When Arnold and I were comparing the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Bayonetta , he told me about the horrid loading times in the PS3 version.
It was sad – and a little funny – because there's really no such issue in the 360 version. However, Sega has certainly heard the negative feedback and they've taken a step to do something about it: Sega Japan has announced an update for the PS3 version, which will be available to download tomorrow. This new patch adds an "Install" option to the menu, so players can install a portion of the game to the system's hard drive, thereby allowing for quicker load times. We had heard this was coming way back in November but up until now, nothing else had been said about this "fix-it" patch. Now that it's almost upon us, it may convince PS3 owners to pick up the fast-action extravaganza but we have to remind you that other issues plagued the lesser version. There were frame rate problems, for instance, and the faster load times certainly won't make the PS3 version look any better. But from what we've seen, it's the absurd and seemingly endless loading that people really hated.
Platinum Games says they want to do a sequel or a spin-off and if that's the case, they had better not let this happen again. If they don't wish to make a multiplatform title from the ground up, just make it exclusive. Seriously.
Related Game(s): Bayonetta
I'll probably rent the game on Friday so I can play it with the new Install patch. I don't care about its looks or the occasional frame rate issues; I think too many people nitpick over that crap. I didn't like the game due to the excessive loading.
People nit pick over it because it's unecessary and can be avoided. But lazy devs release games with this crap anyways. When a company asks me to give them my money, I want to know I'm getting the best value for my dollar. Buying or even renting a game with poor frame rate, last gen graphics and screen tearing galore, they are asking me to cough up cash for a half assed product. No thanks.
The only game i could stand with those issues was fallout 3 for the ps3, another inferior port gahhh!!
"If they don't wish to make a multiplatform title from the ground up, just make it exclusive. Seriously."
Totally agree
give me some news on MOH and Rage ben… plz lol
If they are going to do the next Bayo exclusive sure its going to be on the Ps3.
even the bad port sells better than the great 360 version.
The US sales of bayo for the Box will help it catch up eventually. Neither versions are selling spectacularly.
it's great to see that they actually care about the PS3 side enough to add this feature…but then again they should've had it from the getgo, even with the 360 as the lead platform.
Took them long enough.
Ben, can you confirm that this is going to be a world wide patch, I have read that it is only confirmed for Japan, for this week?
This should help the game flow better, I have rented it and the load times were a little ridiculous. I was also having control issues, has anyone else experience those? Like for example, I was working on some combos (during the loading screens) and the punching and kicking buttons would sometimes register as the other. It was pretty annoying and makes getting some of the stronger combos harder/impossible to achieve. The funny thing is I didn't have that issue in the demo.
this bayonetta slowdown makes me bring up a question [that i know is gonna get me thumbed down]: why is the ps3 so friggin slow!? it's not just with games, but with anything. i did a test to see how the PS3 and the Xbox 360 handles stuff like usb drives. the PS3 imo is better suited for that, but i had to wait for about a minute for it to read 400+ images on a folder. the 360 loaded them almost instantly, but on the flip side, it only recognized jpgs, whereas the ps3 displayed all the formats there were. and you know it takes a few seconds to load the trophies. for the most advanced console, why does it have to be the slowest? :S
Last edited by The Doom on 1/27/2010 12:01:03 PM
For starters the game wasn't made for the PS3 and Sega obviously flopped the port. Second the blue Ray drive doesn't spin as fast as a DVD drive so it reads data a tad slower and but there's a work around that. Games like Uncharted 2, Infamous, Batman AA, Assasins Creed 2 all load fine. No long waits. Infact Uncharted 2 has no load times once past the initial load and doesn't requIre an install. It's all Segas fault.
As for the pictures loading, I don't know maybe because the Xbox is a watered down PC and is more compatible with extenal drives. Who knows, who cares? I use my PS3 to play games and Watch Blue Rays. 360 doesn't play blue rays and is a poor excuse for a next gen console. So again. Who cares?
Jawknee – I agree that it's all Segas fault. Your point about Uncharted 2 was dead on. There is a long wait at the beginning, but after that, every chapter loads seamlessly with the next. There is only a very slight delay when a cut scene loads, but it's negligible.
Any problem games have with load screens is due to the devs creating the game. Once again, Naughty Dog has set the bar high….everyone else needs to step up.
Bingo! Blaming the PS3 is seriously getting old. These devs, like you said, need to step it up. As long as devs continue to strive for mediocrity and limit their ambitions to the "easy to develope for" hardware, were only going to see games as good as the weakest link. The Xbox. Hence, why I continue to argue that multiplatform games are nothing more them Xbox games. Hardly any of the multiplat games have taken advantage of even 50% of what the PS3 has to offer. If I was a designer or developer I would be ashamed of the job Sega did on Bayonetta. I'd be ashamed to release a game that's half assed, full of bugs and glitches, screen tearing and frame rate dips. We are so far into this gen that devs should know how to work around these issues. There's no excuse anymore.
If you going to do something, do it right!
Yes you are right!
