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PSXE Poll Update: Most Will “Wait And See” With 3D

Although Sony wants to bring us true 3D gaming ahead of schedule, that doesn't mean everyone will embrace it straight out of the gate.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of readers won't be signing on for this new – and quite pricey – technology when 3D-enabled HDTVs first hit the market this summer. Most are planning to wait for a while, which is probably a smart move, especially when a big investment on a new 3D HDTV will set you back a few thousand. However, we're still very interested in seeing some of the new 3D software; we just heard this past week that Polyphony will provide racing fanatics with a 3D version of Gran Turismo 5 , and we can't wait to try that . Maybe when you see 3D gaming before your very eyes, you'll be far more likely to ante up for the next technological upgrade. At the same time, weren't we just getting used to the flashy new world of HD gaming…? Heck, time passes so fast, it almost seems incomprehensible that the true 3D perspective is right around the corner.  Wasn't it 2006 like, yesterday?

Now, in looking at February and March, we all know there are plenty of big releases. The question is, which is the one title you absolutely must have? Of all the amazing games scheduled for the next few months, what is the one potential masterpiece you just can't live without? In other words, if someone handed you sixty bucks and said, "you can buy one game between now and March 31," which would you bring home? We get the distinct feeling this will be a three-horse race between God of War III , Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy XIII .

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14 years ago

Heavy Rain. GoW III will have to wait til the price has dropped. 😉

14 years ago

Easily FF13. I just got bayonetta on 360 and that will be plenty to feed the need for action so I can wait on GoW3. That said I have WKC preordered and really can't wait to play it Level 5 make brilliant games

14 years ago

White Knight Chronicles please, and Star Ocean 4, I'll have a look at the other JRPGs after that, and no FFXIII for me, I don't like games that are described as endless kill-tubes with the linearity of a piece of string.

14 years ago


I'll let you know how it turns out… After I play all the other Games that are sure to deliver, like GOW 3 and Heavy Rain!

14 years ago

Yes, WKC needs more votes. And it will need sales! NEW sales, not used! Sales that go to Level 5 and Sony!

Everyone please buy White Knight Chronicles! That way we might (just might) get Dark Cloud 3 sometime.

Oh man… *tears up* I want Dark Cloud 3 so badly…


14 years ago

GOW 3 wasnt a main reason i got a PS3, i knew i wanted a PS3 when launch came and even b efore that. But GOW franchise definitely is one of the reasons i love owning my PS3 and other Sony platforms and thats the game i want most!

When GOW2 released i was a bit surprised it wasnt on the PS3. But now that i look back it was a smart move because there was alot of ps2 owners not ready to make the move, and the newly ps3 owners (which i was) could still enjoy it!

Anyways GOW3 for me and Heavy Rain for sure. Will wait for MAG to go through all the patches IF NEEDED and ff13 I dont know im turned off by it. Will get it but later. And I gotta finish Bio Shock before i get Bio Shock 2 so in no hurry for that!

Man Thats a ton of games to want, o boy!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/18/2010 1:20:04 AM

14 years ago

battlefield bad company 2 holds more value; so under the guise of the question prosed i would lean in that direction.but i really want heavy rain in feb; and aliens vs predator.

14 years ago

about the 3d; it will be disappointing if there is not code that is supportive of view and interaction: especially motion control based interaction.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Kratos! God of War III totally hands down.
But I'll have to hear what my neighbour says about FFXIII, he's been sharing his FF's with me since I started gaming.

