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PlayStation 3 Is The Lead Platform For New Castlevania

Hmm…not long after that inferior Bayonetta port, we look down the road towards another hotly anticipated action title but this time, the PlayStation 3 is the lead platform.

Although the Xbox 360 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow won't be a port (like the PS3 version of Bayonetta ), Kojima Productions producer David Cox updated his Twitter page with the fact that Lords of Shadow is being developed with Sony's machine as the lead console. One other detail he provided is the fact that the camera will be fixed; you won't have manual control over it. This shouldn't really concern you, though, as certain blockbuster franchises like God of War always have a fixed camera. This isn't exactly surprising as it seems the fabled Castlevania franchise is definitely taking a cue from GoW…but then again, who isn't these days? We have high hopes for this latest project from Kojima Productions, primarily because it's being created by Kojima Productions . Seriously, how bad could it be? And did you hear about the excellent voice cast? All early footage and media is quite impressive and we certainly expect to have more info on this one over the next few months.

We'll also let you know when we get an estimated release window. All we know is that it's supposed to come out some time later this year.

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15 years ago

Only Castlevania I've really enjoyed was Symphony of the Night. I don't think I'd be too interested in this game if it was just straight up action, already played both Uncharted's and now GoW3 is coming up. Not my kind of thing, but throw in RPG elements of some kind to make the game playable for more than a few days and it'll interest me a lot more.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

SotN is one of the best games ever. EVER ever.

15 years ago

Totally, bought that Rondo of Blood game for psp just for SOTN. Then found out I had to play a little bit of it to 'unlock' SOTN lol

15 years ago

Rondo was hard, at least on PC.

15 years ago

I got it so I could experience SoTN… It was so worth it… even though I've got a ways to go before I finish the game.

15 years ago

SOTN is the best, yeah… but in my list, Harmony of Dissonance and Order of Ecclesia would be pretty close. In fact, if Order of Ecclesia were a PsP game, with nice PsP graphics and effects, it would be amazingly close to SOTN in quality.

Not that it lacks it on DS, but the difference in horse power between consoles is just too much.

15 years ago

I think I am the only PS3 owner that doesn't like GOW.

Anyways, considering I am a huge MGS/HK fan, this is a first day buy.

15 years ago

No you're not the only one.

15 years ago

yeah, im not too into god of war. I mean i'll try it out when it comes out, but i generally try to stay away from button mashing type games.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

Agreed. I have a lot a respect for GOWIII, but It's not the game for me.

15 years ago

I always preferred Devil May Cry 😀

15 years ago

It hurts me a bit to see that you guys don't love GOW as much as I do, but that's more my problem. Thank you all for respecting a game that many love, even if you don't necessarily enjoy it as much. Kind of like my relationship with Bayonetta ;P

15 years ago

Big time into this, been rocking the Vania since NES. PS3 being the lead makes it even better. And yeah, Kojima couldn't screw up a game so this time it looks like Castlevania will get the proper 3D treatment. Still, though, I like to be able to control my camera.

15 years ago

I heard that the whip is controlled by the right stick so there is no way to control the camera. Unless they add SixaxiS camera movement like in DMC4 which didn't work that bad at least.

15 years ago

Ben, do you know if Kojima would use the PS3 as the lead platform for that new MGS game?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You mean Rising?

I don't know. It's a new, younger time working on that and Kojima has said his role is lesser with that project than with Peace Walker for the PSP.

I'm willing to bet Rising was developed from the ground up with both platforms in mind, though.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

It's lead platform for every Kojima game because he knows that PS is the best.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

After all it only does everything.

15 years ago

I haven't really enjoyed any of the 3D iterations of the series so far. I'll stick with SoTN and the Game Boy versions.

15 years ago

It has been hard going… but Kojima Productions couldn't possibly mess it up.

15 years ago

Never played Castlevania but I have heard great things about the series, my husband can't wait for this one.

15 years ago

Just one problem that the gamers might not accept Castlevania in 3D.

15 years ago

Most people seem to have accepted Metroid in 3D, even though I think it's an abomination that is not deserving of the name. 3D isn't necessarily bad, it all depends upon the implementation.

15 years ago

Yeah, look at Super Mario 64. How the hell did that work? When a lot of work goes into it, it can turn out just fine. Especially when a capable developer is behind it.

15 years ago

Have not posted anything in a while, but this got my attention. I'm itching for this game. SOTN is still the best of all times, can they make another?

