Ever since the price drop last year, Sony has been pushing the PlayStation 3 harder than ever; those "It Only Does Everything" commercials are getting plenty of airtime.
As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , 2010 is really shaping up fast for the PS3. They remind us that December was the single biggest sales month in the console's history, and also the single highest month for PlayStation Network revenue. Senior Vice President of Marketing and the PSN, Peter Dille, also mentions the critical success of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and on that subject of big PS3 exclusives, he gives us a sneak peek at the new TV commercial for MAG . "It Only Does 256 Players" will be the theme for this one; Zipper Interactive's insanely ambitious MMOFPS (yeah, that's what we're calling it) will launch next week and if you've already tried the beta and enjoyed your time, it's a definite buy, right? For all those who aren't yet familiar with the game, funny guy Kevin Butler will certainly make it known in these new commercials. We need to see something from him for every new PS3 exclusive, as far as I'm concerned; they could do some seriously hilarious sh** in promoting Heavy Rain and God of War III . Which reminds me, while Sony is on the right track, they had best not forget about Heavy Rain …
So anyway, that's the new commercial you'll start seeing next week and it's bound to turn everyone's attention toward MAG . Promotion and marketing is kinda important.
Related Game(s): MAG
It only does 256 players….
LOL!! Nice. So we'll have the Senior Vice President for Masssively Multi-Player Games (SVP-MMPG) involved in the campaign then?
Can I get a high five for coining the name Massively Multi-player Online FPS? (see comments in an article last week or the week before about MAG…)
I still like he idea of this with so many players you will be able to have real structure to the 'army' of players on each side. It should be interesting with enough players for multiple platoons, each containing multiple squads, each with their own mission within the overall strategy. A truly virtual war. I wonder how long it will take for this to become a professional competition game?
How about tag lines for Heavy Rain;
It only does origami…
And for GOW3;
Kratos only does PlayStation 3….
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/22/2010 12:41:40 PM
I wont skim for the evidence, I trust you. You've got me on the ""Highlander coined the phrase "Massively Multi-player Online FPS" bandwagon"".
"MMOFPS" has been in use since at least 2004, so no high five. Sorry!
"GoW3 – It's NOT Gears of War…it's BETTER!"
Dang it! I'd never heard the term before, but then MMOs are not really my thing, so I guess that's not a surprise.
Thank you for the information though. I guess I can't coin something that's already been coined…
But did you hear about the PS3 Hypervisor finally being successfully hacked???
That's pretty good. A far cry from some of the confusing ones in 06 and 07.
I look forward to it, glad to see Sony FINALLY advertising correctly for the PS3. Over a 2year span I never heard anyone talking about the PS3 commercials; now I hear a lot, especially about the UC2 one.
The UC3 commercials really were a huge success both for the game and the PS3 in general.
We need more of these.
How about opening a commercial with some game play footage of Kratos battling something huge and then a pull back to reveal an HDTV with a PS3 standing next to it and a massively muscled Kratos with a sixaxis controller playing the game himself. After all we know the game will look so good you could reach out and touch it.
Kratos ONLY does PlayStation 3…
Haha, great idea. I've always loved the ESPN commercials, I think it would be cool if Sony implemented some of their most well known characters in the flesh.
Crap I can't type today. I meant Uncharted 2 (as in UC2) commercials *not* UC3.
Apologies and the like…
Pretty obvious mistake, we knew what you meant (at least I did).
I thought you meant U2AT but I wasn't sure at first. I thought I had missed some news somewhere. Phew.
Should just be "U2" since "Uncharted" is a single word.
"BSG" annoys me for that reason. 😉
You sir, are a pedant.
Sonuva…! LOL, I love this series of commercials.
I can't watch it from my PS3 . 🙁
Of course you're calling it an MMOFPS because if you called it an FPS with no single player campaign you'd have to score it a 6.9 in the review.
it made my day
Great add for MAG. Glad to see it.
I'm pretty disappointed with the lack advertising for White Knight. I can't watch TV without being overrun with Mass Effect 2 commercials, but I have yet to even see a White Knight Commercial. Guess which one will end up selling better?
Maybe since both MAG and ME2 are shooters, Sony is trying to leverage MAG as competition. Regardless I wish WKC got some advertising love.
Last edited by Mr Bitey on 1/22/2010 1:51:29 PM
I agree WKC needs more awareness it looks brilliant and I hope the sales are good enough that they bring the sequal here as well
Wow! SCEA is kicking!