(I'm a Final Fantasy lover, BTW)

14 years ago

God of War III. Those games have terrifically fun combat, and awesome platforming and puzzle solving. I'm not into military shooters, so that takes care of MAG. Battlefield BC – I think I played the demo for an earlier one of those and it was fun. I wouldn't mind playing that – assuming it's got a really good single player campaign. I wouldn't pay $5 for one of those online things with a token single player campaign. I've never played a Final Fantasy game. I've got Final Fantasy XII but I haven't gotten started on it yet. Same with Bioshock – the first one has been sitting in my collection for quite a while now. One of these days I've really got to get around to it. As far as Heavy Rain, I'm taking a wait and see approach. If it's a lot like a movie, well, I've got weird tastes in movies. I'll have to check out the review and see if it sounds like a movie I would enjoy. The Dante's Inferno demo didn't do much for me, seemed like a second rate God of War. White Knight Chronicles doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but I'll wait and see.

Last edited by JackC8 on 1/18/2010 7:17:48 AM

14 years ago

I've pretty much gotten every other playstation console for the final fantasy series (but I've had ALOT of fun with other titles too) and I've gotten the game on day 1.

I'm not going to let bad reviews change my mind.

FFXIII will consume me on March 9th.

14 years ago

It's never wise to be the first to invest in a new technology at launch. Remember HD DVDs? As long as special glasses are needed to watch 3D, I don't see it taking off in the mass home market. Going out to see a movie with that novelty is one thing, everyday home use is another.

My $60 would go to God Of War III.

14 years ago

3D without glasses may take a while to arrive. The best bet in the short-medium term is Stereoscopic 3D with the polarized glasses to see. The active shutter glasses are all fine and good, but I think it will be easier and cheap to make polarized glasses in all sorts of shapes and sizes and as clip-ons for those who wear correcting lenses. We will just have to give it a year or two.

14 years ago

For the game of choice, most definately, as I said before, God of War (hopefully the ultimate trilogy edition).
As for the 3D TV thing, way to soon for me, just got my Sony Bravia 32" 1080p HDTV in September (even though I already have my PS3 for like 2.5 years). Just like all those rumors about Playstation 4 coming in 2012, way too early, blu-ray and Playstation 3 are only just sinking in now.
God of War ForThaWin
^It has like 40% of the votes right now^

Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 1/18/2010 9:28:51 AM

14 years ago

I will be getting a 3D tv since I don't have an HD tv already, I'm probably not gonna want to wait till the summer to get one so I've been eyeballing that Sony BRAVIA 40 in 1080p 120Hz LCD Full HD Tv, I think I'll get it sometime next month

My most wanted games for the next two months, ME2, HR, GOW3 and maybe FFXIII still debating on that one.

14 years ago

It was tough deciding between GoW3 and Heavy Rain in the new poll. I went with Heavy Rain because i know what GoW3 is going to be like and i know everything i should expect from it. Heavy Rain, however, has a little bit of mystery about it, and that makes it much more interesting to me.

14 years ago

wtf happened here?!?

14 years ago

It was tough deciding between GoW3 and Heavy Rain in the new poll. I went with Heavy Rain because i know what GoW3 is going to be like and i know everything i should expect from it. Heavy Rain, however, has a little bit of mystery about it, and that makes it much more interesting to me.

14 years ago

It was tough deciding between GoW3 and Heavy Rain in the new poll. I went with Heavy Rain because i know what GoW3 is going to be like and i know everything i should expect from it. Heavy Rain, however, has a little bit of mystery about it, and that makes it much more interesting to me.

14 years ago

It was tough deciding between GoW3 and Heavy Rain in the new poll. I went with Heavy Rain because i know what GoW3 is going to be like and i know everything i should expect from it. Heavy Rain, however, has a little bit of mystery about it, and that makes it much more interesting to me.

14 years ago

Well, Mitsubishi has a 65" 3D Bestbuy for $999. They've been out since last year.

14 years ago

@redman I just don't have the room for a 65'' at the moment but I know the one you're talking about my friend has it.

14 years ago

65" and only for $999? wow…

Mitsubishi, eh? wow
Hehe, interesting (I think they also made planes for World War II) 😀

Those guys do everything…

14 years ago

That TV is 3000

14 years ago

Mitsubishi makes some bad A** t.v. They have a t.v with built in surround. It has 16 speakers lining the bottom, pointing out, and it sound phenomenal. That goes to say that t.v. is probably a good buy!

