Let's face it: with so many attractive Collector's Editions on the way, gamers have to be selective. Which blockbuster title will get special treatment on your end? Which one deserves the extra cash?
Well, if it's Final Fantasy XIII , pay attention. We've known for a while that Square-Enix would provide North American and European gamers with a special Collector's Edition for this highly anticipated epic RPG, but thus far, we've remained in the dark concerning actual details. However, as a reader pointed out to us, a European branch of GameStop may have already spilled the beans . It's in Italian but if the translation is correct, this special edition of FFXIII will feature a soundtrack (standard fare these days), art book, some sort of character design or illustration, and what appear to be a couple graphic novels, one of which might be a prequel to the storyline in the game. The price sits at €79.98, which means we'll probably see it for $70, the currently expected price for special editions of current titles. Well, that's normal unless you're planning on going nuts, like Activision did with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or what SCEA plans to do with that Pandora's Box for God of War III .
For some gamers, there are certain franchises that always demand their undivided attention. For many, Final Fantasy has been the franchise for many, many years. Are you one of the loyal followers…?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
And lets be honest they could've done plenty worse compared to what some companies are doing. And I will personally eat every one of my words if they release the cut parts of the game as DLC or in a retail disc that is more or as expensive the original but in the meantime lighten up its still a very strong title that most of us have looked foward to for quite some time so please try and slow the unprecedented angst lol.^_^
Well, I'm getting it, but I think all angst is well deserved in this case. SE is on the wrong track this gen, and the only way people know how to tell a game company something is with their money. (Or without it) It could of course backfire and end any possibility of a return to greatness, but that's the risk you take in this game.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/19/2010 11:09:41 PM
I really hope that they don't feed us all the cut-out material as DLC. I was really mad when Assassin's Creed II did that. -_-
Hell you guys actually think there not going to do this PLEASE they sold out to the Xbox360 dammit don't any of you care.Next is going to be GT5,Heavy Rain,uncharted,metal gear,all these are not owned by Sony.If we don't put a stop to it right here right now by not buying it other companies are going to see that it did great sales for both systems and MAYBE follow their lead nobody knows what the future MIGHT hold.Am not taking that chance F*ck Final Fantasy xiii.
Lightning Figurine ^.^?
Even though I really hate the fact that half of the whole game was cut, I still might pick up the CE. At least it still has around 50 hours of gameplay, or so I've heard.
I have been hearing that yes the game is about 50 hours long but over half of that time is taken up with movies which is leaving about 15-20 hours of actual gameplay. This is not necessarily a bad thing as my life is a bit hectic as I am getting older with less time to devote to gaming but I was hoping for something more substantial from a FF title.
Oh my, that is a lot of movie time, just like MGS4 I suppose. However, I also don't have very much time to spend playing through a whole 50hr RPG due to life.
I would like to say nice Threads of Fate/Dew Prism avatar! Reminds me of the Golden Age of Squaresoft.
I'm glad you like it, Threads of Fate is one of my all time favorite games. I loved the days when it was just Squaresoft, before the merger. Brings back good memories.
It sure does… sure does.
*looks off into the sunset, a small tear rolling down his cheek.*
"I also don't have very much time to spend playing through a whole 50hr RPG due to life."
funny you should say that. 80+ hours of tales of symphonia never interfered with MY life. moderation is your best friend.
@The Doom
True, moderation is the best. I also spent over 80 hours on Tales of Symphonia(and now the same with Tales of Vesperia). However, with the large list of games being released these next couple of months, not to mention all the Anime series I am watching, the time is just not there. Moderation might be a good strategic move while playing a game, but when you have multiple games that require equal moderation of time, then the interest is lost. Especially when there are multiple RPGs coming out as well. I'm not saying that less gameplay is a good thing, I would like to get the most out of the game as much as anyone else. However, I am not going to let that effect my choice of buying it. If the game is enjoyable, gameplay and story wise, then I will pick it up. I am not happy about the cut content, but I don't mind what is left of the game(From my knowledge). That is my personal opinion on the matter anyways. =]
Well I am gonna need some solid details for me to pick up the SE of FFXIII. I got the one for XII and while the metal acse was nice, I have never looked at the bonus material. So it will need to be some pretty nice stuff and another nice metal case.
Last edited by michiganfan1983 on 1/19/2010 11:44:10 PM
Thank you for using SE and not CE,people.lol
Even people who only read the title of the article know this is a CE.
Yeah i had a brain fart on that one it was lack of sleep to early could'nt figure out what the C stood for, for the life of me,lol,whatever.
i was going to get the GOW 3 limited edition…….
BUT! its 2 FU**ING HUNDRED AND FU***NG FIFTY FU**ING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have got to be kidding me!
250 buckaroos!
jesus tap dancing christ! i could buy 3 fu**ing games for that price.
guess ill be missing out on pandoras box 🙁
i want it, but i dont 250 bucks want it.
i thought price gouging was illegal.
since when is 100 USD 250 AUD?
ok it comes with the GOW collection, that sells for what 50 USD?
ok so that adds 70 AUD to the price.
last time i checked 100 USD plus 70 USD is a LONG, LONG, LONG! way off 250 AUD.
we get things later
we miss out on half the stuf
but no, no, NO! thats still not enough we have to pay doubble the price.
