Let's face it: with so many attractive Collector's Editions on the way, gamers have to be selective. Which blockbuster title will get special treatment on your end? Which one deserves the extra cash?
Well, if it's Final Fantasy XIII , pay attention. We've known for a while that Square-Enix would provide North American and European gamers with a special Collector's Edition for this highly anticipated epic RPG, but thus far, we've remained in the dark concerning actual details. However, as a reader pointed out to us, a European branch of GameStop may have already spilled the beans . It's in Italian but if the translation is correct, this special edition of FFXIII will feature a soundtrack (standard fare these days), art book, some sort of character design or illustration, and what appear to be a couple graphic novels, one of which might be a prequel to the storyline in the game. The price sits at €79.98, which means we'll probably see it for $70, the currently expected price for special editions of current titles. Well, that's normal unless you're planning on going nuts, like Activision did with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or what SCEA plans to do with that Pandora's Box for God of War III .
For some gamers, there are certain franchises that always demand their undivided attention. For many, Final Fantasy has been the franchise for many, many years. Are you one of the loyal followers…?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
I don't think I'll even buy the game, until it reaches 25-30$
Last edited by hellish_devil on 1/19/2010 9:41:51 PM
I'm probably not going to get it until it drops in price. Im not too jazzed about them cutting out half the game, so im not going to pay full price for it.
Between Heavy Rain and GoW3 i'll be pretty busy for a while anyway.
FF deserves my 70 bucks
How many kicks in the groin can you take from Square Enix before you stop paying that $70?
Two for me:
Multiplatform and cutout contents.
Last edited by godsman on 1/19/2010 11:59:26 PM
@godsman, I totally agree.
Theres so many great games out there for the Ps3 we can deal with not playing one final fantasy game it's going to be hard but if we don't stand up for ourselves who will.Our voices need to be heard and boycotting the buy of this game as passionate Playstation owners is the way to do it.Dont get me wrong I too have a love for Final Fantasy games and the rpg's are my favorite genre but dammit you have to draw the line somewhere sometime. In order to teach these bozos not to mess with our games and exclusives and cut half of it,because of a competiter paid them off.I hope and pray that most of you will be with me on this,and believe me if enough of us do these they will get the point.
Im not getting it all.
White Knight Chronicles people!
Then i got The last rebellion and in may, 3d Dot Game Heroes from the Demons Souls team…could they achieve two GOTY nods in a row?
Give me a break… yea multi-platform sucks. I agree 100% with that statement.
But for those of you complaining about the content cut, you wouldn't have even known about it unless the guy said so. Furthermore you don't know why it was cut… maybe they planed to do something else with it later. Had they not announced it you would be none the wiser.
Honestly stop complaining and saying you are going to wait when you already have been waiting 3+ years for this because you are only hurting yourselves. Though I wouldn't get the collectors only because I never found them to be fulfilling and 70 is a lot.
Sadly I have to wait since I'll be abroad in NZ until June/July but o well, Beach Season comes early this year.
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 1/20/2010 9:54:37 AM
Alright I only have one thing to say to boycotting this game, and that is: The idea is just plain ignorant and not well thought out.
Reasons: If we boycott the game SE loses money yes but we lose a game and potentially more games in the future. Case in point: SE sees that this game doesn't sell as well on the PS3 so they think "well, we tried releasing the most asked for franchise on the PS3 in western territories and it flopped. Guess we can have Kingdom Hearts be 360 exclusive and it will make good returns."
The point is if they see no reason behind developing a game on the PS3 because the returns on it are minimal at best then why do they have any incentive to do it again?
I am as angry about the multiplatform developments of this game and the cut content as anyone, but I do plan on getting the game regardless. It might not be day or week one purchase for me but yes I will purchase it, I will play it, I might not beat it and I will surely get more mileage from WKC but I also would like to see Kingdom Hearts come to the PS3 and I would love to see Versus stay exclusive, but there is no way in hell SE is going to keep Versus exclusive if XIII flops int the west on the PS3, it just doesn't make good business sense.
Amen Coverton. I wrote the same exact thing in the initial article Ben wrote about the deleted content.
Let's be honest. DLC is the way the game industry is going, and it sucks. Your kicking an screaming is not going to change that.
Furthermore, if you think SE is going to even care why you didn't buy the game you're deluding yourself. SE is only going to care that more 360 owners bought FFXIII than PS3 owners; if you believe otherwise, you're naive and have never sat in a boardroom as the board of a company goes over financial statements.
On the topic of DLC, I don't like DLC; but I have less of a problem when the DLC is 100MB or more because that means I'm actually downloading the new content. What irks me is when I download extra content, like I did last night when I bought the four new chapters of DLC for Disgaea 3, and the size of the downlaod is 1589kb. It couldn't have been much more than an unlock key.