Well, I wouldnt be ashamed or anything, as long as i make as much money as possible I wouldnt give a damn… and unfortunately thats how th devs see it, well most of them anyway…
Heh, who cares.
will the patch add an extra 30 fps? no? I'll pass.
it always makes me smile when butt-hurt readers give criticisms of bayonetta thumbs down. sorry, I played the GOW3 demo and there is no excuse for bad visuals on PS3.
I'll just wait until there is a $50 off patch but until then I will just play GOW Collection and GOW3.
Seriously , Bayonetta looks like a PS2 game compared to GOW3.
who cares about this crap devil may cry wanna be. this game is rubbish.
Ha! so now that the PS3 version sales are consistently higher than the 360 version, they worry about the PS3… I'd like to know it the other case were true, would this patch even exist?
i got the game on the 360 after i traded in Darksiders after i finish the game, the game is fast, flashy and has beautiful and mystic background and color, this is exactly what i want in action games, much better than Darksiders, and after playing the demo on the ps3, i am convinced that the 360 version is the one to go, i dont want to see the washed out screen again.
p.s. reducing the loading does not make the screen look any more vibrant, hence makes no changes to the visual, which is not forgivable. this is unfortunate for ps3 gamers, (i in all honest wanted to get it on PS3 but I could not stand the washed out visual)
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/27/2010 1:14:41 PM
The colors are the same generally, there is a difference in the gamma correction. I've never understood why PS3 devs do this, the color pallets are generally no different between 360 and PS3. But on the PS3 everything has been made brighter resulting in a washed out, less colorful look. If you adjust the gamma correction on a PC's display settings too high, you an see this effect in action.
If the game has no way to reduce the brightness (gamma correction) then you will have to use the controls on the TV to adjust brightness (and contrast) to compensate. You can also change the RBG setting in the display settings on your pS3, I can never remember whether it should be limited or full. Full in theory increases the color depth, but if your TV can't handle it, it doesn't work so well. You may be better with limited which effectively crops the highest and lowest values for each color. This works better for screens that do not support the color depth of full RBG.
I prefer the Full setting myself. Looks great if your TV can handle it. Although mine has grown very dark over the year I've had it. You think a back light is dead or something Highlander?
I've had the tv for a year. I have never had to adust the brightness until about a month or so ago. Just got darker all the sudden. Seems to brighten up a bit when it's been on for awhile. Any ideas what might be the cause?
As far as I know the CFFL backlights can dim over time, and don't have near the lifetime of the LED backlights. I believe that the CFFLs do become less bright as they age.
Bummer. Only had it a year.
Could some of the framerate dips have been due to streaming texture data from the BluRay? If so then installing to the HDD will help this greatly.
This is a renter game ONLY. I despise getting ports from companies that make games for the 360 then they say it has to be DUMBED DOWN on the PS3 because of it.
Screw Sega on this one. They are still sore Sony put them out of the console business.
End of Line.
This game wasn't dumbed down, it was 360 only in the first place.
Quality may suck but the gameplay is undeniably great.
Any topic concerning Bayonetta just angers me…
I think if the PS3 version isn't outselling the 360 version I doubt that Platinum would even consider giving us a patch.
But it took them long enough, they should have done it after the Japanese release.
Hey Everyone,
I finally signed up, ive been regularly checking this site for the past year, and just signed up. Great storys Ben. You got a great community here.
On topic, Not a big fan of Bayonetta. Only played the demo, but just reminded me too much of DMC. Plus the guns in her shoes even put me off. Lol
well Well WELL!
Welcome to the madhouse Lyk, lol.
By the time this game hits the bargain bins it'll be all patched up and be running great. I'll just sit tight and play the games that got it right before release.
It's not like they just "heard people complaining," they knew what they were doing from the start. They put out a shoddy port with no regrets and hoped that people wouldn't complain. Now that we are, we're seeing them update it.
no complaints here. Saw shoddy review, chose to pass, now awaiting heavy rain patiently. 20 dollar bin is a beautiful thing LOL
Well, I still got the game from gamefly and I love the game and would play through it again, but all the loading kills it for me. If the Install helps the loading time alot, then I may just go ahead and buy it. I wanna play the game and too many good games are coming out soon that I'll need to rent.
Or maybe they'll release another Bayonetta for the PS3 called Bayonetta 360, this one runs how the 360 version of Bayonetta runs. SF4 and then SSF4, come on, just make 5 already!
the only patch this game needs is a reviews patch with a big sticker saying most overrated game of the generation.
though i hear PG may be working with epic games on their next title.
hmmmmm, lets hope epics quality rubs off on them and hopefully sega is the publisher.
otherwise i can see this being a xbox exclusive like how bayonetta should of been.
either that, or go back to capcom and make DMC5, and this time put dante back as the main star, and for %$#@s sake bring back vergil!
what was capcom thinking?
seriously if theres a team thats so good at taking their own games and completley fu**ing them up its capcom.
devil may cry and resident evil will never be the same!
Apparently its Sony that released the patch