After EA snapped up BioWare, everyone just assumed that future products from the preeminent role-playing developer would be multiplatform. After all, mega-publishers like EA just don't do "exclusive."
However, neither BioWare or EA has confirmed that Mass Effect 2 would be coming to the PlayStation 3, despite the fact that Dragon Age: Origins most certainly did and BioWare said they would continue to work with Sony's machine. But is an official ME2 PS3 unveiling looming large on the horizon? According to GamesThirst citing a statement by G4 host Geoff Keighley, it may only be a matter of time:
"Now the fact that [Mass Effect 2] is only on Xbox 360, a lot of debate now about whether it makes sense for publishers to make those games exclusive to a platform. I think the game will eventually come out for PlayStation 3 but they just can’t talk about it yet."
We've heard similar comments before but does Keighley know something we don't? Perhaps the most telling factor in this debate is the way in which BioWare or EA deals with the question: they almost never deny that Mass Effect 2 will eventually end up on the PS3. They usually just say something like, "no comment" or, "we can't talk about that right now," which has always led optimistic PS3 owners to believe it's inevitable. It really makes very little sense for this hotly anticipated sequel to remain exclusive; EA knows they'd be eliminating around 25 million potential customers. But we'll just have to wait and see…
I enjoyed the elevator rides when they were giving me news updates about my exploits but the silent rides or those which repeated the same damn thing 20 times were a little boring.
I want to see more party dialogue while wandering around, similar to that itroduced in Dragon Age.
mass effect is a trilogy so i say for the 3rd mass effect they release the ME collection for ps3. all 3 games on a dual layer blu ray disc.
your avatar scares me
hello …
i got ME1 off the steamy sites holiday sales ..
i still need a better PC to try it out, if it's good enough i shall get ME2 on PC when it will be cheaper, but if it is A.W.E.S.O.M.E, then for sure will get it on PS3 if it comes our way, for i need to build a new PC, i'm just waiting for Diablo III to do so.
Since when was mass effect exclusive to the xbox 360? Its a multiplatform game thats also on the pc.
It's exclusive in the world of video games because PC games and video games seldom mix, a PC game is typically very much a 'PC' game.
OK, perhaps it would be more accurate to save a console exclusive. However, the reality is that console games are not the same as PC games, and console gamers don't play the same games on PCs as they do on Consoles.
So perhaps it's shorthand to call it exclusive without prefixing it with the word console, but that word console is understood to be part of the context. So when a game is described here as exclusive 99/100 readers (at least) infer that it is a console exclusive at least.
Just because Microsoft went and made a console as well doesn't make it an exclusive when it's on both the 360 and PC. Uncharted among others is a "true" exclusive.
I dig Mass Effect for a lot of the reasons some folks here think it's less than great — I love a great sci-fi setting; third-person action is probably my single favorite combat genre in games; the story, while admittedly a bit derivative, was really neat and shared a lot of my favorite elements from Sci-Fi classics like Star Trek, Aliens and even the Matrix; I absolutely loved the conversation tree, and I loved that there were a number of genuinely hard decisions to make with no "right" answer, and that those choices will carry on to part 2!
The action, pacing, and graphics were all flawed in part 1, no question, and sometimes deeply so. But it was an enjoyable experience for me and considering the great reviews coming in for it, I'm confident ME2 is going to deliver on the promise of ME1. Just my two cents.
I think if it isn't a "True exclusive" then you can expect to see it. But from what I've heard I'm not too stoked over it coming to PS3 anyway. I DO think bioware is just keeping MS fans happy by not discussing it as a multiplat.
I for one will be buying Mass Effect on the PS3.
My last and final RROD happened right when this game came out.
I will be hoping for ME1 and ME2 on Blu Ray..
Do you think that Geoff Keighley knows that he pronounces his own name incorrectly?
I am one who greatly enjoys Mass Effect, mainly for the plot(Although the gameplay is great as well). I enjoy almost anything from Bioware though, great company in my opinion. I would love to see Mass Effect come over to the PS3, I would defiantly re-buy the games if this happens. Going to pick up Mass Effect 2 at Midnight tonight.
Funny, if they were to give us PS3 owners the Mass Effect series then that would probably make a lot of Xbox 360 fans mad, much in the same way us PS3 fans are made that Final Fantasy went multi-platform. It's really hard to know what will happen, but EA most likely won't pass on the money they could achieve.
I somehow wonder if the rave reviews are deserved. I feel the Western RPG is the most overrated genre around. Games filled with long load times, dialogue trees, talking heads, mute heroes and stilted action. I'm someone that has had 75% of my purchases from 2007-10 come from development houses in Canada, the U.S. and Europe and yet I've never understood the hulabaloo over Mass Effect and similar Western RPGs.
Last edited by n/a on 1/26/2010 10:18:20 AM
Whether it comes to the PS3 or not doesn't concern me because in my opinion, it's just another stupid shooter 'trying' to be an rpg. It will always be that to me, so putting it on the PS3 proves nothing to me. I'll just play Heavy Rain, God of War III, and Versus XIII when they come out. You know, REAL games that make sense and are fun.
I don't see what the point of this story was. "It will come to PS3 "eventually"?? I remember the same thing being said about Ace Combat 6. That game was supposed to be a "timed exclusive." How many "millions" of fans on the PS3 would have bought that game? (I think it was a best selling game in Japan). I think they are just flat out lying. If it was coming to the PS3 they would either release it at the same time or they would have a a definite release date. If you have a PS3 and are waiting for this game, stop waiting because it is not going to happen.
What I don't get it why do so many people call this a 360 exclusive, because it's not!! The game is not only available but much better on the PC, so what's the problem in the first place? We all have PC's – if you want the game, just get it for PC (and the sequel).
Now a game series I really don't get the hype about is Halo. I just tried Halo 2 (for PC) for the first time (never played a Halo game before) and I *REALLY* don't see what's so special about that game?? It seems like a really bad-looking kiddie-shooter?! Seriously, it looks like Quake 1 with kiddie-monsters?? And it's not THAT old, there are a lot of much better looking games much older than that! What am I missing?? Seriously disappointed, I don't know what I was expecting, but I had no idea it was that bad…
Well, if it was much better on the PC then the reviews would reflect that, and they don't.
The reason there is so much hype for Halo has to do with Bungie. Bungie knows how to support their community that plays their games. It's not about whether Halo is a great FPS but about how much Bungie listens to and gives back to those who play it. The online Halo experience is what makes the series worth the time and effort.
And before you try to label me a Xbot, I own both systems. I've played the great games on the PS3 and well as the 360. I'm so tired of the same old fanboy rhetoric about which is better. Both systems are great. Both has great games. The real winners in this console war are the ones that own both.
Sorry for the rant.
Well, this is from the IGN PC review of Mass effect:
"As you'd expect, the PC game looks quite a bit sharper than its Xbox 360 cousin"
"And the texture popping problems exhibited in the Xbox 360 game were pretty much missing from the PC"
"…and there are a slew of improvements here that the Xbox 360 game will never get, like an improved inventory system. It's also nice that there are pretty much as many save slots as you need, which is a big improvement over the Xbox 360 game."
So I'd say the reviews certainly do reflect that the PC version is better…
Regardless though, point being: it's not an xbox360 exclusive, since you can just as well play it on the PC.