So it's settle! were going to boycott all the freaking rpg's starting with this sh!t *Evil laugh*
I think that it's great to show a dev that you aren't happy about some decisions they've made… but at the same time you have to watch yourself.
I think one of the most likely predictions I've heard (and speak up with you were the one who said it, because it was in the comments section of an article) was that people will be disappointed in FFXIII and it won't sell as well on the PS3 as everyone had hoped, and then we'll lose Versus.
Knowing how much they cut out of the game makes it less enjoyable to me. Its like going to a car dealership expecting to buy a Lexus for $30k and then find out that it has cloth seats, no power locks/windows, is primer gray, and has tacky hubcaps.
Sure, its still drives like a Lexus, and has the Lexus logo stamped on the grille, but its just not as enjoyable knowing you are still paying full price for a car that should have been better.
The fact is now that i know how much SE boned us i am going to enjoy the game less. Yes, i would have enjoyed it more had i now known about the superfluous cuts, but that doesnt matter. What does matter is that i DO know, and consequently wont enjoy it as much. Right now i cant justify spending $60 on a game im not going to enjoy worth $60.
Some people may be ok telling themselves they are eating steak when they know they are eating hamburger instead. I am not one of those people.
Indeed i am. If it's right the special edition isn't entirely shocking but still i'd be willing to lay down the extra 10$.
Well I bought the FFXII collectors edition and I haven't even beat XII yet 😛 Don't think I ever will, I just can't bring myself to get through it. I've tried 3 or so times now and at about the 30 hour mark I just get frusterated and bored with it. I think I'll just pick up the regular retail version of FFXIII on March 9th.
I feel ya, XII was a tedious beast, I forced myself to finish it. I don't think XIII will have that problem, just a few others.
same i FORCED myself to play to the end
its why i hate it so it was so dull
felt more like work then a game
damn, I didn't even play twelve because I felt that it just wasn't for me
I don't get it. I loved XII. I will be honest though, it wasn't the main story that kept me coming back, but I did like it. The thing that I LOVED about XII was the Marks sidequest. Being a Mark Hunter was awesome….those were some epic battles.
It had a good ending….pretty easy by the time you get there though.
I don't think it was easy. I fought the final boss at around level 53 and I had to use all my elixirs and everything to beat him.
But of course, level 53 was the lowest level I've ever been at to beat a Final Fantasy game since playing Final Fantasy V (beat it at level 38).
I beat Tactics, VII, VIII all at lvl 99, and IX at level 78. FFX didn't really have levels, but I had Wakka doing 80,000 damage with his critical hits by the time I fought the last boss. And in X-2 I was level 99 again… I think. I know I played it an awful lot before going to the boss.
THAT's what I call commitment Arvis, I don't think I've ever gone to 99. For one, I'm always way to excited to get to the final boss and see the ending, and two, I don't want him to be a wuss so that I feel underwhelmed.
Oh i fully agree, FFXII was horrible to play though, i was determined and just abaout managed it. Iwas just glad it was over, It was by far the biggest gaming dispointment i've ever had, hence why i'm so skeptical on FFXIII and all the latest rumours. I a way thanks to XII i undestand why XIII is linear, i remember on XII i spent most of my time traveling through fields and dungeons it was to open for its own good. Though it didnt do what the previous FF games did when at each new town the story would develope in some way AS YOU PROGRESSED! i get the feeling of the story progressing in FFXII, i remember wishing that at the end of each landscape there would be some form of development, i was mostly dispointed. Hopefully with FFXIII that wont happen… though i am skeptical as to how they removed so much interesting content.
@Arvis – Yeah, by the time that I got to the end of FFXII my top characters were in the high 70's and Vaan was at 80.
I dont think I have EVER made it all the way to 99. My brother has on multiple occasions, but like World, I'm just too excited to get to the end.
Yeah, my beating FFXII at only level 53 should tell you something. I found level grinding in that game quite tedious. When a game has a fun battle system, I enjoy level grinding. XII's battle system IS quite fun, but once you start getting to the higher level monsters, the fun kind of gets sucked out of it somehow. I can't really explain it, but it just isn't fun trying to power level all your characters in XII.
Still, as a whole, the game really is great. 🙂
I luv <3 FFXII
I've been waiting for a collectors edition announcement to pre-order the game. I'm hoping it's in a tin like FFXII because that is the best looking game case on my shelf hands down.
Chopped out content???
