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Quantum Theory Gets March 26 UK Release Date

It may only be a UK date but it should be similar, if not nearly identical, to the US release date.

According to CVG , Quantum Theory will release in the UK on March 26. They also have a tasty new trailer to show us, which depicts a very clear Gears of War influence; this is why most consider the game to be a Japanese recreation of Epic's excellent action franchise. Obviously, the big difference is that Gears is exclusive to the Xbox 360 while Tecmo's title will actually come to the PS3. That being said, despite a few unique combat features that include literally tossing your partner at enemies, Quantum Theory looks like a definite clone. We're wondering when Tecmo will announce a date for North America but for now, all indications are that we've got yet another game in March that will be under consideration by many PS3 owners. For our part, we don't mind designers taking cues from other studios but in this case…it almost seems a little too "on the nose," don't you think? Well, if it's anywhere near as good as Gears , it should be a very satisfying adventure.

And damnit, is it "Quantum" or "Quantum Theory?" Do they keep changing it back and forth, or something?

Related Game(s): Quantum Theory

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15 years ago

it's not a ps3 exclusive anymore…

15 years ago

no 🙁

15 years ago

It is not a PS3 exclusive anymore, isn't it?

15 years ago

Weren't we just talking about "tank controls" the other day? I didn't care for the clunky feel of Gears so if this game wants to improve on the controls I'm all for it.

15 years ago

I thought its not going to be exclusive. I'm sure MS payed up some magic greens to make the exclusiveness vanish.

15 years ago

this game killed itself going multi.

15 years ago

Definitly i was hyped for the game until i found out it wasnt an exclusive no more ill probaly still pick it up but it just wont be the same

15 years ago

Yeah no more sclusive, it be Quantum now, and while I gave this thing a lot of rope early on, I think it has hung itself with it. I call Fail on this game.

King James
King James
15 years ago

The game is done?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

It's not exclusive. Mistake fixed.

15 years ago

Why are you editing John's articles? Was he not available…?

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 1/19/2010 1:01:05 AM

15 years ago


15 years ago

Whether or not Ben and John are one and the same, editors, which Ben is (as well as a writer), usually make edits to articles and ultimately have final say on the published copy, especially when it is contract work.

Trust me. I’ve been an editor for the past 20 years. I currently work at a large Wall Street financial firm; and I have worked for Marvel comics in the past, as well as a few lesser known publications early on in my career.

As for whether or not Ben and John are one and the same, that might be true; but from my perspective, I’ve noticed more mistakes in John’s reporting than Ben’s writing, including erroneous facts that could have been avoided with a little fact checking, something copy editors are normally tasked with catching. Now, the fact might be that Ben uses the John pseudonym for articles he doesn’t have enough time to fully vet and edit. I don’t know for sure, and I can’t prove that, but that is what I suspect.

15 years ago

Ben now might be the time to make a separate comment profile for John 🙂

15 years ago

It's so funny how many people will change their feelings for a game that use to be an exclusve. Just looking at the comments on this game's YouTube videos, you can tell just how shallow some fanboys can be. One minute this game is praised by some in the playstation community, the next it's just a blantant rip-off of another game.

I for one will be getting this game, it may copy gears but it stil looks like it can hold it's own against gears. The concept of the always changing envirnoment
is more than enough for me to warrant a purchase.

Last edited by Charger7302 on 1/18/2010 11:26:20 PM

15 years ago

well, don't you think exclusive games are by definition better in terms of overall quality than multiplats?

15 years ago

because we think it was going to be really polished going exclusive… now I really doubt its going to be better than GeoW.

15 years ago

What kind of lunatics would praise (as you said)this "blatant rip-off" from the start.Tecmo needs to show new,fresh footage so they can get more then twelve people to buy this Orig…game.

15 years ago

who cares if its a rip off?
bayonetta is a rip off of DMC but thats not stopping it from getting 9s across the board even though it seriously does not deserve it.
dantes inferno, and darksiders are a blatant rip off of GOW but thats not stopping either of those from looking like the best titles of the year.
especially dantes inferno, i mean seriously you kill death, enter the gates of hell, kill Cerberus, kill the devil, destroy hell all to save your loved one.
i mean seriously you cant get more bada$$ than that!
if your not excited for dantes inferno firstly a head examination is in check followed by a new hobby.
because this is as good as it can get!
taking over a land so dark and scary gives you a sense of invincibility

15 years ago

Of course I believe exclusives are superior to multiplatform games, I never questioned that, I my comment was at how quick some ps fanboys were quick to bash this game and call it a rip-off as soon as news broke out that it was going multi. Those same people who called it a rip-off after the news broke, were saying the complete opposite when it was a playstation exclusive.

It's all their on YouTube you can go watch the quantum videos and read the old comments first, but keep in mind the names of those who were saying it was a ps3 exclusive that would trump gears, there were some that you will notice right away saying they think it is "cool" looking and then go on to call it a rip-off.

