Gran Turismo 5 has been in the news a lot lately, for a variety of reasons…well, one big one. The delay.
Series creator Kazunori Yamauchi says that any Gran Turismo release is never a happy time for him, just 'cuz he's a perfectionist and is an expert at spotting the mistakes and oversights (an admirable quality). We also know all about those cool new features , which once again managed to add more vigor to our GT5 enthusiasm. But do you remember when Yamauchi said the game was all ready to go and they could "release it whenever they wished?" That all they were doing was waiting for Sony to give the green light? Well, either that was a stretching of the truth or Polyphony decided at the last second to toss in more stuff…which is starting to appear very likely. I don't recall hearing anything about a 3D version of GT5 before, do you? And Sony is going to really push new technology like 3D gaming and their motion controller in 2010; the latest report is that their 3D-enabled Bravia HDTVs will hit the market this summer. The previous estimate we saw was "end of 2010." So is there enough evidence to prove that the GT5 designers have opted to delay the game for the sake of more content and this "3D version?"
Perhaps. According to a USA Today interview with Yamauchi, he says the game is "about 90% done," and they're only polishing up the last 10%. This kinda flies in the face of the "we're done" comment we heard last summer, doesn't it? And might it imply that content they hadn't planned on including must now be featured? Finally, if this is indeed the case, are you angry at the delay or psyched that Polyphony is continuing to add content?
Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5
As a customer, I feel that we cannot be mad at developers for wanting to give us the best experience possible, regardless of whether or not the game is done. They thought the game was done, but they're polishing it up even further? How can I be mad? I'll be the one enjoying it THAT much more whenever it does release.
Exactly. Don't get me wrong, it's disappointing to see it pushed back, but if they're pushing back to finish the inner-workings of the game and adding certain things not previously in it, then so be it.
I'm a fan of the game, I would love to have my hands on it now, but I'm not going to lose my cool if they want to perfect it. All the power to them.
Fair enough but it better at the very least reinvent sliced bread.
Heres a thought; What if the game WAS indeed ready and Sony decided to use this game to promote 3D TVs when they launch. This would explain why the game is suddenly only "90% ready". PD are now having to use the time to make it 3D compatible and so giving it more polish in the mean time. This wouldnt surprise me with Sony, they delayed Eyepet in america to use it as a launch title for the wand even though the game is clearly ready as it has been out in europe for months and surely would have been an ideal game for the holidays. Whats to say they arent just stalling GT5 for the launch of 3D TVs? Just a thought
Who cares about extra content of a game you can't play? If they want to add free stuff and boost their game's options, we have internet day, ladies and gentleman! Do they know about it?
It is great news that the game will be massive, but what´s the point of making bigger something that you've been expecting for years now? It's like you parents said "Hey buddy, we won't be giving you a Christmas present for the next 5 years… but the one we're going to give you after, man, is going to HUGE!"
Just release the d*mn game already
There were a few rumors about making custom tracks as well.
Sounds great to me.
Hey world that was a mistake, I think they meant custom soundtracks as in using your own music. I could be wrong to though.
Could be, but with all the time they are taking I wouldn't be surprised to see it in there. Along with the ability to wipe my ass and bring me a coke.
Mr Pibb
Sweeeeet Tea.
Mr Pibb! Wow, i haven't had that in such a long time.
I don't think it was a mistake. Although the rumor never came out from their mouths, it was specifically talking about a track editor, and not music tracks. The funny thing about all this is it's never 100% denied. He'd say "we'll have to see."
I'm confident there will be a mini race track 'editor'.
oh yeh custom traks
I dont mind at all. Sure, I would have liked to own it by now, but I can wait patiently for it. I've held out this long already. Until the game is released, I'll use Gran Turismo for the PSP, and Dissidia Final fantasy to hold me over. 🙂
Not mad at all, i have some games i need to play before i start on gt5, mag, gow3 and rdr to name a few all first day buys for me. The reason being once gt5 hits i plan to buy a wheel set this time round, I tried the time trial and there is no way a control is going to cut it. The feel it has like the way the weight shifts, its almost as if you can actually feel it. I mean I was actually leaning my body at every turn, I haven't done that since I was a pre-teen. And usually I become obsessed with the gt series, so I'm going to burn through alot of hours, i got dumped when I bought gt4 apparenly I played too much lol, it was worth it she came back after awhile though.
It's going to get here. It's going to be fine =3
Adding content is fine. But you know, they could have gone ahead and shipped when it was supposedly ready to go, and continued working on all this new stuff so that they could issue an update that brought all the new goodies to the game at a later date.
At this point, I'm just very tired of waiting, and waiting and always hearing "just a little further", "just a little further". I feel like a 5 year old on a long car trip and I've been saying "Are we there yet?" for the last year. If I hear "Just a little further." one more time I may throw a toy at my sister.
So what you are saying is "go ahead release the game and update it later".
I think that might work just like Criterion did with the awesome free updates for Burnout Paradise.
That's really good idea…
Bad luck they didn't think about that. Maybe they just want to release something to be proud of ,something that would not need any add-ons or patches to make it work.
If 3D tv's become cheaper and 3D really takes of… it will be awesome! GT5 in 3D With a steering wheel, imagine that, would feel pretty awesome I guess.
But I only can imagine since I couldn't afford any of that.. not even the game… hah, well maybe the game 😛
Ben read my Mind.. I know they are making it 3D ready…. It would be a MEGA lunch… GT5 3D + 3D tv + Gem …. How explosive….
Sony Needs Games Like GT5 to effectively drive into tru 3D gaming..