It seems cheap for $999, will have to look into it!

14 years ago

Oh come now, WWII? That was only 65 years ago now. I think we can give up dredging up that kind of past.

14 years ago

gow3 and heavy rain for me…. but i know i will get all of them.

14 years ago

Gotta be God Of War ima get the Ultimate Trilogy…And BF:BC2…might get 3D tv dependin on price

14 years ago

My kids would just keep braking the glasses so…

14 years ago

Lol. I hadnt thought about that (seeing as im 20 and have no kids, nor plans to have kids any time soon).

Imo, 3d gaming is just a short trend that will (hopefully) die out soon. Its not really going to make the games any better and i feel its going to be a crutch for sub-par games that rely on 3d to make them worth playing. Kinda like 90% of wii games rely on the wiimote instead of actual good gameplay.

14 years ago

That's how they will make most of their money, broken glasses

14 years ago

That's why polarized lenses will be cheaper and better long term, they will not break as easily – and they will be cheaper long term too.

14 years ago

That's a lot of long term.

14 years ago

That's my problem with 3D TV – long term.

14 years ago

hello …

i will buy a 3D TV & 3d Blurays & PS3 games with stereo 3D options … but first i'll need to find some cool bank … to rob 😉 jk jk …

will have to work harder & settle everything, then @ least pay the wify some pricey gifts or some trip abroad then maybe i'll have the possibility in voting a budget for it …

2nd option too difficult, will go with plan A 😉


14 years ago


14 years ago

i dont even have a decent HDTV yet

no 3d for me anytime soon

14 years ago

i dont even have a decent HDTV yet

no 3d for me anytime soon

14 years ago

I have a 1080p television that I bought when I finally had an excuse to get one- I couldnt read the in game instructions on my 27inch CRT television so my brand new fat cechh01 needed a new playmate. Now I DONT KNOW HOW I LIVED WITHOUT HD. Will I ever feel that way about 3D? Until I cannot play without it I wont know.

I've been playing the GOW Collection to get ready for GOWIII but I love me some crime drama… If I had to choose… I choose to die

14 years ago

Got preorders down on the following:

Mass Effect 2 – PC
Bioshock 2 – PS3
Splinter Cell Conviction – 360
Heavy Rain – PS3
Final Fantasy XIII – PS3
Ultimate God of War Trilogy – PS3
Gran Turismo 5 – PS3

And most of those are the collector's editions.

I can hear my wallet crying already.

Not only that, but I've got my sights set on the following as well:

Alan Wake – 360
Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker – PSP
The Last Guardian – PS3
Modnation Racers – PS3
Mario Galaxy 2 – Wii
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle – Wii
Metroid Other M – Wii
Halo Reach – 360
Diablo III – PC
Starcraft II – PC

I hope to God my 2 jobs maintain good working hours. Else I might have to give up a few. I'm thinking Halo Reach, No More Heroes 2 and Modnation Racers will have to wait for the bargain bin. Shame.

14 years ago

As for 3D, it can wait til I finish uni, have a full time job, get a girlfriend, give her a nice ring, get married, go on big holidays round the world, move out of small place into big house…

THEN I will save up a bit of money towards a 3D TV.

Sorry Sony, but people do have priorities above the next big piece of tech. Don't give up though, once the price is right, the people will devour it, much like the PS3.

14 years ago

You have a good order of priority there my friend.

14 years ago

dude my wallet is crying for you too.damn nice collection.

14 years ago

ROFLMFAO!!!! Starcraft II and Diablo III!!!

HAHAHAHAHA that made my day. I'm sure your wallet will be filled up and inflated by the time they even get a proper release date.

Definitely going to come out by the end of the year (i'm sarcastic here). HAHAHA!!!

Can't wait for them though.

14 years ago

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