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White Knight Chronicles Secures European Launch Date

There's a bit of Square-Enix dissent floating around, which means some RPG fans plan to forsake Final Fantasy XIII for Level 5's White Knight Chronicles . Personally, I think all true RPG fans should play both but that's beside the point.

The point is that while American fans of the genre are looking forward to February 2, when Chronicles hits store shelves, our UK buddies have been once again left in the dark. Well, no more. According to Electronic Theatre , SCEE has announced that Level 5's excellent role-playing title will be available throughout Europe on February 26. Level 5 has been responsible for the likes of the Rogue Galaxy , Dragon Quest VIII and the Dark Cloud series, so RPG aficionados have certainly come to respect this team's efforts. Furthermore, despite some less-than-stellar feedback regarding the game's online portion, the Japanese reviews have all been very high (for the most part). Remember, this game has been out in Japan for a long time and Level 5 is already working on the sequel! But we just wanted to make sure our European readers were aware of the release date.

We know you guys tend to suffer a bit when it comes to big game launches but hey, February 26 isn't bad at all. It does put you in a bit of a bind, as FFXIII releases on March 9, but that's okay. At least now you have the official date, right?

Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles

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14 years ago

My apologies, I went on a cruise with several friends. I'm back now!

14 years ago

Knew about this date from about October. Working in a GAME store helps out.
Conveniently, on my birthday too! =)

14 years ago

Decisions, decisions… I think I'm gonna get this over Star Ocean. I'm basing it on previews alone.

14 years ago

Well I friggin hope so! In the match up of WKC vs SO, I say WKC FTOMGWTFBBQW!

14 years ago

japanstudio is hot from DS

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I love Level 5

Man. I've been getting back to maxing all my weapons stats and getting medals in Dark Chronicle (Cloud 2)…

I love Level 5
White Knight Chronicles is gonna' feel sooo good.

14 years ago

I remember doing all that.

Level 5 are kings at that stuff!

It all returns for WKC….im too excited.

14 years ago

As the British sorry I forget it could have been English (been that long since I have seen the movie) were portrayed in the film Independence Day "About Bloody Time!"
Sorry kinda hard to do a full on proper English accent online especially as I have a strong scouse accent from Liverpool haha.
Long as it has not been delayed is all that matters for us 🙂

Last edited by tlpn99 on 1/20/2010 7:13:03 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

For anyone who's still a little hazy on the gameplay of WKC, you might want to download the new Combat System trailer that's on the PSN.

14 years ago

The Online experience trailer is much better and sells it more i think.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Only if you care about online…which I don't.

14 years ago

Oh i agree. But, it shows clips that are more suttle and gives you hints at the town exploration and depth.

The combat one only shows you just that with action thrown at your face. Its still cool of course but, i like the quieter parts of RPGs best i.e. town roaming.

14 years ago

though its still early in the year im starting to get a little concerned.
i mean seriously its almost every day were getting a release of a game announced for march or feb are we going to have enough games for later in the year?
i mean think about it, every game that has been announced is either not coming till next year or has already been given a Q2 or earlier release date.
only 2 games i can think of that will release later this year are LA Noire, max payne 3 and hopefully agent but i seriously doubt that would be out this year.
because 1 R* take their sweet time in releasing games and 2 from what ive heared agent is going to be a massive game thus making me believe its going to take a long time to make.
i mean they just finished making the GTA IV DLC mid last year that puts agent in the 7 month development cycle by now, i would expect it to take them at least 2 years to make agent.
maybe half life 2 epp 3, RAGE or duke nukem forever will come and save the day…… though i wont hold my breath.

14 years ago

Although it's a PS3 exclusive I'm gonna wait for reviews.
At the moment I'm leaning on Star Ocean because the combat looked more fun.

14 years ago

Can't wait! Finally, a good jrpg!
Just one question: Are the online communities different in the NA and EU versions, i.e. different servers per region? Or is the online global, i.e. no region restrictions? Where I live we get both NTSC and PAL versions, so if there isn't a difference, I'd get the NTSC version, seeing how it's coming out earlier.

14 years ago

Damnit, too many JRPGs. I cant decide! WKC was a sure deal for me but with this overstocking of games Im getting confused again. Just in the RPG department we have: WKC, FFXIII, Resonance of Fate, Last Rebelion, Tales of Vesperia, SO4 and End of Eternity (I think I got all of em). Ah well, atleast were finally getting our JRPG fix for the gen, for now that is.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Don't forget to add 3D Dot Heroes to the list.