It's definitely near the top of our most anticipated list for the first quarter of 2010 and it's now only a few short weeks away.
Bioshock 2 is set to release in the US on February 9 (alongside EA's promising Dante's Inferno ) and most of you realize that 2K Marin won't skimp on the storyline, even though the game appears to be a straight-up FPS on the surface. This really is part RPG, part shooter and it will boast both a robust plot to keep single-player lovers happy and a great online multiplayer option to satisfy those fans. But what about extra DLC? Well, a 2K Marin rep confirmed to Australian Gamer that it's most definitely in the works. Said Senior Systems Designer Ken Hudson:
"Absolutely! We are working on pretty aggressive plans for DLC and that's actually something that is already under-way. That is something that is mostly being run out of the Marin studio because like I said the Australian studio is already ramping up on the next big thing."
Wherever it's coming from, we're happy with that. Remember, the PS3 version of the original Bioshock , which came out a while after the game launched for the Xbox 360 and PC, only got a few extra Plasmids and a new challenge or two. In other words, we really didn't get much in the way of DLC. But this time, with the sequel developed as a multiplatform title with the PS3 in mind, owners of the latter machine should be able to appreciate this "aggressive" approach to DLC.
Related Game(s): Bioshock 2
meh, it'll be for the mp.
Still need to play the first game, I'll just borrow it from one o' ma friends.
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 1/18/2010 10:49:20 AM
ull like it
Meh, DLC is starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth. With the revelation that AC2 and Final Fantasy XIII had content cut from the original probably due to storage space or lack there of(dvd9)and will show up as DLC(in AC2 we know, FFXIII it's likely)makes me feel short changed.
I used to be indifferent to DLC but more and more I'm starting to lean against it.
I've always despise DLC ever since I heard about it.
Now a question just pop up, what was the game that started DLC?
If they plan on adding more to the game why not just plan on putting it on the disc to begin with? Oh, yeah, its all about the $$$.
I get tired of Devs trying to weasel all the money out of customers as possible. The only way to stop it is to get everyone to boycott DLC so the devs dont make a cent on the DLC and cant even recoup the development costs. Soon they'll figure out that they should ship the whole game on the disc to begin with.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 1/18/2010 11:32:00 AM
One could hope that devs follow the example of rocksteady and what they did for DLC for Batman:AA. I'm hoping that they will follow suit with the next game.
Fill the BD, then charge for DLC and for the love God throw us a bone and give us something nice for free.
I do understand the need to make money, thems games is exspinsive to make, but really? I hope 2K does us proud.
Last edited by sunspider13 on 1/18/2010 12:32:03 PM
I agree with that. We should not support DLC, because if we do, then what's the point of moving from DVD to bluray, if the same amount of game content is in a PS2 disc, than a PS3 disc? I`m definetely up for boycotting DLC. Save that for the last-gen DVD9 using xbox 360.
If the game feels like its complete then they add an expantion later that continues the plot pass its ending or adds side quests or things like this, then I dont have a problem with dlc. But, when they cliffhang the ending, then add it it in dlc, like a month after the game comes out, or something like that, then that becomes annoying.
Last edited by dragonx_HD on 1/18/2010 12:01:32 PM
meh i doubt i'll get it the dlc tbh, but i will get Bioshock2 when the price goes down, i still need to beat B1, which i intend to do when i go back to Uni.
I can only have so many first person experiences a year, not that I hate on them, but I got to balance it out. I'm getting Dante's Inferno (If you couldn't tell by my Avatar) 😉
I'm getting DI as well. I really enjoyed Bioshock when I played it on 360, but I always felt that the praise it got was from "new gamers", the game itself is good, but not great.
That because I don't see the ground breaking story nor story telling in Bioshock… I've seen better stories and better story telling in SNES/PS games, several years ago.
That's why I love Hack and Slash so much, as long as you have the slightest reason to beat everything that moves to death and the gameplay is good, you're in for hours and hours of fun 🙂
Or at least do DLC like Burnout Paradise did…
They offered a few DLC's for pay, but also added lot of free DLC's for us too
Play as Big Sister? 8D
Can't wait for this game, DLC will be nice the first one didn't get that much for us PS3 users is correct so this will be great.
DLC i dont mind as long as its not expensive, 20 bucks is the max i would pay.
and its not something taken out of the game like assassins creed 2 that seriously pissed me off and at the best part of the game to!
just as all the questions are answered they skip forward 3 chapters.
ubisoft montreal are the PROs! at making a piece of gold than completely destroying it with something so stupid and simple.
I agree with most of you guys when you say we should not support DLC because they seem to make games a certain way these days so that DLC is almost a must. And I hate that. Games aren't cheap and now they make games shorted or "less complete" and offer DLC 2 weeks later and then charge for that too making the game even more expensive…..
I think that is basically a slap in the face to all gamers.
I will support it however if it ads a considerable amount of stuff to a full and completed game… But then it must be worth while and free…
And if I have to pay for it, it better be well worth it!
For example: We all know that GT5 will be one huge and fully complete game. So there will be no need for ANY DLC what so ever… But let's say after 6 months they bring out and extra DLC expansion pack with 20 custom cars and 10 new tracks I won't mind paying for that as an UPGRADE to an already awesome game!
But I will not buy any DLC that only contains what the game should have originally have included!!!