No thank you……I'll just wait for the "bargain bin" edition
I AM one of the loyal followers! But, no, while I expect it to be a great game it seems from recent news it isn't like someone in the army and won't be "all it can be." Regular edition for me.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/19/2010 10:28:12 PM
same to get me to spend the extra i need extras
so far my best SE is MGS4
HUZZA for FF fandom 🙂
and yes even though the recent news sounds bad, I still want this game as well. I want some more concrete details about the special edition too, cause if I like the goodies I'll get it
Im not a fan….cause ive never finished a ff game…:
FFVII- At didnt even finish the first disc
FFVIII- Gave up for a day and lost it lol
FFVX- Same thing with with 8
FFX- borrowed, played really far then i got stuck and didnt save at all and just gave up and returned it.
FFXII- Played really far and looked for a save point but ended up being scared by a T-rex, attacked it, died, gave up cause i went back really far, then lost it.
Lol, im hoping 13 will be the first i actually finish…
wow Snipey, quit much?
@ SnipeySnake – Your roman numerals need a little work… and so does your gaming.
@ snipey
come on dude ya gotta try a little harder than that
lol from your track record it seems unlikely, i've heard its meant to be the most difficult yet.
IX* sorry wasn't thinking. And lol i know but i was like 8-9 lol leave me alone xD
And now im smarter so i WILL finish 13!
Not even touching it for a long while…
Why would I pay $70 dollars for half a game?
They better pray it sells well on the Xbox
After playing a good chunk of the Japanese version and then reading that Article, I feel ashamed of the game. Tis a sad thing indeed. I'll still grab the CE version, but I'm afraid with knowledge of the games edits it wont do to well stateside.
I have been a diehard fan of the series since the NES days and I have bought every game to date sans XI because I can't see myself playing MMOs. I was jazzed up for this game for so long but in light of recent events i.e. the game being linear, half the content chopped, it is more of an interactive movie than an actual game, I can't see myself pumping any extra money into a collector's edition.
Now, if Versus ever sees the light of day I will buy the collector's edition of that granted it stays an actual game and not a stripped down version of what it could have been.
I understand but what makes you think Versus will be that much different in terms of gameplay (which we know next to nothing about)?
Well we do know it will be similar to kingdom hearts gameplay.
Touche sir. The only thing I know about Versus is that it is supposedly a dark and futile fight against oppressive forces and that concept has always appealed to me, as for the gameplay it has been touted as action RPG-esque which I am not totally about but from my understanding of the atmosphere of the game I will let it slide especially if it turns out to be like Kingdom Hearts as SnipeySnake stated.
Well, I have just one question:
Considering that turn-based is essentially dead and it's not in FFXIII – it's more like a hybrid than everything else these days – isn't EVERYTHING an "action/RPG?" 😉
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/20/2010 10:23:05 AM
Good point Ben. I suppose in a way then yeah everything is essentially action/RPG now.
Oh well, times they are a-changing.
GoW 3 Ultimate Edition FTW! Sorry FFXIII, unless there's a used collectors copy in the 1st month I'll be going standard edition.
there wont be a bargain bin price on this title for a few years
Last edited by dragonx_HD on 1/19/2010 10:46:33 PM
LOL, you're right,
but I can wait it out.
Well the nice thing about so many games getting these fancy CE releases, is that they too sit on store shelves and eventually drop in price. If the time comes when I'm done playing WKC and I'm looking for my FFXIII fix, I'll be on the prowl for a cheap CE.
I understand they cut roughly half the game but what we've seen so far is a solid product… were shooting ourselves in the foot people! I get that its best to know everything about a game before we purchase it but my god we've been taking everything we can about a game and using it against it lately and this is really a kicker, a game we've yet to play claims is cut some parts and I for one readily assume that these parts were not so strong that they couldn't be cut in the first place but for some reason a huge piece of the fanbase is turning away??? Not just here at PSXE but everywhere, and im pretty sure Square-Enix was trying to show us that the cut was a good thing in order to show us the games popular already and its not even what they intended in terms of size… I get that our pockets our strapped (well mine are anyway) but we've got to take this less seriously the game deserves the chance it would've gotten without this piece of news that Square-Enix should've probably left unsaid.
(Excuse the rant im just catching up) ^_^
The one thing that is detracting me is the reviews that it has been getting from Asian critics in so far as it is too linear and moe of a movie than a game. Though I will readily admit that MGS4 got the same kind of bad press and I absolutely loved that game. I will reserve my opinion on the game until I have played it myself but from what I am hearing it is less of a true Final Fantasy game and more of an interactive Advent Children with one direction to go and a fight, watch a movie, and fight some more layout.
What pisses me off is they sold out plain and simple.I hate my Ps3 exclusives going somewhere else.How would all of you feel about God of War doing the same thing.I know that will never happen but just think about it.Makes me wish Sony owned Final Fantasy the way they do GOW.