You know…I appreciate Yamauchi sama's work considering he isn't lazy like most other developers *COUGH* CAPCOM *COUGH* FOR Resident Evil *COUGH COUGH!!!* and just puts a sh** load of DLC later.
I mean I bet there will still be DLC later…but not because he was going to originally include it in the game.
I just hope though…that it doesn't come out at a time like…this Christmas…because that'll be…a little sad. I mean…a game we were expecting Fall 2009…on Winter 2010…. =(
Good thoughts.
Polyphony Digital are just being lazy. Give me a break about adding "new content." If that was the case, the game would NEVER release because there is ALWAYS "new content" to be added. Nothing is ever perfect so Polyphony Digital could try for another 5 years for all I care. They are just being lazy. In the 5 years it has taken Polyphony Digital to make GT5, Turn 10 has already produced two AAA racers on the Xbox 360. No more excuses from Polyphony Digital, please. And if you people do your research, you will realize that the series has slowly deteriorated after GT 1. Hopefully GT 5 won't turn out like the mess that was GT PSP.
Although you said most of that before you are for the most part correct.The GT goonies will probably disagree with you though.
Forza doesn't have as big of a marketing to M$ as GT5 is to Sony, nor is it as revolutionary. PD is not a typical developer either. They actually make real-life collaborations with the auto market world.
Also, from what I'm seeing, Sony is really trying to take advantage of the popularity of the franchise with their plans. That's what happened with PSPGo and GTPSP, and with GT5, 3D technology.
If Turn 10 actually tried to make their game as big of a caliber as GT5 is, I HIGHLY doubt they can finish it any faster, nor if they even can.
Saying they're lazy is more like you being lazy on taking the time to actually think what really happened. If you just look at the shell of things, then yeah it looks really bad. I'm not gonna lie, 5 plus years is a long time, but you gotta look into the reason on why that is.
GT3 was probably the high point of the GT games so far. GT most certainly did not peak with GT1. I think you're being needlessly inflammatory – and I think you know it.
Right on Highlander. I forgot to comment about that part.
But yeah, the franchise certainly did not deteriorate since GT1, and don't say I haven't done my research. Actually I don't have to even research it. Being alive is enough for me to realize it.
Calling Polyphony Digital lazy?
Bro'… please.
Kaz never really talked/hinted anything about a 3D feature for the game, so I'm assuming that Sony not too long ago wanted PD to implement the technology so it can help them market it.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Perhaps a big part of that last 10% push is polishing up that 3D technology.
I didn't really see anything in that article about Kaz and team wanting to add more features though, just "polishing" things up (meaning every features already been added, just a matter of polishing those added features). This small quote tells me that the game can release in March, but I guess they want to delay it to coincide with the 3D technology.
Last edited by daus26 on 1/16/2010 12:39:41 AM
I just came up with a feature no-one at PD apparently has ever thought of: full G25 support.
C-mon if they want to make the best racing game it should support the G25. Though neither GT5P nor the demo supported it. 🙁
A worldwide summer release seems plausible .
booze is back… but now he's not here to make an ass of himself
ben, this is a good un-biased website ive visited everyday since i was banned. and you got a great crowd, and cool people. if you remember me, then im sorry for being an ass
I don't remember you but provided you're cool, you won't be banned again.
I've been getting peeved recently from Ben's coverage of GT5. I don't want to keep going through them to find myself reading the same types of negative comment (not exaggerating, they're similar).
Tehe 😉 <– friendly face to indicate no fights plz.
We're on a boat so don't worry a fight will not occur in such a rare event
I'm mad and happy at the same time.
I'm sure all of you feel the same.
To release or not release. Its a tough call. I mean if the ps3's life cycle is going to be as long as people are saying (and i hope it will) Then some of the extras can wait. 3D would be HUGE. Id be weak in the knees playing GT in 3D, i dont even want to think about how awesome that would be lol. But the support isnt even here yet and I dont know if id a) want to buy a new tv now and b) buy a sony tv.
There are tons of things that they could add to make the game even more great than it seems it already is, but i think they have time to do 2 GT's this generation (like normal). The car models will be there already and then the world is their oyster. The thing is, a lot of people are getting ancey and having taken this long they might want to just throw that extra stuff on there.
All i want is for the physics to offer new challenges and a great feel, more missions, definitely some new tracks, smooth online playability w/ incentives for clean driving and PHOTOMODE!!!! (as a photoshop buff on the gtplanet forums, i cant tell you how many hours have been spent on gt4 photomode and posting them in the forums)
btw Have we heard about any custom soundtracks or time of day/weather changes?
It's in the game.
The funny thing about GT5 is that even 5 years after GT4 I'm still interested in GT5.
And it took me only one year to forget about WKC.
Time this comes out there will be a Forza 4..maybe 5..
What if at the time KY said that, GT5 was at the point of say something like GT4? GT5 is a huge game and what he probably meant at the time was that there's some much content in the game that it could be release right there and it would feel as if it was a full GT game.
And the push back was for only Japan so why is everyone bugging out? I mean wouldn't a release date have to first be given and the changed in order for it to be considered delayed? So far I have yet to hear of a date, with the exception of the Japan release, which does not affect us westerners.
Stop complaining. Sit back. And prepare to be blown. That's what I'm doing. Why not you?
cars are the best
Well… I think it IS possible that Sony wanted them to hold off and add the 3D features to promote their new
TVs, but I wouldn't be surprised if Polyphony didn't take the time to put in new features… They may still save some things for DLC.
I think that most people will be a little bummed, but really it works out for most of us because of all the great games coming out in the Spring.
Let them take their time. They're going to give us a real Gem… we just need to be patient, and then reward them for all of their hard work by buying it, playinging it, and loving it.