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SCEE Reveals God Of War III Release Date For UK

GameStop says God of War III will arrive in the US on March 16 so SCEE's official announcement isn't exactly surprising.

According to Electronic Theatre , SCEE has revealed the launch date for both God of War III and the GoWIII: Ultimate Trilogy Edition in Europe: March 19. If you're in the UK, you'll have the option of these two separate retail packages; you'll have the standard version that will go for £39.99 and the Ultimate Trilogy Edition, which is basically our God of War Collection from last year, only it also includes GoWIII, of course. You can nab this for £109.99. Mid-March is gonna be huge for everyone who has played and loved past entries in the award-winning series, and it's unlikely that Sony is concerned about competing with Final Fantasy XIII . Although it launches the week before, the two titles should target different gaming consumers and besides, the buzz for GoWIII is almost 100% positive. European gamers should be satisfied with that March 19 date just because they've been shafted in the past…we won't go into specifics, 'cuz it isn't necessary. If you live across the pond, you know all about getting huge titles well after the other two major regions.  We feel for you.

And while it may be the final installment in the trilogy, SCEA has already said that God of War simply won't disappear. You may have to wave bye-bye to Kratos, though…who knows?

Related Game(s): God of War III

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14 years ago

I'm glad our brothers in arms across the pond will be getting GoWIII sooner rather than later. Now let the weak and petty gods tremble in fear for soon Kratos shall soon be here (and there)!

Last edited by sunspider13 on 1/25/2010 12:51:48 PM

14 years ago

as a londoner, you dont realise how much that sentence made my day.
hell yes, GOW fina-fcking-lly

14 years ago

Thats alot of money for the trilogy, be much much cheaper to import the 1st 2 games, as its on ebay for around 30 quid, then pay the 40 quid for GOW3.

14 years ago

Yes alot of money but don't forget there's a box right?

14 years ago

kratos kills everything lol – love it – ultimate edidtion for me!

14 years ago

I want a GOW Ultimate Trilogy Edition here in the US.

14 years ago

I want it here in the UK, but for a US price.

One. Hundred. And. Ten. Pounds 0.o

14 years ago

you think thats bad here they want 250 bucks for it.
i want Pandoras box, but! i dont 2 fiddy want it!

14 years ago

Ultimate Trilogy Edition.

Talk about the one to get.

14 years ago

That combined with the goodies for the ultimate addition Pandora box! WOW OH WOW would that be heaven on earth!

Last edited by Dridion on 1/25/2010 1:27:04 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

I have sadly given up on the ultimate trilogy edtion, since I just don't want to spend that money I don't have, which I can instead spend on importing the God of War collection+God of War III+Heavy Rain+about 11 bucks, even though I don't have the money.
If that made sense…

14 years ago

They do target different crowds. But many want both games, & could only afford one. I personally only care for God Of War 3 of those two (the other being FF13). I'll still probably be playing Heavy Rain though.

14 years ago

Need to save up if I'm going to buy the Ultimate Trilogy Editon plus the limited edition for The Frozen Tears of Angels!!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

That is just awesome.

14 years ago

Hoping that that date applies to Australia as well. I'm so gonna line-up on Day 1 to buy it.

14 years ago

Here comes the pain.

14 years ago

Of forking over $4.99 to rent it for a weekend of fun?

14 years ago

You're renting it but bottom line is you're PLAYING IT.

14 years ago

one word: Collection.

14 years ago

Think I'll be taking a personal day March 17 😉

14 years ago

For some strange reason, i haven't played any of the god of war games. I keep thinking that its "not my cup of coffee".

Do ya'll think I should still try GoW3?

14 years ago

Kratos son Lotros or something ? (ok I made the name up bit up) it was all I could think up with 30 seconds of seeing Ben say bye Kratos 🙂

Last edited by tlpn99 on 1/25/2010 6:54:55 PM

14 years ago

While this is good news, and I plan to be sat down eager to play this game on release day, let me just open this box and expose the elephant that steps out into the room.

£39.99 for a newly developed GOW game on the PS3 platform.
£70 for a HD update to two PS2 games that have already more than paid their way, oh and a box.

That is a whole lot of money, effectively $114 USD for the God Of War collection and a Box.

If I had the choice of buying the games separately, then I would have no problem with this, but being forced to pay a whole lot more cash for a remake and a box that for me, will just gather dust, feels like an insult.

I would also like to play the games in sequence, 1 then 2 then onto 3 which means I would have to hold off playing 3 which will no doubt be internet crazy! I will not be able to get away from the fact that although I own and could, I am not playing the most talked about game but playing it's predecessors. All the time knowing that their was plenty of time for the games to be released before number 3, if only some money grabbing idiothole had decided to do the decent thing and not screw one over us U.K people again.

14 years ago

Since when does the "decent" thing apply in business?

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I would suggest maybe looking into importing the US version of the GOW collection. It was $40 at release and already Amazon has it marked down to $30. Not sure if the logistics would work in your favor or not, but it's worth checking out.

14 years ago

Yep, looks like an import for me, I did try and find a game-shop in Vegas to get the collection as I expected to be screwed over with this edition but never found one.

14 years ago

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i was one day off 🙁
close but no cigar.
anyway im shocked there not doing a world wide release for this, that would of been common seance unless gamestops date is wrong which 99.99% of the time is.
i wonder what sony will bring to the launch party this time 😉
O, and i guarantee kratos dies in this one, i just know it.
in the end there will be nothing but chaos!

14 years ago

It cant come soon enough, got it pre ordered from trustworthy shop2net for £32.95

14 years ago

110 pounds??????

Holy crap!!! I don't want to know how much it's be over here then…..