15 years ago

Could you imagine a hi-def 2D Castlevania? It would be truly slick.

15 years ago

Who knows maybe PSP2 will have that.

15 years ago

@World, I'm still holding out for someone to make a download-only, HD, 2D Castlevania game, ideally a direct sequel to SOTN. I'm still hopeful that this console version will finally give us a worthwhile 3D Castlevania, but the 2D version is the one I'm dreaming of…

15 years ago

Kojima is not dumb
I'm sure this was his decision

15 years ago

Good ol' Konami

15 years ago

Oh if only they had decided to stick to their SotN roots. Hopefully this won't turn out like the other console ones XD

15 years ago

Castlevania + Kojima Productions = Instant Win

15 years ago

what is it with action games and fixed cameras?
it seriously puts me off games because the camera at times is in a spot it should not be.
thats the best part about darksiders, being able to control the camera it makes it much easier to scan your surroundings and try and figure out puzzles.
thats my pet gripe with GOW, for fu**s sake why does almost every action game have to use a fixed camera?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Why? Because if it's done correctly, it's usually vastly superior to a camera you have to control in addition to the fighting, which is very often flawed in some way.

This is why GoW is one of the best franchises ever, if you hadn't noticed.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/18/2010 1:48:44 AM

15 years ago

Reminds me of why SNES games were so good

You didn't have to bother with the camera. And instead you focused on the ACTION/gameplay. And you were fully enthralled into the overall essence of the game (facing off against some sick enemies).

Moving the camera is for games which need it, such as those which use guns………or rpgs.

15 years ago

To be fair the fixed cam in the demo had problems.

15 years ago

in cutscenes yea a fixed camera is better, to give you the best view on whats happening, like uncharted 2.
but during combat you really need control over the camera, especially when you have a little bit of platforming involved.
ive lost count the amount of times i have said god i wish i had control of the camera while playing the GOW 3 demo which is well in the hundreds by now.

15 years ago

I have to agree with _____. The fixed camera is my least favorite aspect of GOW. I keep dodging when I try to put the camera where it should be. 🙂

15 years ago

No surprise the 360 version wont be a port, I've never heard of a game that has been produced on ps3 and ported to the box so I don't think it's possible. What sense does that make though how is the ps3 the LEAD CONSOLE when the other version of it isn't a port? Isn't that a sugar coated way of saying we are developing on both consoles separately? Hideo's awesome though I have no doubt the ps3 version will be superior he knows what he did with Metal Gear why else would he spend all the extra money to develop on both consoles separately? Kojima Productions <3 the ps3

15 years ago

Yeah I don't understand that either, wouldn't that make them both "Lead Platforms"?

15 years ago

The lead platform is the one that the primary development team is working with. So all the design work and initial testing of things is done on the 'lead platform'. All the graphical effects and features will be set for the lead platform. There will be a secondary team who's responsibility it is to implement the graphics and game engine in the 360 specific environment. They (the 360 team) will be working to implement all the same features and effects as the PS3 team. This way it's not a port, it's truly developed for both platforms, but the teams share all their information on the methods and algorithms they use so that the lessons one team learns can be shared by the other. However all the design decisions are made with respect to the 'lead platform' and the secondary team must follow the lead.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/18/2010 1:41:21 AM

15 years ago

Gee, Highlander, you sure know alot. I'm guessing you are in the PC field of work? Whatever the case, I'm glad we have someone who's really tech-savvy here.

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 1/18/2010 2:52:42 AM

15 years ago

Thanks for the tech lesson Highlander, your answer makes a lot of sense and there is good knowledge in your response. It's rare to find someone that can answer questions like that, might I suggest a q & a column in the forums with Highlander in charge?

15 years ago

now, if only call of duty's lead platform was the ps3… of well killzone will suffice.. except 4 that GODDAMN rico…

Last edited by booze925 on 1/18/2010 12:43:00 AM

15 years ago

Campin on Duty: Tactical Campin would still tremble of the might of Killzone 2 and Battlefield hehe

15 years ago

kojima did great for MGS series, but i have a feeling this will flop

15 years ago

Kojima is working on this or is he just producing it? I've never been too interested is Castlevania, but if thats the case i may give this one a whirl.

15 years ago

You know what? I think that telling us what the lead platform for upcoming multiplats is a very useful thing to do. You should do it for all upcoming (worth mentioning) titles.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

Just the soundtrack along makes me interested in this game.

15 years ago

Of course its the lead platform.