1/28/2010 6:23:05 AM

15 years ago

im in complete agreement with Naztycuts and i have, now decide that i will not even touch ff13 because i feel that it is a extreme rip off to but it at 60 bucks when half of the game content got cut to accommodate the 360, so i will only be get GOW 3 around that time and will just wait to for verses, but yeah droppin the hundred on it, and maybe the 125 for the sword, but 100 buck is truly worth it(all the stuff u get is amazing)

15 years ago

How is FFXIII a ripoff? Please explain this.

15 years ago

"it at 60 bucks when half of the game content got cut to accommodate the 360"

he did explain it,

15 years ago

Not to mention there is rumors already circulating of DLC. I wish DLC was never born! I love DLC as of buying downloadable games and such, but in this case, as well as others, just move on…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/28/2010 2:29:07 AM

15 years ago

That's complete garbage and if he's going to make such a claim he should provide some evidence to it.

15 years ago

I dont know LV. I would liek to know what you think about the whole cutting out extra content, and reasons why.

All signs point to space on the dvd9. Or so they could release it as DLC later. The fact that they said it was originally part of the game and had to be cut out is a bit disheartening. Still I'd like to know your take. Cus I guess it could be anything.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/28/2010 2:36:57 AM

15 years ago

From what I've read they decided to go a different route and it required they cut out a lot of unneeded gameplay. Reminds me of Resident Evil2. Back when it was being created Capcom was well over 90% done and they scrapped the whole dame thing and started from scratch. Haven't heard anyone complaining about the final result.

It's easy to assume and blame the 360 for anything edited in FFXIII. I think anyone that does this without any proof just looks foolish.

15 years ago

LimitedVertigo:That's complete garbage and if he's going to make such a claim he should provide some evidence to it.

LV:"It's going to stomp on GOW. While you kiddes are on your second playthrough of GOW I won't even be halfway done with FFXIII."-That sounds like garbage to me

15 years ago

This is great news 15-20 hrs of play time, sounds like I know what I am doing all weekend long and then it will be back to FFXIII and Heavy Rain if I haven't finished it (HR that is) yet. 🙂

15 years ago

15-20 Hours AWESOME! I always loved the sex mini games they are so funny… It's true March is only meant for one game and that game is GOW III
I also agree we need a 2nd heavenly sword been hoping for it since I finished the first one.

15 years ago

Heavenly Sword has alot of potential ,the pacing of the game was not too good however the gameplay was awesome.Didnt she died at the end? cant remember.

15 years ago

Either way I'm pretty sure grammar just died.

15 years ago

lol @ Kowhoho

15 years ago

Oh god here comes the grammar patrol.

Last edited by Silent_J on 1/29/2010 4:10:38 PM

15 years ago

worth your $60?
you sure about that?
talk about stating the obvious.
they could charge $300 bucks for it and id still buy it.
probably would be extremely pissed, and probably would take it back 1 week later to get a refund but still.GOW had a sex mini game in it?
ive only played the one in GOW2.

15 years ago

yes.. but the psp one was more fun.

15 years ago

nah the second is by far the best.
CoO was good, best PSP game out there but i still prefer GOW 2.
they took all the bad things about GOW 1 like the unnecessary infuriating levels like the coulombs of hades or that dropping floor room, out and brought over all the good things like the combat.
only thing id like to see changed from GOW 2 to 3 is bring back the Artemis blade.
that purple blade was more fun to use, and more powerful than the chains themselves!
i really liked the R1 to thrust move, it just felt so much better to use than any other weapon, in GOW thats my favorite weapon by far.
bring a weapon like that to GOW 3 and ill be happy.

15 years ago

I was only talking about the sex game.

15 years ago

yea i kinda figured that after i posted that.

15 years ago

15-20 hours, that's pretty long for an action adventure game. Good news! The only thing I'm thinking about is my Heavy Rain though. Just a few more weeks. (Sitting in panic room up in the attic staring at the clock). Just a few more weeks.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Oh sweet, can't wait.

15 years ago

… Sex mini game


15 years ago

how long were the first two? i plan on getting the ultimate edition and starting from the start, do you believe i could get through GOW 1 and 2 in one weekend? because i dont wanna waste too much time on the first two when the third is sitting right next to me lol

15 years ago


15 years ago

If you have the time put the game on Normal. you'll experience a little difficulty but not much. you should be able to play through both in one weekend!

15 years ago


no reason y not. i played through both in 1 weekend, still slept well even.

15 years ago

Can't wait. Though this game is a couple games under my list.

15 years ago

thx guys, ill definately be motivated to clock them both b4 starting GOWIII, i missed out on the first two because i was younger back then but now ill be 16 when GOWIII comes out and ready to slash up some undead soliders and mythological beasts

15 years ago

good to hear, you can now play some of the greatest games ever!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/28/2010 2:21:30 AM

15 years ago

I wouldn't go that far…

15 years ago

I wasn't speaking widely. I was speaking in the GOW series. And they are some of the greatest games ever, its hard to argue otherwise.

15 years ago

definitely looking forward to it, even though the ultimate edition costs 2.5 times more than the standard edition, its worth ever last penny (hopefully, i assume it will be at least)

15 years ago

15-20 hours is long enough consider most games are averaging 10.

But I'm still itching for a game that will last me 100 hours.

15 years ago

FF will soon be here to make everything okie dokie.

15 years ago

Final Fatasy is selling out for a few more players. Multi plat is one giant @$$ mistake for Square. Sony has always treated them right because they made quality games. I hope GOW3 slams them.

15 years ago

There is no way GOW3 slams FFXIII. Mark my words, "No new taxes".

15 years ago

They probably won't because of multi plat. GOW3 will outsell Final Fantasy in PS3 sales in first month.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I will bet you 2 gorgon eyes and a phoenix feather GOW3 outsells FFXIII for the first month on PS3.

15 years ago

First, you need to learn to reply to those commenting on your posts within the original post so you don't mess up the threads.

Second I except your challenge and toss in Arvis as well.

15 years ago

I don't bet in gil because that economy is going down the crapper.

15 years ago

A challenger appears