You know, I think I'm going to use the Cloud pic from "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children" any time there's new evidence to support a Final Fantasy VII remake, and then use the Sephiroth pic when Square-Enix once again shoots it down.
It wasn't long ago when we heard that Square-Enix would announce a secret title in 2010; a game that "everyone has requested." This last bit turned out to be untrue and while it is true that we'll hear about a currently unknown game from S-E this year, it's not something "journalists and gamers have been begging for," or some such nonsense. So that revelation brought our heads down out of the clouds – again – and now, Tetsuya Nomura squashed any remaining hopes. According to JustPushStart citing the most recent issue of Famitsu magazine, Nomura says we simply shouldn't expect a FFVII remake any time soon. There's a big layout in the issue featuring Cloud Strife and there's mention of games he will appear in (cameo appearances), but beyond that, they don't seem to be entertaining any thoughts of a full-blown remake. Then again, maybe they're just denying it and biding their time for the huge unveiling later this year, when they totally bring the house down with the gargantuan announcement…
Yeah, that's the unrealistically optimistic side of me talking. But I'm relatively certain that I'll dig out the Cloud pic of "Advent Children" again at some point. Let's face it; this rumor is never gonna die out completely.
@ gamer girl.I just bought FF 7 and 8 about 2 days ago on the Plastation Network, maybe you should check them out each is only 9.99. I haven't tried neither of them yet but i'll get around to it. Am still at it with Dragon Age and Demons Souls.
Thanks for the info! I'll probably check it out sometime soon! 🙂
If you want to know what TheWorld has to say, you have tuned into the wrong channel. They may want money from MS, but they don't want money from us.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/23/2010 4:30:24 PM
so i was right…
score 1 for booze i guess… yippee.
are you talking about the article about what we would want in a ffVII remake. If so, its an article about a "what if" situation where square enix would actually decide to release a remake.
could you reply to the post next time? not trying to be mean, i just didnt know what you were talking about. i'll be easier to understand if you reply on the discussion. i like reading the back and forth arguements in the discussion.
Last edited by johnld on 1/24/2010 12:44:27 AM
Booz925 your just childish theres no other explanation for it. I stoped listening to since you brought politics into these discussion a couple articles back. You must be from a farm or something.
I don't actually mind if it isn't soon. remake on ps3 or ps4.. either sounds good to me.
I think SE has to focus on creating new IPs that don't suck (TLR and Neir).
With the exception of FFXIII – which I'm sure will rock – what was the last true great game from SE? FFXII?
I wonder whether the 'sticking' point on a FFVII remake might end up being Sony?
Remaking a game as special as FFVII or even FFVIII wouldbe an exensive undertaking, and a risky one. You would want to maximize your audience. Plus SE has Microsoft lurking at it's shoulder – figuratively speaking.
Wat if Sony owns some of the copyrights involved in FFVII or FFVIII? What if the contracts between Sony and SE for the original and/or PSN releases of the games contains language that allows Sony to forbid releasing the game on another platform?
Then Sony could be basically saying "Make it exclsive, or don't bother remaking it."
If that's the case, I can live with that. I would rather have the original games as is than a half-assed, gimped for 360 version.
But how do we know if its just for the original game, and not an enhanced remake?
Last edited by Andysw on 1/24/2010 10:15:52 AM
face it guys, FFVII was great in its day,
but that is the last game that needs to be remaid. I would rather have a new game than a remake of a game that I have already played.
So get over it, FFVII is not now or ever going to be remade, until hell freezes over.
Well if they are going to do it, it is going to take some time and I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. I mean look how long it has taken for them to do XIII… But that is the optimist in me talking about them doing it so… Who really knows what going to happen.
only remake i would like to see SE do is a kingdom hearts remake.
ive never really liked RPGs, they normally bore the crap out of me but i really enjoyed kingdom hearts.
maybe its because i love the characters in there, ive always been and always will be a massive donald duck fan.
id love to see some of the loony tunes games get a remake too like loony tunes sheep raider or lost in time.
those were fantastic games, i miss hard puzzle based games like sheep raider.
stealing sheep and making sure you dont wake the watchdog one of the best games on ps1.
who needs a ps3 when you have a ps1?
its true what they say, older things are always better than newer things.