I have the pandora's box pre-ordered and it's only $90 at gamestop. I don't know what you are looking at???
Sorry missed the last part where you are not in the Us forget what I just said and I feel sorry for you then, that is rediculous.
It's 1999 SEK/278 USD here in Sweden. And you guys are getting it for 90 bucks? Teh hell.
No thanks. Had this "Collector's" edition included the cut content, then perhaps – just perhaps mind – it would have been worth a look. However I will not buy a Final Fantasy that so deviates from the genre of JRPG, or that is described as a series of kill-tubes and as linear as a piece of string.
Killtube 2: Linear String Theory
I don't know hey… I have been a huge fan of FF since the beginning. And I have tried to stay optimistic about FF XIII but ever since it went multiplat all the news has been fairly bad news in my opinion… It just seems to me that we (PS3 owners) are really getting shafted because of it going multiplat. We are loosing out on what it would have been and that p*sses me off.
So right now I will get Heavy Rain First and then G.O.W III! I might get FFXIII but only once I know if it is at all worth it.
It is actually sad that FFXIII went from my most anticipated game ever to just another title but it's true…
I could be wrong thou… And I hope they prove me wrong but I seriously doubt it.
After all this news and scary reviews I've been hearing about, the only reason I'm still getting it day one is it's already paid off. This makes me very sad. Final Fantasy games have always been games I've longed for from the first day I hear about them, but now..now I'm a bit terrified.
I'm still confused by the removal of content, that could have fit on the BluRay.
Since when did Final Fantasy games reduce the content? They usually pride themselves on all the incredible stuff they can cram in.
This is true, FFX and XII somehow crammed a ton into one dvd where other RPGs like Star Ocean III and Grandia III had to use 2 DVDs for less content.
I dunno, Star Ocean III was quite big in scale…
Hmm, now that you mention it the scale was pretty large in SOIII.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/20/2010 12:43:55 PM
i will buy wutever edition the FF13 finally come to be, period. likewise for FFv13
Only if the developers didn't care about multiplatform games containing different content on all released consoles. That would have solved the problem, no there would have never been a problem to begin with. The 360 would have been left to fend for itself. Did someone whisper, 5 discs? Or maybe less content? Can't you just smell the sweet scent of inferiority?
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 1/20/2010 1:26:49 AM
they just blew my debut FF on my official PS3. SE SUCKS BIGTIME!!!
If its an art book instead of a graphic novel, i may concider it. I am tempted by the euro Death Edition for Dantes Inferno, you get tons with that, I also want the Heavy Rain Special Edition due to the brilliant Taxidermist scenario.
wana hear a funny story?yes u do..i got ffxiii yesterday from japan..and guess what..my ps3 died..
Why'd you get the Japanesse version now? FFXIII's only a month away.
cos i wana play it now!anws i didnt buy it now..i had it preordered but it got here late unfortunately.
That sucks dude, good luck trying to fix it or sending it back.
It's gonna be GoW CE for me, I'll just borrow FFXIII from my friend who is going to get it.
thanks dude..
i couldnt wait for that tho..so i went a bought a new slim one..lol
@ soli maybe you can get it fixed and sell it to a 360 player convert them you know.
@soli. Well can you tell us how the game is, come on.Can you roam around,I heard you can only control main character.any side quest yet?Have you got to a boss,what are our uprade options?Is it totally diffrent then all the others?Come on since your playing the game already let us know.
its..different..am halfway through and its as linear as hell..u can only control one character and the games chooses the character ull be playing(u can choose later in the game).
it kinda loses the charm of the old ff games..i heard it opens up later..
graphics,battle and music is fantastic.
Not buying this half-game, as somebody before me stated. Why couldn't they just kept the additional content on the bluray discs? Didn`t they buy Eidos? Didn`t Rocksteady do that with Batman: Arkam Asylum, a game co-published by Eidos? PS3 copies were able 2 play as the Joker, & not the 360 owners.
I'm going to pass on the CE and the regular version of this game. I was one of the people on this site that said I wouldn't buy this game if they gimped it for the xbox. I wouldn't be able to keep my job if I did mediocre work, so I won't support anyone who does a half-ass job. Especially when knowing what they're capable of.
White Knight Chronicles, Heavy Rain, and GOW III will keep me so busy I won't have time to even think about FF.
No CE for me…given the hack job to the game by SE and that they made it a multi-plat game I know the outcome…i've seen it all before when developers get lazy and put the xbox before the ps3…M$, yet again, finds a way to spoil a really a good thing. This is a gamefly game for sure…try it before you buy, which is exactly what I'll do.
I don't know… on one hand, I've been waiting on this game for what seems like an eternity. I've endured the 360 news, the canceling of The Last Remnant, and the selling out of the Star Ocean franchise. And now this – half of the game had to be cut to fit on DVD.
With White Knight, Heavy Rain, and GoW3 – it's not like I don't have any other choices. None of the above companies spit in my general direction multiple times.
On the other hand… I think it will end up being a good game regardless. I might wait and buy it used. Sorry SE, but one good turn deserves another.
gow collection is only 100 bucks…… im puttin my money to white knight chronicals…. heavy rain…mag…..MW2 darksiders….the last rebellion…i'll rent from gamefly or wait till it drops to 40 or 30 bucks