15 years ago

well charger if this helps almost all psxtreme users aren't like that.

the only console fanboys in this site are da 360 ones that sometimes invades the site just to get banned.

15 years ago

@ hexan
What people would praise this former exclusive?

The people who others call fanboys. Fanboys who no matter what you tell them, if it's on their console of choice it's superior against anything on another console. And while the ps3 is my console of choice(this gen, I loved the gamecube) you have to admit that the ps3 has a couple of fanboys that can be annoying and idiotic more so than the most stupiest of xbots.

15 years ago

Yeah, it's one of the reasons why I love this website and it's community. No one here is constanty praising Sony and reminding us that Sony is god. It's also a reason why I left psu to become a member here. There's no shortage of smart posters here compared to psu.

15 years ago

All fanboys are annoying(no question about it) but If I were to list them in order of annoyance it would be
Sony fanboys
360 fanboys
PC fanboys

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


"Blank line," you've been misfiring on Bayonetta from the start. You have to STOP talking about games you've never played. In no way is Bayonetta a "rip-off" of Devil May Cry; in fact, the combat mechanic is closer to Ninja Gaiden.

Of course, all action games of this type appear similar, but Quantum seems to take absolutely everything, from style to mechanics to presentation, from Gears.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/19/2010 10:19:09 AM

15 years ago

it's better to refer to them as 'fanbois' instead of 'fanboys'. calling them 'boys' suggests they have some of form of masculinity, which is something i havent seen from them

15 years ago

@ unnamed-space-bar
i case you didn't know, the same guy that did the dmc series also did bayonetta. and as ben said, the action's intensity is much closer to ninja gaiden's than dmc's

15 years ago

NG is a slower paced precise action game.
the amount of combos you can pull off OMFG, but its very hard to do.
im sorry, but the combat in bayonetta is NOTHING like the combat in ninja gaiden.
bayonettas combat is so simple and boring its not funny, you feel like your doing the same combos over and over again.
in the loading screen where you can practise your moves, and it shows you which ones you have or have not done.
i allways try to do some moves i have not done and get this.
triangle, triangle, square with no pause translates to green, green, red.
but than i do it again EXACTLY! the same it translates to green, red, red?
how can the same button configuration result in 2 different imputs?
thats what i hated about bayonettas combat its so hard to get a rythm going, to get a stylish combo firing.
how am i suppose to learn some combos if the button sequence for it keeps changing?
hit square and it counts as a red, hit it again a few minutes later it now counts as a green.
yous can continue licking bayonetta all you want, im sorry its no where near a good game as you say it is ben.
sorry its not!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Hexen what happened. Your internet attitude definitely changed after the FFXIII debates and the changing of your avatar.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I don't think many people care for this .

15 years ago

they have only changed the name twice, from quantum theory to quantum than back to the original.
anyway, i seriously could not care less about this because teamco lied to me, and i really despise liars!
they said its exclusive because they wanted to harness the power of the ps3, and that the 360 was not capable.
but now suddenly it is?
im sorry. did the 360 get a recent hardware update did it?
sorry teamco, but you know the saying.
fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
i loved gears 2, hated gears for some reason, so this was my most anticipated title but they want to treat me like a idiot?
thats fine, you can go shove it where the sun dont shine!

15 years ago

I get so sick and tired of people calling games "clones." So what if it's an open-world-thug/criminal game? Does your "clone" copy and paste the other game's code?

Quantum Theory is taking a good idea and adding its own tweaks. I mean, for the love of God, do the environments in either GeoW game change dynamically around you? Can you throw your partner into an enemy?

I mean holy sh*t people. Just because the game's protagonist is a miniature hulk, uses assault rifles (without a chainsaw bayonet, no less), and uses cover tactics automatically makes the game a GeoW "clone?"

I'm starting to think some game series just need to die.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 1/19/2010 1:11:02 AM

15 years ago

Completely out of my scope ever since gone multiplat.

Now I doubt if it's gonna be better than Gears.

15 years ago

I'll wait for reviews.

15 years ago

I think that Tecmo once claimed this game would "utilize" the power of the PS3. Strangely after Uncharted 2's showcase they suddenly decided to drop that statement all together and announce "multi-plat" release.

Anyways, it's not like the PS3 fans were hyping up about this game, it was probably the most "un-talked-about" exclusive in PS3's history. I don't see it affects/surprised them when it went multi-platform. It's not like the 360 couldn't handle it.

Stupidly enough, they they're trying to compete with Yakuza 3 and GOW III on March. *facepalm. Good luck Tecmo, you'll need it.

Last edited by Ricochet on 1/19/2010 8:59:29 AM

15 years ago

I also am interested in how the multiplayer of this game. will turn out. Any information on that John?

15 years ago

HMMMMM, I think even my babes want to say something on the QT about QT…..

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Rabble rabble rabble!