I knew it… I'd say I told you so, but I didn't.
I can't tell the future but I still believe this game will be remade… Perhaps S-E didn't plan for this but it sure is funny how almost every Playstation owner knows about FF7 now. If it ever gets released they might wonder to their self what was all the fuzz about so they purchase the game. I'm not sure but I don't think remakes do all that good so it would only seem like common sense to make an uproar about the game before it's been confirmed.
Last edited by JJJames on 1/24/2010 1:56:15 AM
If they do announce it I hope to GOD it stays exclusive to PS3. The last thing I want to see is another civil war.
@Tuli kokko and CH1N00K
Thanks for the info guys! I just might check it out sometime soon…
@Tuli kokko and CH1N00K
Thanks for the info guys! I just might check it out sometime soon…
to me, i am NOT up to a remake of this game, let it live in the past, it is hard to imagine to play a game with identical plot; on the other hand, i am all up to a future game, anything that innovative, original, deep and addictive, i.e. like demon souls, infamous, last guardian; so please create original games like those, Square Soft.( thats the only legit name i embrace and u know wut i mean for this )
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/24/2010 4:19:52 AM
Honestly, I wouldn't discredit a remake. Though, the more I think about it the more I wonder where it would go. It would seem that the PS3 is the obvious choice… but why not the PSP? Sure, maybe not everyone owns one of the things, but I do… and just thinking about VII remade with the same graphics as VII: CC (both in-game and CG) makes me wonder if that wouldn't be an honest medium. I'd imagine it'd take quite a chunk of green to completely convert a game like that to the PS3's performance capabilities. So why not AT LEAST strongly consider the PSP? Don't get me wrong people, I'd still prefer the possible remake on the PS3… but if making it on the PSP could make it that much more of a reality…?
Am a big fan of remakes, whats important is exactly how they plan on remaking. Sometimes they should just update the graphics on a game instead of changing anything else on it.
Most games are great just the way they are, but I often wonder what some of my favorite old-shool games would look with some bad@ss new generation graphics.Some examples would be Secrete of Mana,Chrono Triger,Castlevania,Kid Icarus,Russian Attack. What i mean is just update graphics don't mess with anything else.
A ff7 remake would be great but i would much rather see a sequel of past Square games , excluding KH3 .
A new FFT ( handheld sequel and the new Vandal Hearth graphics excluded ) being in top of my list .Another Parasite Eve or Vagrant story game would be great too ( unlikely but i can always hope).
Lets not forget what happened at the end of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. The very last cgi you see Genesis, and with his one-wing. So, a FF7 remake "will not happen for the time being" but, imo there will be more FF7 games to come to finish the story.
MY only comment is…
SE has took a PS exclusive and took the fun of what it was out of it for Xbox, and they won't even bring the dream's that we had back. Honestly in my opinion, FUCK them.
They where beast mode back then and they where a company I was loyal too, but not anymore. They lost me.
I think they should remake Final Fantasy VIII instead.
I think VIII is compltely perfect the way it is. The graphics are really good for a PS game and it's just beautiful as is. Sure, a remake would be AWESOME, but if not, I'm not complaining! VIII is my very first FF that I played and it is definately one of my favorites.
then why not a sequel or somethin'?
Never played ff7 and I probably never will. If anybody is to remake anything or start a sequel to a game left for dead, I would want to see Azure Dreams 2 from Konami or an Azure Dreams 1 remake. That would be much appreciated. Kingdom Hearts 3 from SE would be nice too. Exclusive though. Otherwise, don't bother. Please. If you resurrect something, bring it back looking lively, not half-dead.
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 1/24/2010 6:00:22 PM
And then SE will just spout some bull**** to excite everyone and then only to disappoint us later……AGAIN.
It will happen eventually. SE loves money, and a remake of FFVII would be a instant millions seller. Mark my words, SE would have to be insane to write off the revenues it would rake in. I wouldn't doubt that it would recoup all its own development costs on lunch day and then some.
Maybe its becuz of that wada..
Lets just look at it this way, if they remake it…they'll just fu** it up. Best way to put it until they decide to make it and prove otherwise 🙂