Think you know everything there is to know about God of War III ? The Internet has done a darn good job of making us feel as if we've already played games we've never touched, but…well, that's a good thing, right?
Well, either way, here are a few more details for what may be the most anticipated title of 2010. According to European website Play citing a Spanish game publication, GoWIII will not only feature some old favorites, but it will also be well worth your $60. First and foremost is the assertion by the game's director, Stig Asmussen, that the game will take 15-20 hours to complete. Now, as most of you know, this is a high range for an action adventure like this and if it's true, it's a huge benefit. Then comes the unsurprising revelation of new weapons, the Hermes shoes that allows Kratos to run on walls (I guess like Bayonetta 's witch magic that lets her do the same thing), the inclusion of the mythical and legendary Mount Olympus and the lush gardens of Eden and, oh yes, the sex mini-game. It was a source of much controversy when it popped up in the first game, although Asmussen say this new mini-game isn't exactly like the other ones. It shouldn't turn too many heads this time, though; we've seen far more explicit stuff in video games in the past few years. Besides, perhaps more controversy will be fixed on Heavy Rain …
As if we needed more incentive to play this bad boy. It has become abundantly clear that March is all about one game and one game only.
Related Game(s): God of War III
So he can run on walls now, apart from gliding on birds? That's a pretty versatile character. Glad this game is longer than Bayonetta, show daddy who's boss….or should I say mommy?
I wish you wouldn't say either, lol,
From this moment on, I'll never say either again lol.
That's awesome, I love sex!
Jed loves sex.
Jed's avatar is ginger, +1!
Jed stop changing your damn pic.
I had a GOW3 avatar for months before I switched to this one.
Seems long for a GoW game. Good news indeed!
Theres a lot of Gods left to kill, this is going to be an amazing game.
I guess Hermes will be one of the first to die. He is one of the less awesome gods anyway. It will probably be Helios (demos are usually a very early part of the game), Hermes, Apollo, an awesome dual-battle with Poseidon and Hades, then Zeus himself.
Of course i have no idea what im talking about, but i do know GoW3 is going to be amazing.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 1/27/2010 9:54:15 PM
And a super tough super secret final finalll boss fight with.. Santa!
I have a funny feeling that the Titans are going to turn on Kratos for some reason…
For awhile I thought I've read "15-20 hours length of sex mini-game". Good thing I rubbed my eyes and read again. Phew.
wow,i did the exact same thing!
hahahaha that is hilarious! id still buy it though lolololol
The first time I only read Sex Mini-Game 😀
That would be a pretty long mini-game.. but I've seen bigger, hhha (that's NOT what she said).
Well now this is the kind of news I want to hear. A game worth my money. 15-20 hours is excellent. I sure hope it's not that long because it'll take 4 hours to climb some stupid rotating spike trap … I'm sure they wouldn't do that again would they?
the spike trap killed me for like 2 hrs on ps2 but when i played the collection i got the trophy for taking no damage on it my very first try. yay me! lol
They stopped having those annoying ledges and spike towers in God of War 2, I don't think they'll return on the third one.
GoWII seemed more difficult, but less annoying and tedious.
It helps that Gaia pulled Kratos from Hades so he didnt have to fight out himself…
@ carlospicyweinr – Ok. You've officially wowed me. With GoW Collection dipping down to 29usd on Amazon every once in a while I'm feeling more and more tempted to get it. Then I think, nah, get it after GoW3 when there's nothing else to play.
Good looking out on the Amazon tip Alien! Ordered it today with free shipping. Nice!
@ jaybiv – Nice !
Damn that's one long adventure, I won't complain but I hope it doesn't drag on. My adrenaline would kill me.
Thats what she said.
Banky started it ;P
Lol World!
"i am home"
This is the length Heavenly Sword should have been…
Anyway, great news
i want a heavenly sword 2 so badly. nariko and kratos should have a baby then make a game surrounding him! i will call him "kratiko" trademark pending. lol
But I agree man! Heavenly Sword 2 would be…heavenly
Kai for the win!
Kratiko? lol… Are you Colombian?
Kratos and that Asian Nariko should totally NEVER have a baby. Are you crazy?
Haha, Kratos is more of a pimp than that ;D
looks like heavy rain and gow3 already got my money…now i wanna know when is gt5 going to be available.
At this rate nobody knows. They'll probably add some new superfluous feature that pushes it back another 6 months…
december 2017.
Nice to see it's longer than I expected. I'm still renting it though.
Actually im j/k cus you'll have your hands full with FF13, I assume. As will tons of others.
I also will be playing WKC and Heavy Rain. GOW will be a weekend rental. Button smashing action games aren't my cup of tea past a weekends play through.
I hear ya for sure! I like RPG' a lot. I love the length and depth they give. But fast paced action is my calling.
Heavy Rain is on my list next, so I will be playing that as well. First just gotta get my new hdd in.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/28/2010 4:30:13 PM
@ bigrailer19 – You ruined a perfectly good "That's what she said" opportunity.
yeah between WKC, Star Ocean, and FF13 I'm definitely going to be waiting on this one. March is all about one game indeed.. but not this one for me.
looks like i gotta line up a couple of personal/sick days from work.
Can't wait for this game. Dropping 60 buck on it day one!
I'm dropping 100 bucks on the collectors edition with Pandoras Box, it seems to be one of the VERY few that are worth it. 160 bucks for NVG's, CoD:Classic, and MW2 was a ripoff overall IMO
So… wait,
Have people forgotten about Final Fantasy XIII this March?
I mean, I know the 360 kinda screwed it up, but isn't it still going to be a big release alongside God of War III?
It's going to stomp on GOW. While you kiddes are on your second playthrough of GOW I won't even be halfway done with FFXIII.
I am getting both.
I never thought I'd jump on the 13 hatin' bandwagon, but after reading
its pretty much an after thought know. Maybe WKC will tide my RPG hunger?
well we already know that LV.
GOWIII isn't a rpg.
15-20 its pretty big for an action game.
bayonetta its like 7-9.
Last edited by Oxvial on 1/27/2010 11:40:52 PM
You shouldn't make bold claims, that are merely opinion. Its funny how some people base which game will be more worthy based on the length. In this regard anyways.
So ff13 will be longer, o-well. Just like Oxvial said, 15-20 hrs for a game like this is massive, and way more than enough. I couldnt ask for more! I know i'll be satisfied with my purchase, thats all that matter to me, as your purchase will satisfy you. I wont say which is going to be better cus I have no right to at this point. But I will say I think both are worth the pretty penny.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/28/2010 2:33:11 AM
When did I ever state anything but my opinion? Of course there will be those out there that enjoy 15hrs of GOW over 100hrs of FF. There are people out there that enjoy 20 dollar hookers, I've learned to except the differences humans have.
well in this case the two hookers are 60 bucks …So I get 15-20 min with the hottest one and you get 100 with da fat one xD.
Last edited by Oxvial on 1/28/2010 8:27:08 AM