If ONLY this game was 3rd person…
3rd person online shooter = fail
Socom = fail?
Uncharted 2 would love to have a word with Limited
It already did, it was a very brief conversation.
Half agree with LV, Socom did fail when it first realeased on PS3. Wasn't the games fault though. Zipper has a solid history with the Socom series. It was Slant 6 that screwed the game up.
Luckily they have fixed it now, it's a pretty solid online 3rd person shooter, it just took them a year and a half to do it.
The main reason I'm still considering buying MAG is the fact that Zipper is behind the wheel on this one, and they rarely dissapoint.
Uncharted tries to conversate with Limited, and immediately gets a face palm.
Limited:"Not now, playing New Super Mario."
The number of online players I'm seeing online at any time in Uncharted 2 is about 5K. Not sure how regional their servers are. Sadly, I suspect that more popular FPS games like MW2 have online user numbers that embarrass UC2.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/22/2010 3:49:53 PM
Your post Highlander made me wonder about CSS (Counterstrike Source). Just checked on steam and so far it's on 11000 servers (all populated) and still going.
Uncharted2 is an amazing SP experience, I doubt anyone bought it for the MP and it shows. Nothing wrong with that.
LV regarding CounterStrike and the Steam servers.
Is that 11,000 steam servers (including mirrors) you can get the game from. Or is it 11,000 active and populated with users, game session servers?
That's 11,000 different active servers populated with players currently playing. Also that's just in my region (US-East).
Maybe LV has only played Socom Confrontation which didnt live up to its huge expectations, but did however at one point become the most actively played game on the PSN.
But there is no doubt that Socom 1-3 were basically amazing and revolutionized console (not PC) online shooters. Those three games were amazing with 2 being the absolute best. You cant really deny what Socom has done, nor how it plays as a 3rd person shooter, online!
And UC2 online is amazing as well. It plays just like the single player, which we are very familiar with and love, so whats to hate?
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/22/2010 7:09:57 PM
And none of you mentioned Warhawk.
3rd-person > 1st-person
3 times greater 😉
except for Uncharted.
Uncharted isn't an online 3rd person shooter.
Whut? It does have online….
No it doesn't. Uncharted2 does and it pails in comparison to countless FPS online experiences out there.
Actually I found Uncharted 2s multiplayer to have experience has of the likes of UT3, Resistance, Battlefield and Killzone 2!? incidentally they are inferior to Warhawk 😀 *cough*
Last edited by SympoziumPawa on 1/22/2010 3:11:05 PM
That's like saying a sip of piss is better than a bite of shit.
Editing one's post is for spelling/grammar errors. Not for deleting entire paragraphs and contradicting the original comments posted thus screwing over anyone that replied to your original comments.
Actually, a sip of urine is a lot safer than a bite of feces. Look up the science of it and you'll see why your statement was pretty ignorant.
LV comments are most always ignorant, you learn to accept that if you want any decensy in a conversation with him. It doesnt mean he's a bad guy! 😉
I must say though that comparing an FPS to a TPS isnt quite fair. Uncharted 2 online does a lot of things that make it great. The most special thing about the MP is it compares to the SP which is phenomenol, in a lot of ways. It wont get that recognition though because the servers are not as full as other games. But we all know that a lot of players does not make a game great.
BTW piss is recyclable and though your body is releasing toxins, still is much safer, well alot safer than eating one's poo! 😉
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/22/2010 8:50:01 PM
Fluffer, you are even commenting on urine and poo? And the tone of your comment was that you were taking LV seriously? Say it isn't so!
It is funny though! Talking about it, I mean it can't be a serious conversation…
Fluffer you honestly think my bringing up piss and sh** is ignorant? WTF?!
Trailer, I can't recall a single moment I displayed ignorance on this site. As you seem to believe I have please offer some form of evidence.
LV its a joke bro, why would I take a conversation seriously about piss and poo unless in science class. hints the *;)*!
Thats why I went on to say your not a bad guy.
I have no qualms with you whatsoever, you should know that…
Still wondering about the "Trailer" part though.
Lol that was good.
I'm still not sure about this game, I downloaded the beta but every time I went to play it I'd get an error message. So I still have no idea what the game is like.
And I'm kind of enjoying the new Socom Maps, so I don't know if I need another shooter on my shelf or not.
Last edited by CH1N00K on 1/22/2010 2:52:07 PM